
몬산토의 부사장 Robert Fraley가 최근 기후변화의 영향에 대처하기 위해 GMO 종자를 제공하여 세계식량상의 수상자 가운데 한 명이 되고 몇 주 뒤, 몬산토는 자신의 유전자변형 "기후 대비" 종자의 판매가 급락하고 이윤이 감소했기 때문에 이번 분기에 2억6400만 달러의 손실을 봤다고 자체 보고했다. 그리고 Fraley가 상을 받은 이후, GMO 옥수수의 생산이 몬산토의 잠재적 주요 시장의 하나인 멕시코에서 공식적으로 금지되었다.

매년 세계식량의 날에 수요되는 세계식량상은 지구에서 기아와 식량불안의 수억 명에게 지속가능하고 영양가 있는 먹을거리를 공급하기 위해 현실성 있는 전략의 인도주의적 중요성을 강조하는 듯하다. 모순적으로, 이 목표를 달성하기 위해 광범위한 대중의 참여를 이끄는 것은 몬산토가 아니라, 농민이 선발하고 많은 지역사회에서 물려온 토종의 다양성이다. 왜 그런가? 그러한 식량 생물다양성은 식량불안과 기후불확실성을 다루는 가장 신중한 "분할 산란" 전략일 것이기 때문이다.

미국에서 소비자는 종자의 다양성과 농민이 선발한 토종 식량작물 및 기타 야생종의 재배를 강하게 요구한 적이 없다. 사람들이 몬산토의 대안을 바란다는 많은 지표 가운데 하나는 150곳 이상의 지역사회에서 관리하는 씨앗도서관이 지난 5년 사이 전국에서 나타나고 있다는 것이다. 지난 25년에 걸쳐, 자발적으로 토종과 농민이 선발한 채소, 과일, 곡식의 종자를 나누는 사람들이 자신들의 씨앗 종류를 점점 늘리고 있다. 약 5천 가지에서 2만 가지 이상으로 늘었다. 가 된다. 같은 기간 씨앗 안내책자와 육묘상, 웹사이트에서 제공하는 GMO와 하이브리드가 아닌 식량작물 품종의 숫자가 약 5천 가지에서 8500가지 이상으로 증가했다.

그럼에도 불구하고, 이러한 시민들의 노력과 소비자의 요구는 기아와 인간의 건강을 향상시키려는 모든 정부와 대부분의 자선단체에게 간과되고 있다. 미국 정부가 폐쇄되기 이전에조차, 식량정의와 경관 탄력성, 생태계 서비스를 위해 종자다양성을 유지하는 일에 대한 연방정부의 지원이 흔들리기 시작했다. 예산 삭감이 미국 농무부의 작물자원 보존 노력을 무력화시켰고, NRCS 식물물질센터에 남아 있는 예산도 언제 잘릴지 모른다. 채소, 과일, 곡물 다양성에 뛰어난 큐레이터들이 연방과 주 정부의기관에서 은퇴했어도 역사적으로 중요한 수집품만 남겨 놓고 그 자리가 공석으로 남아 있다.

만약 워싱턴의 정치인과 관료 들이 6800만 이상의 텃밭농부와 농민, 목장주들이 명확하게 이해하는 다음과 같은 단순한 사실을 인식하지 못하는 것 같다. 종자다양성은 식량안보와 경제적 복지를 보장하기 위해 필요한 돈과 같은 "통화"이다. 그들은 자신의 몸에 들어가는 영양가와 맛, 음식의 질에 관심을 가지고 매년 종자와 모종, 묘목을 구입하는 데 평균 수백 달러를 소비한다. 씨앗이 없으면 우리가 먹는 음식의 대부분은 기르지 못하는 것이 분명한데, 몇몇 전문가들은 "먹을거리 규칙"에 의한 귀결이라 인정한다. 우리의 식료품점과 농민장터에 품종을 유지하기 위한 종자의 다양성 없이, 가장 영양학적으로 위험에 처해 있는 사람들이 건강을 위해 모든 범위의 비타민과 미네랄, 프로바이오틱을 얻기 힘들 것이다.

그러나 정부와 농기업들이 짐작하지 못하고 있음에도 불구하고, 2008년에 시작된 경기침체 이후 다양한 씨앗에 대한 접근성을 회복하려는 소비자의 참여는 아주 기적이나 마찬가지다. 일부는 그것을 "승리의 텃밭 효과"라고 부르는데, 실업자와 불완전 고용 상태의 사람들이 정원이나 지역사회 텃밭에서 자신의 먹을거리를 재배하는 데 이전보다 더 많은 시간을 보내고 있다.  "승리의 텃밭 효과"라고 부른다. 전국 텃밭협회(National Gardening Association)에 의하면, 먹을거리 재배에 참여하는 대중은이 6년 연속 증가하고 있다. 그러나 재정적으로 쪼들리는 텃밭농부들이 그들의 제한된 자원을 토종과 농민이 선발한 채소 씨앗을 구입하는 데 아낌없이 활용하고 있다. 아이오와 데코라의 채종자 나눔(Seed Savers Exchange)은 포장씨앗의 판매가 지난 5년 사이 거의 2배가 되었다고 보고한다. 토종과 야생종 씨앗에 주목하는 또 다른 비영리단체인 투손의 Native Seeds/SEARCH 자신들의 씨앗 판매가 2009년 말 이후 3배가 되었다고 한다. 그리고 미국에서 300~400개 사이의 소규모 종자회사가 소비자들의 지원을 받아 우편주문과 식료품점이나 종묘상에 상품을 진열하고, 인터넷 등으로 씨앗을 제공한다.  

그럼에도 불구하고 미국은 현재 우리의 농경지, 목초지, 숲에 닥치고 있는 기후 관련 재난 때문에 우리의 역사에서 토종과 잡초 제거 종자의 유용성이 가장 부족한 상태에 접근하고 있다. 몇몇 대기업들이 옥수수, 콩, 기타 상품 작물에 집중하는 동안, 이 나라와 다른 곳곳에서 인간과 환경의 중대한 다양성을 위해 활용되는 다양한 종자에 대한 전례없는 수요가 있다.

미국이 공공의 이익을 위해 종자 육묘장과 농장 현지 육종, 작물 선택 활동 등을 관리하기 위한 헌신적인 새로운 지지자들을 모집하고 지원해야 한다는 것이 너무나 명백해졌다. 또한 기후변화에 적응하기 위한 작물 품종의 능력에 대해 평가하려면, 우린 카리스마 있는 조니 애플시드Johnny Appleseed나 그 이상의 참가자들의 노력이 필요할 것이다. 그들은 앞으로 닥칠 재해를 대비하여 다양한 수요에 맞춘 다양한 종자를 수확, 재배, 관찰, 선발, 갈무리할 준비가 되어 있어야 한다. 그리고 그들은 현명한 투자자들이 다양한 투자 포트폴리오에 활용하는 것처럼 보관된 종자의 다양성을 획득하고 유지하는 것을 생각해야 한다. 다양하고 적응된 종자는 말 그대로 우리 식량안보 기반의 토대이다. 그것 없이 나머지는 사상누각이다. 

뉴질랜드 국립도서관

다행스럽게도 용감한 노력이 미국의 종자 "돌봄 능력"을 재구축하고자 시작되고 있다. 부처간의 토종 식물물질 개발프로그램(Native Plant Materials Development Program)의 일부인 성공의 종자(Seeds of Success)로 알려진 공동 노력은 지난 몇 년에 걸쳐 수많은 토종 종자를 수집하기 위해 시카고 식물원에서 수십 명의 젊은이들을 훈련시켰다. 비영리 부문에서는 Native Seeds/SEARCH의 Bill McDorman이 전국에서 6주의 장기 종자학교를 열어, 330명 이상의 텃밭농부와 농민이 훈련을 받고 종자 기업가가 되었다. 

다른 곳에서는 현재 컬럼비아 대학의 대학원생인 Daniel Bowman이 단 한 끼가 아니라 많은 걸 생산하기 위하여 농민장터에서 다양한 씨앗과 모종을 구입하고자 SNAP 혜택을 사용하는 수백의 저소득가구(미국 농무부의 식품영양프로그램의 지원을 받는 자격)를 도왔다. 농업법 논쟁에서 일어난 SNAP 프로그램에 대한 최근의 부당한 비판에 비추어, 국가 재정의 보수당이 재정적으로 쪼들리는 가정에 종자를 함께 제공하는 것이 장기적으로 식량불안을 감소시키는 비용 대비 가장 합리적인 방법 중 하나라는 사실을 인정하지 않은 것은 놀라운 일이다. 그 방법은 빈곤층에게 물고기보다 "물고기 잡는 방법"을 명백하게 알려준다. 오늘날 미국에는 1994년 1775곳과 비교하여 8150곳 이상의 농민장터가 있고, 그와 함께 빈곤층의 영양 수요를 충족시키는 데 도움이 되는 이러한 종자 배분 전략의 잠재성이 컸던 적이 없다.

미국의 주들이 GMO 표시제를 필요로 하든지 멕시코처럼 완전히 GMO를 금지하든지에 관계없이, 유전자변형이든 아니든 단 몇 가지 "묘책" 식물품종에 의한 시장 장악이 약해지고 있는 것부터 수천 가지 종자와 과일로 미국의 농장과 식탁을 다시 다양화하려는 것을 지원하는 일까지 공적 투자를 전환해야 한다는 많은 증거가 있다. 계획된 40가지의 개발, 특허, 단일 GMO 상표권에 100만 달러를 지출하는 대신, 아마 우린 매년 우리의 종자 카탈로그, 육묘장, 과수원, 농장, 목장, 그리고 식탁에 다양성을 더욱 보충하여 많은 대중의 지지를 전용해야 할 것이다. 기후 불확실성의 파괴적인 영향에 대한 증거가 커지고 있는 지금, 우리가 한 바구니에 우리의 모든 종자를 넣을 때가 아니다.

Gary Paul Nabhan 씨는 <Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land>의 저자이다. 그는 퍼머컬쳐 디자이너이자 아리조나 파타고니아에 있는 과수원을 운영한다. 또한 지역 먹을거리 운동과 풀뿌리 종자보전의 선구자로 널리 알려져 있다.


'농담 > 농-생태계' 카테고리의 다른 글

벌레 먹은 배추   (0) 2014.06.12
슈퍼잡초의 등장  (0) 2014.06.02
진딧물을 조종해 확산되는 바이러스  (0) 2013.12.06
충남, 밭토양 비옥도 '양호'  (0) 2013.10.21
미생물로 세계를 먹여살린다  (0) 2013.10.10

세계를 먹여 살리는 다섯 단계의 계획

환경에 대한 위협을 생각할 때, 우린 저녁식사가 아닌 자동차나 굴뚝을 그리는 경향이 있다. 

그러나 진실은, 식량에 대한 수요가 지구의 가장 큰 위험 가운데 하나라고 주장한다. 

농업은 우리의 모든 자동차, 트럭, 기차, 비행기보다 많은 양의 온실가스를 배출하여 지구온난화에 가장 큰 기여를 하는 부문 가운데 하나이다. 주로 소가 배출하는 메탄과 논, 비료를 준 농지에서 나오는 아산화질소, 작물이나 가축을 키우려고 베어내는 열대우림에서 나오는 이산화탄소가 그것이다. 농업은 우리의 소중한 물을 가장 많이 사용하는 분야이며, 비료와 분뇨의 유출로 전 세계의 호수와 강, 해안의 생태계를 파괴하는 주요한 오염원이기도 한다. 또한 생물다양성의 상실을 가속화시킨다. 농지를 위해 초원과 숲을 밀어버리기 때문에, 중요한 서식지가 사라지며 농업은 야생생물 멸종의 주요 요인이 되었다.

농업에 의한 환경문제는 거대하며, 전 세계적으로 증가하는 식량 수요를 충족시키기 위해 더 중요해질 것이다. 이번 세기 중반까지 먹여살릴 입이 20억 정도 늘어 전체 인구는 90억 이상이 될 것이다. 그러나 급증하는 인구만이 우리가 더 많은 식량을 필요로 하는 유일한 요인이 아니다. 세계적으로, 특히 중국과 인도의 경우 경제가 성장하면서 육류, 달걀, 유제품에 대한 수요의 증가가 더 많은 수의 소와 돼지, 닭 등의 가축을 키우기 위해 옥수수와 콩을 재배하도록 압박하는 요인이 되고 있다. 이러한 추세가 계속된다면, 인구 성장과 풍성한 식단이란 이중고는 2050년까지 약 2배나 되는 작물을 재배해야 하도록 할 것이다. 

안타깝게도 세계의 식량문제를 해결하는 방법에 대한 논쟁은 관행농업과 세계 무역 대 지역 먹을거리 체계와 유기농업의 대결로 양극화되어 있다. 그 논쟁은 격렬해질 수 있으며, 우리의 정치처럼 공통점을 찾기보다는 더 분열되고 있는 것 같다. 관행농업을 선호하는 사람들은 현대의 기계화, 관개, 화학비료, 향상된 유전학이 수요를 충족시키는 데 도움이 되도록 수확량을 증가시킬 수 있다고 이야기한다. 그리고 그들이 맞다. 한편 지역 먹을거리와 유기농업을 주장하는 사람들은 세계의 소농들이 화학비료와 농약 없이 비옥도를 개선하는 기술을 채택함으로써 수확량을 충분히 증가시키고 빈곤을 벗어나는 데 도움이 될 수 있다며 반대한다. 그들 또한 맞다.

그러나 양자택일할 필요는 없다. 두 접근법 모두 절실히 필요한 해결책을 제공하지, 어느 하나에서만 오는 것이 아니다. 유기농과 지역 먹을거리이든 최첨단과 관행농업이든지 간에 좋은 생각은 모두 탐구하고 모두의 장점을 혼합하는 것이 현명할 것이다.

이 간단한 질문에 직면한 과학자들을 이끈 것은 행운이었다. 어떻게 농업으로 인한 환경 피해를 줄이면서 이용할 수 있는 식량을 2배로 늘릴 것인가? 농업과 환경에 대한 대량의 자료를 분석한 뒤, 우린 세계 식량의 딜레마를 해결할 수 있는 다섯 단계를 제시했다

농업의 얼굴

전 세계에서 소농은 세계를 먹여살리는 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 그 노력 너머에는 여러 남성과 여성이 있다.

Mariam Kéita 씨는 말리 Siby에 있는 농장에서 땅콩을 수확했다. 하이브르디 종자, 화학비료, 관개라는 녹색혁명의 혼합물은 아프리카에서 시작되지 않았다. 그러나 사하라사막 이남의 국가들은 현재 그들의 수확량이 크게 향상될 수 있기 때문에 세계의 식량생산을 증대시킬 중요한 기회를 제공하고 있다. 

페루의 안데스 고산지대에 사는 Estela Cóndor 씨는 다섯 가지 품종의 감자를 재배해 시장에 내다판다. 그녀는 마슈아mashua라는 노란 감자는 식구들을 위해 요리한다. 콘도르 씨 같은 소농은 개발도상국의 사람들이 먹는 대부분의 식량을 재배한다.

말리 Siby의 Bassama Camara 씨.

미국 아이오와의 Sally Gran 씨.

에티오피아 Tulu Rei의 Girma Wodajo 씨.

미국 위스콘신의 Chris Covelli 씨.

우크라이나 Starovyshnevetske의 Valentin Tarasov 씨. 

방글라데시 Sajiali의 Anwara Begum 씨.

미국 사우스다코타의 Scott Dowling 씨.

산업형 규모의 농장은 하나의 작물을 거대한 농지에 재배하며 화학비료와 농약을 사용하여 고수확을 달성했다.

방글라데시 Jessore의 Jaghati 마을의 사람들.

소농이 산업형 농장에 비해 수확량에서 뒤처지는 경향이 있지만, 실제로는 사람들을 먹여살리는 더 많은 식량을 제공하곤 한다.

인도네시아 발리의 Pak Kompiang 씨. 

미국 아이오와의 George Naylor 씨.

우크라이나 Hlynske의 Olexandra Salo 씨.

미국 캔사스의 Frank Reese 씨.

영국 스카이 제도의 Paul McGlynn 씨.

첫 번째 단계: 농업의 발자국을 멈추자

대부분의 역사 동안 더 많은 식량을 생산할 필요가 있을 때에는 간단히 숲을 없애거나 초원을 갈아엎어 더 많은 농장을 만들었다. 우린 이미 작물을 재배하기 위해 남아메리카 정도의 크기를 밀어버렸다. 가축을 키우기 위해 우린 아프리카 정도의 크기를 접수해버렸다. 농업의 발자국은 북미의 평원과 브라질의 대서양 숲 및 열대우림을 놀라운 속도로 계속해서 밀어버리는 것을 포함해 전 세계에서 전체 생태계의 상실을 야기하고 있다. 그러나 우리에겐 더 이상 농지를 확장하여 식량생산을 증대하기 위한 여유가 없다. 농지를 열대우림과 맞바꾸는 것은 환경에 행하는 가장 파괴적인 일들 가운데 하나이지만, 여전히 배고픈 지구의 8억5000만 명에게는 거의 혜택을 주지 않고 있다. 농업을 위해 밀어버린 열대의 토지 대부분은 세계의 식량안보에 큰 기여를 하지 못하고 있으며, 대신 소와 가축을 위한 콩, 목재, 팜유를 생산하기 위해 사용된다. 산림 벌채의 방지를 최우선으로 해야 한다.

두 번째 단계: 우리가 가진 농장에서 더 많이 키우자

1960년대에 시작된 녹색혁명은 아시아와 라틴아메리카에서 더 나은 품종의 작물과 더 많은 화학비료, 관개, 농기계를 사용하여 수확량을 증대시켰다. 하지만 그와 함께 주요한 환경 비용을 발생시켰다. 세계는 현재 생산성이 떨어지는 농지, 특히 아프리카와 라틴아메리, 동유럽에서 수확량을 증대시키는 데 관심을 돌리고 있다. 이곳들은 현재의 생산 수준과 향상된 농법으로 가능한 생산 수준 사이에 “수확량 격차”가 있는 곳이다. 최첨단, 정밀 농업 체계만이 아니라 유기농업에서 가져온 방법을 활용하여 이러한 지역에서 수확량을 높일 수 있다. 

우리가 재배하는 곳, 우리가 재배하는 것, 우리가 재배하는 방법을 

더 효율적으로 만들 수 있다.




농업이 존재하는 곳

앞으로 25년 동안 거의 모든 새로운 식량생산은 기존의 농지에서 이루어질 것이다.



작물이 활용되는 방법

식량작물 칼로리의 단 55%만 사람이 직접 섭취한다. 동물을 사육하여 발생하는 육류와 유제품, 달걀은 또 다른 4%를 한다.



수확량을 개선할 수 있는 곳

수확량이 가장 낮은 곳의 영양과 물 공급을 개선하는 것은 세계 식량생산을 58% 증대할 수 있다.

세 번째 단계: 자원을 더 효율적으로 활용하자

우린 이미 관행농업의 환경에 대한 영향을 극적으로 줄이면서 높은 수확량을 올릴 수 있는 방법이 있다. 녹색혁명은 집약적이고 지속가능하지 않은 수자원 사용과 화석연료를 기반으로 한 화학물질에 의존했다. 그러나 상업적 농업은 진보한 센서와 GPS를 장착한 컴퓨터화된 트랙터를 활용하여 화학비료와 농약을 더 정확하게 적용하는 혁신적인 방법을 발견함으로써 거대한 발전을 만들기 시작했다. 많은 농민들이 인근 수로에 화학물질의 유출을 최소화하는 데 도움이 되도록 자신의 토양 상황에 맞춰 화학비료의 양과 성분을 조절하여 적용한다.

유기농업도 물과 화학물질의 사용을 대폭 절감할 수 있다. 덮개작물과 흙덮개를 결합시키고, 토양의 질을 향상시키기 위해 퇴비를 활용하고, 물을 보전하고, 영양분을 강화함으로써 가능해진다. 많은 농민들이 비효율적인 관개 체계를 대체하여 점적관개처럼 더 정확한 방법으로 수자원을 현명하게 활용한다.  관행농업과 유기농업 모두에서의 진보는 우리에게 물과 영양분 한 방울당 더 많은 작물을 안겨줄 수 있다. 

국가의 법으로 보호를 받는 브라질의 개암나무만 농민들이 옥수수 재배를 위해 아마존의 열대우림을 밀어낸 뒤에도 남아 있다. 산림파괴의 속도가 늦어졌음에도, 이 파라Pará 주의 북부에서는 지난 세월에 걸쳐 37% 남아 우려스럽다.

브라질 마투 그로수의 Nutribras 양돈농장에서, 모돈이 새끼 돼지를 깔아뭉개지 않도록 스톨로 격리되어 있다. 돼지농장은 엄청난 오염원이 될 수 있다. 평균 90kg이 돼지가 하루에 약 6kg의 분뇨를 생산한다. 하지만 Nutribras에서는 분뇨를 거름과 메탄 발전에 재활용한다.

소가 충격으로 정신을 잃은 뒤, 죽임을 당하고 피를 빼기 전 상공의 노면전차에 다리 하나로 매달려 있다. 세계에서 가장 큰 육류생산업체인 JBS는 브라질에 본사를 두고 있다.

노동자들이 소의 사체를 부위별로 분리하고 있다. JBS는 이를 전 세계로 수출한다. 발굽과 뼈는 갈아서 물고기 사료와 비료로 쓴다. 

브라질 Itapuí의 가금류 기업에서 시간당 1만8000마리의 닭을 가공한다. 미국과 중국에서만 매년 브라질보다 더 많은 닭을 먹는다. 1인당 약 100마리이다. 브라질의 가금류 생산은 2000~2012년 사이 2배가 되었다.

Nutribras는 사육하는 모든 돼지를 자체 시설에서 가공한다. 하루 약 1300마 꼴이다. 가축이 죽은 뒤, 깨끗이 하고 털을 벗기려고 끓는 물 속에 담근다. 

캘리포니아 그린필드 근처의 Bassetti 농장에서 노동자들이 미국과 아시아의 소매점에 출하하고자 셀러리를 수확하고 있다. 미국의 샐러드 그릇이라 불리는 살리나스 계곡은 관개를 위해 지하수에 의존하여, 현재의 가뭄이 계속될 경우 위험해질 수 있다.

매달 약 450만 마리의 닭이 브라질 Sidrolândia 근처의 이 공장에서 도축되어 용기에 담기고 잘리고 장식되고 포장된다. 그 부위는 전 세계로 운송된다. 날개와 발은 주로 중국으로, 다리는 일본으로 가슴살은 유럽으로 간다. 닭에 대한 세계의 식욕이 가금류 생산을 돼지고기나 소고기보다 훨씬 빠르게 성장하도록 하고 있다.

몬산토의 노스캐롤라이나 실험실에서, 옥수수의 성장을 기록하는 자동화된 사진 부스에 들어서고 있다. 이 기업은 물과 비료가 덜 필요한 옥수수와 콩의 특성을 개발하고자 하고 있다. 지금까지 생명공학이 회피하던 목표이다. 그러한 자원의 사용을 줄이는 것이 다가올 시기에 세계를 먹여살리는 핵심이다.

네 번째 단계: 식단을 전환하자

가 재배한 작물을 인간의 위장으로 넣으면 2050년까지 90억 명을 먹여살리기 더 쉬워진다. 오늘날 세계 작물 칼로리의 55%만 직접적으로 인간을 먹여살리는 데 쓰인다. 나머지는 가축을 먹이거나(약 36%) 생물연료와 산업 제품으로 전환된다(약 9%). 우리 대부분이 시설에서 사육된 가축의 고기와 유제품, 달걀을 소비하지만, 가축에게 먹이는 사료의 칼로리 가운데 일부만 우리가 소비하는 육류와 우유가 된다. 우리가 가축을 먹이는 곡물 100칼리로마다 우유로 40칼로리, 달걀로 22칼로리, 닭고기로 12칼로리, 돼지고기로 10칼로리, 소고기로 3칼로리만 새로 얻는다. 가축을 키우는 더 효율적인 방법을 찾고, 육식을 덜하는 식단으로 전환하면 —곡물을 먹인 소고기에서 닭고기와 돼지고기 또는 풀을 먹인 소고기로 전화하는 것만으로도— 전 세계에 걸쳐 상당한 양의 식량을 확보할 수 있게 만든다. 개발도상국의 사람들이 새로 발견된 번영이 주어지는 가까운 미래에 고기를 덜 먹을 가능성이 없기 때문에, 우리는 먼저 이미 육식을 많이 하는 식단에 초점을 맞출 수 있다. 생물연료에 식량작물의 사용을 줄이는 것도 식량 가용성을 강화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다.

세계는 더 요구하고 있다

By 2050년 까지 세계의 인구는 35% 이상 증가할 가능성이 있다.

그 인구를 먹여살리기 위해, 작물 생산은 2배가 되어야 한다. 

왜? 개발도상국이 경제성장에 따라 더 많은 육류를 먹기 때문에 생산은 인구 성장을 훨씬 앞질러야 할 것이다.

다섯 번째 단계: 쓰레기를 줄이자

세계 식품 칼로리의 25%와 전체 식품 무게의 최대 50%가 소비되기 전에 상실되거나 버려진다고 추산된다. 선진국에서 쓰레기의 대부분은 가정과 식당 또는 슈퍼마켓에서 발생한다. 가난한 국가에서는 식량이 열악한 저장과 운송 때문에 농민과 시장 사이에서 사라지곤 한다. 선진국의 소비자들은 음식을 더 조금 나눠주고, 남은 음식을 먹고, 식당과 슈퍼마켓 등에서 쓰레기를 줄이는 방법을 개발하도록 독려하는 것과 같은 간단한 단계를 취함으로써 쓰레기를 줄일 수 있다. 식량 가용성을 증대시키기 위한 모든 선택지 가운데 쓰레기 줄이기가 가장 효율적인 방법 중 하나이다. 

종합하면, 이러한 다섯 단계는 세계의 식량 공급을 2배 이상으로 만들면서 환경에 대한 농업의 전 세계적 영향을 극적으로 줄일 수 있다. 그러나 그게 쉽지는 않을 것이다. 이 해결책은 사고방식의 커다란 전환을 필요로 한다. 역사의 대부분 동안 우린 농업에 더욱더, 더욱더, 더욱더 지나치게 열성적으로 나서면서 맹목적이 되었다. 더 많은 땅을 밀어버리고, 더 많은 작물을 재배하고, 더 많은 자원을 사용하게 된 것이다. 우린 더 많은 식량을 생산하는 일과 미래세대를 위해 지구를 유지하는 일 사이의 균형을 찾을 필요가 있다.

지금은 식량안보와 지구의 환경 보전에 대한 전례없는 과제에 직면하고 있는 중요한 순간이다. 좋은 소식은 우리가 이미 해야 할 일을 알고 있다는 사실이다. 우린 단지 그걸 실천할 방법을 강구하기만 하면 된다. 세계의 식량 문제를 해결하는 일은 우리 모두가 그릇에 놓이는 음식에 관해 더 사려 깊어지기를 요구한다. 우리는 우리의 음식과 그걸 기르는 농민, 그리고 우리의 음식과 우리를 지탱하는 땅과 유역 및 기후 사이의 연결해야 한다. 슈퍼마켓의 복도에서 식료품 카트를 조종하면서 행하는 우리의 선택이 우리의 미래를 결정하는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 

Jonathan Foley는 미네소타 대학의 환경연구소를 이끈다. Jim Richardson의 농민 사진은 농업을 기록하는 그의 최신 작품이다. George Steinmetz의 big-picture approach는 산업형 먹을거리의 경관을 보여준다.

록펠러 재단과 내셔날지오그래픽 회원들이 이 글에 관대한 지원을 해주었다.

모든 지도와 도표: Virginia W. Mason and Jason Treat, NGM Staff. 

A World Demanding More, 출처: David Tilman, University of Minnesota. 

Agriculture's Footprint, 출처: Roger LeB. Hooke, University of Maine. 

Maps, 출처: Global Landscapes Initiative, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota.



'농담 > 농업 전반' 카테고리의 다른 글

양봉을 하고 싶다고요?  (0) 2014.05.31
미국의 미친 식량정책  (0) 2014.04.23
농업 붐이 일고 있는 미국  (0) 2014.01.02
농부가 세상을 바꾼다  (0) 2013.12.31
왜 수많은 인도의 농민들이 자살하는가  (0) 2013.12.09

GM opponents say the talks are a thinly veiled attempt to promote biotech farming at the government level in Africa. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty Images

Africa is expected to be the next target of GM food companies, as European scientists and policymakers travel to Ethiopia to boost the prospect of growing more of the controversial crops on the continent.

Anne Glover, the chief scientific adviser to the European commission, and other prominent pro-GM researchers and policymakers from European countries including Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden will this week meet Ethiopian, Kenyan, Ghanaian and Nigerian farm ministers as well as officials from the African Union.

The British environment secretary, Owen Paterson, who said last year that the UK would be acting immorally if it did not make GM crop technologies available to poor countries, pulled out of the conference in Addis Ababa, organised by the European Academies Science Advisory Council (Easac).

According to an Easac spokeswoman, the meeting is intended to help EU and African scientists collaborate to allow the crops to be grown more easily on the continent. "EU policy on GM crops is massively important for Africa," she said. "A lot of countries are scared to do any research. They fear they will be punished by EU restrictions. They depend on the EU for their exports."

Critics, however, said the meeting was a thinly disguised attempt to promote GM farming at a governmental level, whether or not it was good for local farmers.

"The meeting has the appearance of giving the European stamp of approval on GM crops, even though the majority of EU citizens oppose GM in food," said a spokeswoman for GM Watch, a UK-based NGO.

The talks take place as industry data shows the increase in the planting of GM crops has practically halted in the US and as G8 countries, led by the US and Britain, press African states to liberalise their farming as part of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition initiative.

The New Alliance is intended to accelerate African agricultural production, but farmers have widely criticised it as a new form of colonialism.

Olivier de Schutter, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, has described Africa as the last frontier for large-scale commercial farming. "There's a struggle for land, for investment, for seed systems, and, first and foremost, there's a struggle for political influence," he said.

According to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (Isaaa), South Africa grows GM food crops, and Burkina Faso and Sudan cotton. Seven other African countries – Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda – have conducted GM field trials. The first drought-tolerant genetically modified maize is expected to be grown on the continent in 2017, it says.

Annual figures from Isaaa show that US farmers planted 70.1m hectares (173m acres) of GM crops in 2013, less than 1% more than in 2011 and 2012. Latin American and Asian farmers grow more than half of the world's GM crops, mostly for animal feed or cotton production.

The latest figures show that 77% of the world's GM crops are grown in three countries – 40% in the US, 23% in Brazil and 14% in Argentina – with plantings in Europe and Africa negligible, and concern growing worldwide about the emergence of herbicide-resistant "super weeds".



Palmer amaranth has taken root as a herbicide-resistant ‘superweed’ in many US cotton fields.

In the pitched debate over genetically modified (GM) foods and crops, it can be hard to see where scientific evidence ends and dogma and speculation begin. In the nearly 20 years since they were first commercialized, GM crop technologies have seen dramatic uptake. Advocates say that they have increased agricultural production by more than US$98 billion and saved an estimated 473 million kilograms of pesticides from being sprayed. But critics question their environmental, social and economic impacts.

Researchers, farmers, activists and GM seed companies all stridently promote their views, but the scientific data are often inconclusive or contradictory. Complicated truths have long been obscured by the fierce rhetoric. “I find it frustrating that the debate has not moved on,” says Dominic Glover, an agricultural socioeconomist at Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands. “The two sides speak different languages and have different opinions on what evidence and issues matter,” he says.

Here, Nature takes a look at three pressing questions: are GM crops fuelling the rise of herbicide-resistant ‘superweeds’? Are they driving farmers in India to suicide? And are the foreign transgenes in GM crops spreading into other plants? These controversial case studies show how blame shifts, myths are spread and cultural insensitivities can inflame debate.

GM crops have bred superweeds: True

Jay Holder, a farming consultant in Ashburn, Georgia, first noticed Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in a client’s transgenic cotton fields about five years ago. Palmer amaranth is a particular pain for farmers in the southeastern United States, where it outcompetes cotton for moisture, light and soil nutrients and can quickly take over fields.

Since the late 1990s, US farmers had widely adopted GM cotton engineered to tolerate the herbicide glyphosate, which is marketed as Roundup by Monsanto in St Louis, Missouri. The herbicide–crop combination worked spectacularly well — until it didn’t. In 2004, herbicide-resistant amaranth was found in one county in Georgia; by 2011, it had spread to 76. “It got to the point where some farmers were losing half their cotton fields to the weed,” says Holder.

Some scientists and anti-GM groups warned that GM crops, by encouraging liberal use of glyphosate, were spurring the evolution of herbicide resistance in many weeds. Twenty-four glyphosate-resistant weed species have been identified since Roundup-tolerant crops were introduced in 1996. But herbicide resistance is a problem for farmers regardless of whether they plant GM crops. Some 64 weed species are resistant to the herbicide atrazine, for example, and no crops have been genetically modified to withstand it (see ‘The rise of superweeds’).

Still, glyphosate-tolerant plants could be considered victims of their own success. Farmers had historically used multiple herbicides, which slowed the development of resistance. They also controlled weeds through ploughing and tilling — practices that deplete topsoil and release carbon dioxide, but do not encourage resistance. The GM crops allowed growers to rely almost entirely on glyphosate, which is less toxic than many other chemicals and kills a broad range of weeds without ploughing. Farmers planted them year after year without rotating crop types or varying chemicals to deter resistance.

This strategy was supported by claims from Monsanto that glyphosate resistance was unlikely to develop naturally in weeds when the herbicide was used properly. As late as 2004, the company was publicizing a multi-year study suggesting that rotating crops and chemicals does not help to avert resistance. When applied at Monsanto’s recommended doses, glyphosate killed weeds effectively, and “we know that dead weeds will not become resistant”, said Rick Cole, now Monsanto’s technical lead of weed management, in a trade-journal advertisement at the time. The study, published in 2007 (ref. 1), was criticized by scientists for using plots so small that the chances of resistance developing were very low, no matter what the practice.

Glyphosate-resistant weeds have now been found in 18 countries worldwide, with significant impacts in Brazil, Australia, Argentina and Paraguay, says Ian Heap, director of the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds, based in Corvallis, Oregon. And Monsanto has changed its stance on glyphosate use, now recommending that farmers use a mix of chemical products and ploughing. But the company stops short of acknowledging a role in creating the problem. “Over-confidence in the system combined with economic drivers led to reduced diversity in herbicide use,” Cole tells Nature.

On balance, herbicide-resistant GM crops are less damaging to the environment than conventional crops grown at industrial scale. A study by PG Economics, a consulting firm in Dorchester, UK, found that the introduction of herbicide-tolerant cotton saved 15.5 million kilograms of herbicide between 1996 and 2011, a 6.1% reduction from what would have been used on conventional cotton2. And GM crop technology delivered an 8.9% improvement to the environmental impact quotient — a measure that considers factors such as pesticide toxicity to wildlife — says Graham Brookes, co-director of PG Economics and a co-author of the industry-funded study, which many scientists consider to be among the field’s most extensive and authoritative assessments of environmental impacts.

The question is how much longer those benefits will last. So far, farmers have dealt with the proliferation of resistant weeds by using more glyphosate, supplementing it with other herbicides and ploughing. A study by David Mortensen, a plant ecologist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, predicts that total herbicide use in the United States will rise from around 1.5 kilograms per hectare in 2013 to more than 3.5 kilograms per hectare in 2025 as a direct result of GM crop use3.

To offer farmers new weed-control strategies, Monsanto and other biotechnology companies, such as Dow AgroSciences, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, are developing new herbicide-resistant crops that work with different chemicals, which they expect to commercialize within a few years.

Mortensen says that the new technologies will lose their effectiveness as well. But abandoning chemical herbicides completely is not a viable solution, says Jonathan Gressel, a weed scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. Using chemicals to control weeds is still more efficient than ploughing and tilling the soil, and is less environmentally damaging. “When farmers start to use more sustainable farming practices together with mixtures of herbicides they will have fewer problems,” he says.

GM cotton has driven farmers to suicide: False

During an interview in March, Vandana Shiva, an environmental and feminist activist from India, repeated an alarming statistic: “270,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide since Monsanto entered the Indian seed market,” she said. “It’s a genocide.”

The claim, based on an increase in total suicide rates across the country in the late 1990s, has become an oft-repeated story of corporate exploitation since Monsanto began selling GM seed in India in 2002.

Bt cotton, which contains a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis to ward off certain insects, had a rough start. Seeds initially cost five times more than local hybrid varieties, spurring local traders to sell packets containing a mix of Bt and conventional cotton at lower prices. The sham seeds and misinformation about how to use the product resulted in crop and financial losses. This no doubt added strain to rural farmers, who had long been under the pressures of a tight credit system that forced them to borrow from local lenders.

But, says Glover, “it is nonsense to attribute farmer suicides solely to Bt cotton”. Although financial hardship is a driving factor in suicide among Indian farmers, there has been essentially no change in the suicide rate for farmers since the introduction of Bt cotton.

That was shown by researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC, who scoured government data, academic articles and media reports about Bt cotton and suicide in India. Their findings, published in 2008 (ref. 4) and updated in 2011 (ref. 5), show that the total number of suicides per year in the Indian population rose from just under 100,000 in 1997 to more than 120,000 in 2007. But the number of suicides among farmers hovered at around 20,000 per year over the same period.

And since its rocky beginnings, Bt cotton has benefited farmers, says Matin Qaim, an agricultural economist at Georg August University in Göttingen, Germany, who has been studying the social and financial impacts of Bt cotton in India for the past 10 years. In a study of 533 cotton-farming households in central and southern India, Qaim found that yields grew by 24% per acre between 2002 and 2008, owing to reduced losses from pest attacks6. Farmers’ profits rose by an average of 50% over the same period, owing mainly to yield gains (see ‘A steady rate of tragedy’). Given the profits, Qaim says, it is not surprising that more than 90% of the cotton now grown in India is transgenic.

Glenn Stone, an environmental anthropologist at Washington University in St Louis, says that the empirical evidence for yield increases with Bt cotton is lacking. He has conducted original field studies7 and analysed the research literature8 on Bt cotton yields in India, and says that most peer-reviewed studies reporting yield increases with Btcotton have focused on short time periods, often in the early years after the technology came online. This, he says, introduced biases: farmers who adopted the technology first tended to be wealthier and more educated, and their farms were already producing higher-than-average yields of conventional cotton. They achieved high yields of Btcotton partly because they lavished the expensive GM seeds with care and attention. The problem now is that there are hardly any conventional cotton farms left in India to compare GM yields and profits against, says Stone. Qaim agrees that many studies showing financial gains focus on short-term impacts, but his study, published in 2012, controlled for these biases and still found continued benefits.

Bt cotton did not cause suicide rates to spike, says Glover, but neither is it the sole reason for the yield improvements. “Blanket conclusions that the technology is a success or failure lack the right level of nuance,” he says. “It’s an evolving story in India, and we have not yet reached a definitive conclusion.”

Transgenes spread to wild crops in Mexico: Unknown

In 2000, some rural farmers in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, wanted to gain organic certification for the maize (corn) they grew and sold in the hope of generating extra income. David Quist, then a microbial ecologist at the University of California, Berkeley, agreed to help in exchange for access to their lands for a research project. But Quist’s genetic analyses uncovered a surprise: the locally produced maize contained a segment of the DNA used to spur expression of transgenes in Monsanto’s glyphosate-tolerant and insect-resistant maize9.

GM crops are not approved for commercial production in Mexico. So the transgenes probably came from GM crops imported from the United States for consumption and planted by local farmers who probably didn’t know that the seeds were transgenic. Quist speculated at the time that the local maize probably cross-bred with these GM varieties, thereby picking up the transgenic DNA.

When the discovery was published in Nature, a media and political circus descended on Oaxaca. Many vilified Monsanto for contaminating maize at its historic origin — a place where the crop was considered sacred. And Quist’s study came under fire for technical deficiencies, including problems with the methods used to detect the transgenes and the authors’ conclusion that transgenes can fragment and scatter throughout the genome10.Nature eventually withdrew support for the paper but stopped short of retracting it. “The evidence available is not sufficient to justify the publication of the original paper,” read an editorial footnote to a critique10 of the research published in 2002.

Since then, few rigorous studies of transgene flow into Mexican maize have been published, owing mainly to a dearth of research funding, and they show mixed results. In 2003–04, Allison Snow, a plant ecologist at Ohio State University in Columbus, sampled 870 plants taken from 125 fields in Oaxaca and found no transgenic sequences in maize seeds11.

But in 2009, a study12 led by Elena Alvarez-Buylla, a molecular ecologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, and Alma Piñeyro-Nelson, a plant molecular geneticist now at the University of California, Berkeley, found the same transgenes as Quist in three samples taken from 23 sites in Oaxaca in 2001, and in two samples taken from those sites in 2004. In another study, Alvarez-Buylla and her co-authors found evidence of transgenes in a small percentage of seeds from 1,765 households across Mexico13. Other studies conducted within local communities have found transgenes more consistently, but few have been published14.

Snow and Alvarez-Buylla agree that differences in sampling methods can lead to discrepancies in transgene detection. “We sampled different fields,” says Snow. “They found them but we didn’t.”

The scientific community remains split on whether transgenes have infiltrated maize populations in Mexico, even as the country grapples with whether to approve commercialization of Bt maize.

“It seems inevitable that there will be a movement of transgenes into local maize crops,” says Snow. “There is some proof that it is happening, but it is very difficult to say how common it is or what are the consequences.” Alvarez-Buylla argues that the spread of transgenes will harm the health of Mexican maize and change characteristics, such as a variety’s look and taste, that are important to rural farmers. once the transgenes are present, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of them, she says. Critics speculate that GM traits that accumulate in the genomes of local maize populations over time could eventually affect plant fitness by using up energy and resources or by disrupting metabolic processes, for example.

Snow says that there is no evidence so far for negative effects. And she expects that if the transgenes now in use drift to other plants, they will have neutral or beneficial effects on plant growth. In 2003, Snow and her colleagues showed that when Bt sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) were bred with their wild counterparts, transgenic offspring still required the same kind of close care as its cultivated parent but were less vulnerable to insects and produced more seeds than non-transgenic plants15. Few similar studies have been conducted, says Snow, because the companies that own the rights to the technology are generally unwilling to let academic researchers perform the experiments.

In Mexico, the story goes beyond potential environmental impacts. Kevin Pixley, a crop scientist and the director of the genetic resources programme at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre in El Batan, Mexico, says that scientists arguing on behalf of GM technologies in the country have missed a crucial point. “Most of the scientific community doesn’t understand the depth of the emotional and cultural affiliation maize has for the Mexican population,” he says.

Tidy stories, in favour of or against GM crops, will always miss the bigger picture, which is nuanced, equivocal and undeniably messy. Transgenic crops will not solve all the agricultural challenges facing the developing or developed world, says Qaim: “It is not a silver bullet.” But vilification is not appropriate either. The truth is somewhere in the middle.



  1. Wilson, R. G. et alWeed Technol. 21900909 (2007).

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  2. Brookes, G. & Barfoot, P. GM Crops Food; preprint at http://go.nature.com/q8rmke (2013).

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  3. Mortensen, D.Egan, J. F.Maxwell, B. D.Ryan, M. R. & Smith, R. G. BioScience 627584 (2012).

    Show context
  4. Gruère, G. P.Mehta-Bhatt, P. & Sengupta, D. Bt Cotton and Farmer Suicides in India. Discussion paper 00808 (International Food Policy Research Institute, 2008).

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  5. Gruère, G. & Sengupta, D. J. Dev. Stud. 47316337 (2011).

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  6. Kathage, J. & Qaim, M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 1091165211656 (2012).

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  7. Stone, G. D. World Dev. 39387398 (2011).

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  8. Stone, G. D. Econ. Polit. Weekly 476270 (2012).

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  9. Quist, D. & Chapela I. H. Nature 414541543 (2001).

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  10. Metz, M. & Fütterer, J. Nature 416600601 (2002).

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  11. Ortiz-Garcia, S. et alProc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 1021233812343 (2005).

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  12. Piñeyro-Nelson, A. et alMol. Ecol. 18750761 (2009).

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  13. Dyer, G. A. et alPLoS onE 4, e5734 (2009).

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  14. Mercer, K. L. & Wainwright, J. D. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 123109115 (2008).

    Show context
  15. Snow, A. et alEcol. Appl. 13279286 (2003).

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Contrary to the perception that youngsters are abandoning farming, Bt cotton technology has attracted young farmers to cotton farming in the country, a survey byIndian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI) said.

The survey confirmed wide-spread planting of Bt cotton, occupying 95 per cent of total cotton area, in the rainfed, semi-irrigated and irrigated areas, which has taken place during the last 8-9 years in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and 6-7 years in Punjab, ISCI said in a release.

"Bt cotton technology attracted young farmers to cotton farming, with more than 50 per cent of the surveyed farmers coming from the lower middle age group in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab," the report said.

The report covered 2,400 small holder farmers across the three agro-ecologically distinct cotton growing states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab.

"More than 50 per cent of respondent Bt cotton farmers were from the lower middle age group ranging from 21 to 40 years with a mean average age of 42 years for all respondents in the three surveyed states," it added.

ISCI's survey report -- The Adoption and Uptake Pathways of Bt Cotton in India -- was released today byAgriculture Minister Sharad Pawar during seed company Mahyco's golden jubliee celebrations in Jalna (Maharashtra).

Releasing the report, Pawar said: "The unprecedented high adoption of Bt cotton is due to substantial and significant benefits to farmers, successful control of dreaded bollworm pests, benefits to industry."

The benefits from BT cotton have also come to the nation from enhanced exports and coincidentally protection of environment through substantial reductions in pesticide use, he added.

Bt cotton farmers reported an average net profit of Rs 41,837 per hectare at the national level. The highest profit was in the Punjab at Rs 53,139 per hectare followed by Rs 39,786 in Andhra Pradesh and Rs 32,885 per hectare in Maharashtra, the report said.

In the States surveyed a substantial decrease of 82.8 per cent in insecticide sprays was realised, while achieving 99.3 per cent control of the American bollworm pest, it added.

Farmers in Maharashtra reported 78 per cent reduction in insecticide sprays, 82 per cent in Andhra Pradesh and 98 per cent in Punjab, the report said.



“Agroecology does not mean going back to the Stone Age; on the contrary, it is based on high-level scientific concepts,” says one of the interviewees in Crops of the Future – How agroecology can feed the world, the last film by the French researcher Marie-Monique Robin, who visited the country in late November and presented the film together with her last book (which carries the same name) before an audience of more than 500 people.

In contrast to the denunciation tone of her previous films—such as The World According to Monsanto (2008) and Our Daily Poison (2010)—Crops of the Future shows different agroecological experiences (in America, Asia, and Europe) which serve as examples that the industrialization process in agriculture—which is based on monoculture, the use of pesticides, and transgenic seeds (which have high social, ecologic, and health costs—could be reverted.

For instance, the movie shows the milpa method used by some farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico, which is based on sowing corn with beans (a leguminous plant that captures the air’s nitrogen and feeds the corn) and squash (whose leaves allow to keep the ground’s moisture). They complement each other.

멕시코의 밀파 농법

It is a very productive system. There is a study carried out by University of California, Berkeley—United States—, that states that when comparing the two different growing methods, the production of one hectare in a milpa is similar to that obtained in 1.7 hectares in which the crops are divided,” says Robin. Said argument denies one of the statements usually heard from the people concerned with this business: monoculture’s performance is superior to the one obtained with an agroecological method.

In short, agroecology is a system which seeks to complement vegetation and animals, and the ground is the key. “All farmers who practice agroecology said that when they had a problem with a plant (with weeds, parasites, or plagues) they did not treat the plant, but the soil, because it meant that it had some deficiency,” explains Robin, and she stresses that contrary to what is usually believed, “agroecology is much more complicated than the agribusiness system, and the results are great because they allow the farms’ autonomy. It is also more complicated than organic agriculture, because organic monocultures are possible, and that is not agroecology, because it is not just a matter of not using agrochemicals, it is much more than that. It is a knowhow, and experts and scientists to support the producers when finding a better way to use the ground are necessary.”

Rosario, a global example of urban agriculture

As well as presenting her last book and documentary, Robin visited Rosario, because an urban agriculture program is in development there, and she is thinking of including it in her next movie: “What is happening in this town is very interesting; there is a public department created by the city council to produce healthy food in the city’s gardens, and I see that as an example of what has to be done if we want to face all the challenges the agribusiness model presents, without mentioning the planned oil and gas shortages problem, because to make transgenic soy, many chemical products made with oil and gas are used; it is a very fragile system, highly dependent on other countries,” said the documentary maker during the presentation.

아르헨티나의 도시농업

In this regard, she explained that the next documentary she is working on will deal with, among other things, urban agriculture projects and how to relocate food production. To this end she chose Rosario and Toronto (in Canada), where there is a similar experience that emerged for different reasons to the Argentinean case. “Behind this there is a challenging to the development project of unlimited growth in which GDP (gross domestic product) means consuming more, something that uses up the resources which are almost finished… We have been to San Francisco to interview an expert who said that last year we consumed a planet and a half, and that if we continued in this path, in 2030 we will need five planets, which we will not have. What does this mean? A lot of violence, a lot of poverty, a lot of war, and 2030 is in 17 years time, it is tomorrow, it is urgent.”

Because of this, she repeated that to develop a system that relocated food production, either in the country or the city, a stronger public policy is necessary. And in search for answers, during her stay in the country, she interviewed Rosario’s mayor, Monica Fein, and the province’s governor, Antonio Bonfatti: “With the mayor we didn’t talk about transgenic soy, but about climatic change,” said Robin, and she added that “the governor, who is also a physician, recognized that the soy model causes diseases, he said before the camera that it is a matter of public health, and he recognized that monoculture, in the medium or long term, risks Argentina’s food sovereignty.”

Soy’s trap and the un-wanted future

It is calculated that in 2012, 170 million hectares of transgenic crops were sowed globally; half of them were soy, 32% corn, 14% cotton, and 5% canola. In smaller areas, transgenic varieties of alfalfa, papaya, pumpkin, poplar, carnation, and sugar beet were also sowed. As regards the new features, the main were tolerance to glyphosate herbicide (soy, corn, cotton, canola, alfalfa, and sugar beet), resistance to insects (corn, cotton, and poplar), and the combination of both characteristics (corn and cotton) according to data from ArgenBio, the Argentinean council for biotechnological information and research.

“People say we won’t be able t o feed ourselves without agrochemicals, but they forget that we are not feeding ourselves with them either; there are a million people in the world who suffer from starvation, and that is a huge failure of the agribusiness model, on which billions and billions of dollars were invested, and today one every six people does not eat enough,” claims Robin and she stresses that, to a local level, she is concerned with the agribusiness system, which she considers “is a disaster” for Argentina.

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The use of transgenics was approved in the country in 1996 for soy resistant to glyphosate. Since then, the area sown with genetically modified (GM) crops has not ceased to grow, and already for 2012, according to information from ArgenBio, Argentina was third in the world, with almost 24 million hectares (13 percent of global surface) of GM varieties of soy, corn, and cotton.

“I understand that soy was introduced without knowing that transgenics were bad; with all the manipulation behind, it was very difficult to know that… but today we cannot say that we do not know that transgenics are a failure. Monsanto always said that thanks to transgenics we would use less pesticides, but that is a lie; already in 2005, the use of pesticides was 10 times higher, and today, a lot more; they don’t know how to get rid of resistant weeds, and soils are ruined,” states Robin, and she stresses: “Before, the money was needed, but now we have to think in the medium and long term; what is at stake today is Argentina’s food sovereignty…if we, European consumers, continue in this path of not wanting to eat meat fed with transgenics, what will you do with all the soy? Soil recovery is possible, but it will be difficult.”

A technician for change

During the Rosario presentation, which took place in the Centro Cultural Parque España, Robin gave the floor to different participants who were in the audience. This way, some representatives from the Malvinas camp, in Córdoba—who have been fighting the setting-up of a Monsanto plant in that city for months—could express themselves, and the documentary maker publicly supported them. People responsible for Rosario’s urban agriculture program also told their experience, and everybody was very surprised with the story of a soy producer who, a few years ago, decided to join an agroecological group called Pampa Orgánica and to turn his fields to a new production model that, as Robin says, recovers tradition but working with scientists.

“He is not the son-of-a-bitch soy producer who does not want to change; I know many who want to, but to do so they need a lot of help… A producer cannot make a drastic change because in the transition he goes bankrupt, because the fields are pretty bad; you need from five to seven years of transition to have life in the field again; I have seen that in my experience,” he said before the audience, asking for help to achieve change: “The problem is that there is no support in research, after ten years of asking for help, we only have some technicians from INTA who are beginning to conduct research, but many of its own accord.”


Greggor Ilagan initially thought a ban on genetically modified organisms was a good idea. 

KONA, Hawaii — From the moment the bill to ban genetically engineered crops on the island of Hawaii was introduced in May 2013, it garnered more vocal support than any the County Council here had ever considered, even the perennially popular bids to decriminalize marijuana.

Public hearings were dominated by recitations of the ills often attributed to genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O.s: cancer in rats, a rise in childhood allergies, out-of-control superweeds, genetic contamination, overuse of pesticides, the disappearance of butterflies and bees.

Like some others on the nine-member Council, Greggor Ilagan was not even sure at the outset of the debate exactly what genetically modified organisms were: living things whose DNA has been altered, often with the addition of a gene from a distant species, to produce a desired trait. But he could see why almost all of his colleagues had been persuaded of the virtue of turning the island into what the bill’s proponents called a “G.M.O.-free oasis.”

Papaya genetically modified to resist a virus became one part of a controversy. 

“You just type ‘G.M.O.’ and everything you see is negative,” he told his staff. Opposing the ban also seemed likely to ruin anyone’s re-election prospects.

Yet doubts nagged at the councilman, who was serving his first two-year term. The island’s papaya farmers said that an engineered variety had saved their fruit from a devastating disease. A study reporting thata diet of G.M.O. corn caused tumors in rats, mentioned often by the ban’s supporters, turned out to have been thoroughly debunked.

And University of Hawaii biologists urged the Council to consider theglobal scientific consensus, which holds that existing genetically engineered crops are no riskier than others, and have provided some tangible benefits.

“Are we going to just ignore them?” Mr. Ilagan wondered.

Urged on by Margaret Wille, the ban’s sponsor, who spoke passionately of the need to “act before it’s too late,” the Council declined to form a task force to look into such questions before its November vote. But Mr. Ilagan, 27, sought answers on his own. In the process, he found himself, like so many public and business leaders worldwide, wrestling with a subject in which popular beliefs often do not reflect scientific evidence.

At stake is how to grow healthful food most efficiently, at a time when a warming world and a growing population make that goal all the more urgent.

Scientists, who have come to rely on liberals in political battles over stem-cell research, climate change and the teaching of evolution, have been dismayed to find themselves at odds with their traditional allies on this issue. Some compare the hostility to G.M.O.s to the rejection of climate-change science, except with liberal opponents instead of conservative ones.

“These are my people, they’re lefties, I’m with them on almost everything,” said Michael Shintaku, a plant pathologist at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, who testified several times against the bill. “It hurts.”

But, supporters of the ban warned, scientists had not always correctly assessed the health and environmental risks of new technology. “Remember DDT?” one proponent demanded.

Ms. Wille’s bill would ban the cultivation of any genetically engineered crop on the island, with the exception of the two already grown there: corn recently planted by an island dairy to feed its cows, and papaya. Field tests to study new G.M.O. crops would also be prohibited. Penalties would be $1,000 per day.

Like three-quarters of the voters on Hawaii Island, known as the Big Island, Mr. Ilagan supported President Obama in the 2012 election. When he took office himself a month later, after six years in the Air National Guard, he planned to focus on squatters, crime prevention and the inauguration of a bus line in his district on the island’s eastern rim.

He had also promised himself that he would take a stance on all topics, never registering a “kanalua” vote — the Hawaiian term for “with reservation.”

But with the G.M.O. bill, he often despaired of assembling the information he needed to definitively decide. Every time he answered one question, it seemed, new ones arose. Popular opinion masqueraded convincingly as science, and the science itself was hard to grasp. People who spoke as experts lacked credentials, and G.M.O. critics discounted those with credentials as being pawns of biotechnology companies.

“It takes so much time to find out what’s true,” he complained.

So many emails arrived in support of the ban that, as a matter of environmental responsibility, the Council clerks suspended the custom of printing them out for each Council member. But Mr. Ilagan had only to consult his inbox to be reminded of the prevailing opinion.

“Do the right thing,” one Chicago woman wrote, “or no one will want to take a toxic tour of your poisoned paradise.”

Distrust on the Left

Margaret Wille, 66, had the island’s best interests at heart when she proposed the ban, Mr. Ilagan knew.

She majored in cultural anthropology at Bennington College in Vermont and practiced public advocacy law in Maine before moving a decade ago to the island, where her brothers once owned a health food store.

And her bill, like much anti-G.M.O. action, was inspired by distrust of the seed-producing biotechnology companies, which had backed a state measure to prevent local governments from regulating their activity.

That bill, which passed the State Senate but stalled in the House, appeared largely aimed at other Hawaiian islands, which were used by companies like Monsanto, Syngenta and Dow as a nursery for seeds. onKauai, for instance, activists had been talking about how to limit the companies’ pesticide use.

The companies had no corporate presence here on the Big Island, which lacks the large parcels of land they preferred. Still, Ms. Wille said at a “March Against Monsanto” rally last spring, if the island allowed farmers to grow genetically modified crops, the companies could gain a foothold. “This represents nothing less than a takeover of our island,” she told the crowd. “There’s a saying, ‘If you control the seed, you control the food; if you control the food, you control the people.’ ”

Ms. Wille, chairwoman of the Council’s Agriculture Committee, warned her colleagues that what mattered was not the amount of food produced, but its quality and the sustainability of how it was grown.

“My focus is on protecting our soil and the farms and properties that are not G.M.O.,” she said, noting also that there was a marketing opportunity for non-G.M.O. products.

Margaret Wille, the sponsor of the ban on G.M.O.’s, spoke of the need to “act before it’s too late.” 

Such sentiments echoed well beyond Hawaii, as Mr. Ilagan’s early research confirmed.

College students, eco-conscious shoppers and talk show celebrities likeOprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz and Bill Maher warned against consuming food made with genetically modified ingredients. Mr. Maher’s audience, in turn, recently hissed at a commentator who defended genetic modification as merely an extension of traditional breeding.

New applications of the technology, so far used mostly on corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets to make them more resistant to weeds and pests, have drawn increased scrutiny. A recent Organic Consumers Association bulletin, for instance, pictures the first genetically modified animal to be submitted for regulatory approval (a faster-growing salmon) jumping from a river to attack a bear, with the caption “No Frankenfish!” In a 2013 New York Times poll, three-quarters of Americans surveyed expressed concern about G.M.O.s in their food, with most of those worried about health risks.

As Ms. Wille’s bill was debated here throughout 2013, activists elsewhere collected 354,000 signatures for apetition asserting that G.M.O.s endanger public health. In the Philippines, protesters, citing safety concerns, ripped up a test field of ricegenetically engineered to addressVitamin A deficiency among the world’s poor. A new children’s book turned its heroine into a crusader against genetic modification: “These fruits and vegetables are not natural,” she declares.

And bills were proposed in some 20 states to require “G.M.O.” labels on foods with ingredients made from genetically engineered crops (about three-quarters of processed foods now have such ingredients, mostly corn syrup, corn oil and soy meal and sugar).

The legislation is backed by the fast-growing organic food industry, which sees such labeling as giving it a competitive advantage. It has also become a rallying cry among activists who want to change the industrial food system. Rachel Maddow declared the narrow failure of ballot initiatives to require G.M.O. labeling in California and Washington a “big loss for liberal politics.”

Whole Foods has pledged that by 2018 it will replace some foods containing genetically modified ingredients and label others; signs in Trader Joe’s proclaim, “No G.M.O.s Sold Here.” General Mills announced last week that it would stop using genetically modified ingredients in its Cheerios.

But the groundswell against genetically modified food has rankled many scientists, who argue that opponents of G.M.O.s have distorted the risks associated with them and underplayed the risks of failing to try to use the technology to improve how food is grown. Wading into a debate that has more typically pitted activists against industry, some have argued that opposition from even small pockets of an American elite influences investment in research and the deployment of genetically modified crops, particularly in the developing world, where hunger raises the stakes.

“Just as many on the political right discount the broad scientific consensus that human activities contribute to global warming, many progressive advocacy groups disregard, reject or ignore the decades of scientific studies demonstrating the safety and wide-reaching benefits” of genetically engineered crops, Pamela Ronald, a professor of plant pathology at the University of California, Davis, wrote on the blog of the nonprofit Biology Fortified.

And other scientists, including two Nobel Prize winners, wrote an opinion article for the journal Science last fall titled “Standing Up for G.M.O.s.”

As he traversed the island and the Internet, Mr. Ilagan agreed with constituents that there was good reason to suspect that companies like Monsanto would place profit above public safety. He, too, wished for more healthful food to be grown more sustainably.

But even a national ban on such crops, it seemed to him, would do little to solve the problems of an industrial food system that existed long before their invention. Nor was it likely to diminish the market power of the “Big Ag” companies, which also dominate sales of seeds that are not genetically modified, and the pesticides used on both. The arguments for rejecting them, he concluded, ultimately relied on the premise that they are unsafe.

Making up his mind about that alone would prove difficult enough.

The Rainbow Papaya

The papaya farmers appeared, pacing restlessly, outside Mr. Ilagan’s office shortly after Ms. Wille introduced the proposal for a G.M.O. ban in May.

There were only around 200 of them on an island with a population of about 185,000, but many lived in his district. They wanted to be sure he understood that genetically modified papayas, the only commercially grown G.M.O. fruit in the United States, account for three-quarters of the 30 million pounds harvested annually here.

“They’re treating us like we’re criminals,” said Ross Sibucao, the head of the growers’ association.

Another Council member favored razing every genetically modified papaya tree on the island.

But under Ms. Wille’s bill, the modified papaya, known as the Rainbow, was grandfathered in, as long as farmers registered with the county and paid a $100 annual fee.

“You’re exempted,” Mr. Ilagan reassured Mr. Sibucao.

Even so, Mr. Sibucao replied, the bill would stigmatize any genetically modified food, making the Rainbow harder to sell.

Many of the island’s papaya farmers, descendants of immigrants who came to work on sugar plantations, have links to the Philippines, as does Mr. Ilagan, who immigrated from there as a child. As the plantations faded in the 1980s, some began growing papayas. But after an outbreak of Papaya ringspot virus in the mid-’90s, only the Rainbow, endowed with a gene from the virus itself that effectively gave it immunity, had saved the crop, they told him.

If Mr. Ilagan worried about big biotechnology companies, the farmers told him, the Rainbow should reassure him. Developed primarily by scientists at academic institutions, it was a model for how the technology could benefit small farmers. Its lead developer, the Hawaiian-born Dennis Gonsalves, was, along with others on the team, awarded the 2002 Humboldt Prize for the most significant contribution to United States agriculture in five years.

Japanese as well as American regulators had approved the papaya. And because the virus was spread by insects, which growers had sought to control with pesticide sprays, the Rainbow had reduced the use of chemicals.

The idea of the ban was popular, but not universally so, as pro-G.M.O. T-shirts made clear. 

Mr. Ilagan took their point. “If we as a body pass this,” he said, thinking aloud at the second public hearing in July, “it shows we think all G.M.O.s are wrong.”

Superweeds and Rats

Instructed by the chairman not to applaud, the residents who packed the County Council chamber in Kona on July 3 erupted in frequent silent cheers, signaled by a collective waving of hands and wiggling of fingers.

A few, like Richard Ha, an island farmer who hoped that the diseases afflicting his bananas and tomatoes might be solved with a genetic modification, were there to testify against the ban. Ranchers also were opposed; they wanted the option to grow the genetically modified corn and soybeans for cattle feed that are common elsewhere.

But a vast majority were there in support. Some were members ofG.M.O. Free Hawaii Island, a mix of food activists and entrepreneurs, who argued that the organisms were bad for human health, the island’s ecosystem and eco-conscious business. Others, veterans of the campaign for a partial ban already in place here, reminded the Council of the precedents for Ms. Wille’s bill: In 2008, organic Kona coffee farmers successfully lobbied for a ban on any cultivation of genetically modified coffee. The presence of a G.M.O. crop, they argued, would hurt their reputation and their ability to charge a premium.

At the same time, the county had banned the cultivation of genetically engineered taro, a root vegetable cultivated for centuries in Hawaii.

In the three minutes allotted to each speaker at the July hearing, some told personal tales of all manner of illness, including children’s allergies, cured after going on a “non-G.M.O.” diet. one woman took the microphone “on behalf of Mother Earth and all sentient beings.” Nomi Carmona encouraged Council members to visit the website of her group, Babes Against Biotech, where analyses of Monsanto’s campaign contributions are intermingled with pictures of bikini-clad women.

Many of the most impassioned speakers came from Mr. Ilagan’s district of Puna, known for its anti-establishment spirit. “These chemical companies think they’re going to win,” one woman said. “Hell, no, they’re never going to win here.”

Organic farmers worried that their crops would be contaminated also made an impression on the councilman, though he felt that the actress Roseanne Barr, who owns an organic macadamia nut farm here, could have been kinder to the papaya farmers in the room.

“Everybody here is very giving,” she had told them. “They will bend over backwards to help you burn those papayas and grow something decent.”

More striking to Mr. Ilagan was the warning of Derek Brewer, 29, an Army veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan before coming to Hawaii to help found an eco-hostel. “We don’t fully understandgenetics,” Mr. Brewer said, his dark hair tied back in a ponytail. “Once you change something like this, there is no taking it back.”

What really stuck with Mr. Ilagan were the descriptions of tumorous rats. Reading testimony submitted before the hearing, he had blanched at grotesque pictures of the animals fed Monsanto’s corn, modified with a gene from bacteria to tolerate an herbicide. According to the French researcher who performed the study, they developed more tumors and died earlier than those in the control group.

“Are we all going to get cancer?” Mr. Ilagan wondered.

Sifting Through Claims

The next week, when his legislative assistant alerted him that the rat study encountered near-universal scorn from scientists after its release in autumn 2012, doubt about much of what Mr. Ilagan had heard began to prick at his mind.

“Come to find out, the kind of rats they used would get tumors anyway,” he told his staff. “And the sample size was too small for any conclusive results.”

Sensitive to the accusation that her bill was antiscience, Ms. Wille had circulated material to support it. But in almost every case, Mr. Ilagan and his staff found evidence that seemed to undermine the claims.

A report, in an obscure Russian journal, about hamsters that lost the ability to reproduce after three generations as a result of a diet of genetically modified soybeans had been contradicted by many other studies and deemed bogus by mainstream scientists.

Mr. Ilagan discounted the correlations between the rise in childhood allergies and the consumption of G.M.O.s, cited by Ms. Wille and others, after reading of the common mistake of confusing correlation for causation. (One graph, illustrating the weakness of conclusions based on correlation, charted the lock-step rise in organic food sales and autism diagnoses.)

Butterflies were disappearing, but Mr. Ilagan learned that it was not a toxin produced by modified plants that harmed them, as he had thought. Instead, the herbicide used in conjunction with some genetically modified crops (as well as some that were not) meant themilkweed on which they hatched was no longer found on most Midwestern farms.

He heard many times that there were no independent studies of the safety of genetically modified organisms. But Biofortified, which received no funding from industry, listed more than a hundred such studies, including a 2010 comprehensive review sponsored by the European Union, that found “no scientific evidence associating G.M.O.s with higher risks for the environment or for food and feed safety than conventional plants and organisms.” It echoed similar statements by the World Health Organization, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of Medicine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

A blog post on the website of NPR, a news source Mr. Ilagan trusted, cataloged what it called “Top Five Myths of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted.” No. 1 was a thing he had long believed: “Seeds from G.M.O.s are sterile.”

One of the more alarming effects of G.M.O.s that Ms. Wille had cited was suicides among farmers in India, purportedly driven into debt by the high cost of patented, genetically modified cotton seeds.

Biotechnology companies, she said, “come in and give it away cheap, and then raise prices.”

Mr. Ilagan with Alberto Belmes, one of the growers of genetically modified papayas whose views helped change Mr. Ilagan’s mind. 

Monsanto’s cotton, engineered with a gene from bacteria to ward off certain insects, had “pushed 270,000 farmers to suicide” since the company started selling it in India in 2002, the activist Vandana Shiva said in a Honolulu speech Ms. Wille attended.

But in Nature, a leading academic journal, Mr. Ilagan found an articlewith the subhead “GM Cotton Has Driven Farmers to Suicide: False.”

According to the Nature article, peer-reviewed research in 2011 found that suicides among farmers were no more numerous after the new seeds were introduced than before. And a 2012 study found that farmers’ profits rose because of reduced losses from pest attacks.

“There’s farmers committing suicide because of the whole debt issue, but it’s not because of the G.M.O. issue,” Mr. Ilagan said he concluded in mid-August.

Still, it was hard not to be spooked by material emailed by constituents and circulated on Facebook: images oftomatoes with syringes stuck in themand of pears and apples stapled together, warnings of children harmedby parents serving genetically modified food. The specter of genetic contamination still haunted him. And his mother, who had always served papaya at home, had stopped because of her new concerns about the Rainbow variety.

Learning From a Researcher

The scientists at the national agriculture research center here were not accustomed to local Council representatives dropping by unannounced.

But one day in August, Mr. Ilagan recalled, when he turned up in search of someone who could answer questions about genetic contamination, he found a molecular biologist willing to help.

“It’s kind of a loaded term,” the councilman remembered the scientist, Jon Suzuki, saying. “What they’re talking about is cross-pollination, which is something that happens all the time within species.”

The councilman knew little about how food was grown. He enlisted in the Air National Guard immediately after high school and abandoned his first semester of community college classes when he decided to run for the Council seat.

Dr. Suzuki gave him a tutorial on plant reproduction, Mr. Ilagan recalled, explaining that with the wind, insects and animals spreading pollen and seeds, cross-pollination can never be entirely avoided.

But, Mr. Ilagan learned, by staggering planting times and ensuring a reasonable distance between crops, it is usually possible to avoid large-scale mingling. Also, plants have different fertilization methods: The Rainbow papaya, for instance, was largely self-fertilizing. If it is planted about 12 feet away from other varieties, the chance of cross-pollination is exceedingly low.

“But what about the papaya contaminating” — Mr. Ilagan recalls correcting himself — “cross-pollinating with a pineapple?”

This was the part he had trouble explaining to himself. Was the virus gene from the papaya also in Ms. Barr’s macadamia nuts and the organic coffee farmer’s beans?

Dr. Suzuki paused.

“With plants of different species — it’s kind of like how you don’t cross a cat with a dog and expect to have offspring,” he said.

“Duh!” exclaimed Mr. Ilagan. “I should have realized that.”

In the following weeks, Mr. Ilagan sometimes called Dr. Suzuki with his question du jour. For instance, do weeds near genetically modified crops turn into “superweeds” because of a rogue gene?

The scientist, he recalled, helped him understand that “superweeds” were weeds that had evolved resistance to a widely used herbicide — most likely faster than they would have if farmers had not used it so much on crops genetically engineered to tolerate it.

Biotechnology firms were already selling seeds that tolerated other, less benign herbicides, Mr. Ilagan learned. But that was a different problem from the specter conjured by a woman at one of the hearings, who said that “G.M.O.s are cross-pollinating with weeds that now can’t be controlled.”

Asked about the danger of moving genes among species where they had not originated, Dr. Suzuki explained that for millenniums, humans had bred crops of the same species to produce desired traits. But with the advent of genetic engineering, it became possible to borrow a feature from elsewhere on the tree of life. An example Mr. Ilagan later learned about was the rice being tested in the Philippines. Modified with genes from bacteria and corn, it can provide Vitamin A, the deficiency of which is a scourge of the world’s poor.

That did not mean genetically engineered food could never cause harm. But the risks of such crops could be reliably tested, and they had so far proved safe. “With scientists, we never say anything is 100 percent certain one way or another,” Dr. Suzuki said. “We weigh conclusions on accumulated knowledge or evidence — but often this is not satisfactory for some.”

Silencing the Scientists

On Oct. 1, Mr. Ilagan voted to block the bill from moving out of committee, shortly after a day of what Ms. Wille and Brenda Ford, another Council member who was a proponent of the ban, had described as expert testimony.

The Rainbow papaya is genetically modified to resist a virus that devastated other papaya varieties on Hawaii.

At the hearing on Sept. 23, he had grown increasingly uneasy as his fellow Council members declined to call several University of Hawaii scientists who had flown from Oahu, instead allotting 45 minutes to Jeffrey Smith, a self-styled expert on G.M.O.s with no scientific credentials.

One University of Hawaii at Manoa biologist, Richard Manshardt, responded to a question from Ms. Ford about the effect on honeybees of corn engineered to resist pests: none, he said, because the protein it produced affected only certain insect groups, and was not toxic to bees.

“I don’t agree with the professor,” Ms. Ford told her colleagues.

Many University of Hawaii scientists had already registered their opposition to the bill, in written and oral testimony and letters in the local papers.

If the ban passed, local farmers could not take advantage of projects underway at the university and elsewhere, they noted, including drought-tolerant crops and higher-yield pineapple plants. Genetic engineering is a precise technique that “itself is not harmful,” the dean of the school’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Maria Gallo, wrote in one op-ed.

But Ms. Wille had largely dismissed the opinions of university researchers, citing Monsanto contributions to the university. In 2012, she noted, the company made a one-time donation of $600,000 for student scholarships at the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, an amount that the college said represented about 1 percent of its annual budget that year.

“It is sad that our state has allowed our university departments of agriculture to become largely dependent upon funding grants from the multinational chemical corporations,” Ms. Wille told reporters, suggesting that the university’s professors were largely a “mouthpiece for the G.M.O. biotech industry.” She did, however, rely on the opinion of a specialist in organic agriculture practices at the university, Hector Valenzuela, who supported the bill.

Mr. Smith, known for “Genetic Roulette,” a movie he produced based on his book of the same title that had been shown at one of the island’s “March Against Monsanto” events, appeared at the hearing by Skype from Arizona.

He praised the Council for stepping in where he believes that federal regulatory agencies have failed, and suggested that the Rainbow papaya could harm people because of a protein produced by the viral gene added to it, adding that no human or animal feeding studies had ever been conducted on the fruit.

Mr. Ilagan was genuinely curious to hear the author’s take on his own latest realization: Each genetically modified organism was different, and came with its own set of trade-offs.

“I don’t see a blanket ban,” he told his staff that week. “It seems like it should be a case-by-case thing.”

“Aloha, Mr. Smith,” Mr. Ilagan said when he had his turn. “Or is it Dr. Smith?”

“No, Jeffrey’s fine,” Mr. Smith said over Skype.

“In your world,” Mr. Ilagan asked, “is there any room for any G.M.O.?”

Mr. Smith replied that there was not.

In the afternoon, Dr. Gonsalves, who led the development of the Rainbow papaya, was given time to respond to Mr. Smith’s allegations. He laid to rest a lingering question about papaya safety that had troubled Mr. Ilagan.

He explained that any papaya infected by the ringspot virus contains the protein Mr. Smith had mentioned as potentially dangerous in the genetically modified Rainbow. Moreover, plant viruses do not infect people. “Everyone was eating virus-infected papaya in the 1990s,” Dr. Gonsalves said. “And now you want to do feeding studies?”

With one member absent, only one other Council member joined Mr. Ilagan in opposing the bill. The Council deferred a decision on creating a task force to discuss the implications of banning genetically modified organisms.

Ms. Wille assured her colleagues that, upon the bill’s passage, she would support the formation of such a group. But it was better not to delay, she said: “I want to draw a line in the sand until we can take a closer look.”

Angry Voters

The response to Mr. Ilagan’s vote was swift and unambiguous.

He was mocked on Facebook and pilloried in letters from constituents. “You have been influenced by the contrived arguments from the pro-G.M.O. interests,” one letter read. “Many of my fellow Puna residents will seriously consider more progressive candidates for the next Council term.”

“Greggor, what do you think you’re doing?” his campaign manager, Kareen Haskin, 70, a close family friend, asked him. “The main thing I told people was you would listen to them.”

He told her that though a vocal minority supported the ban, many other constituents knew little about the complex issue. “I have to do what’s right for them, too.”

Farmers outside the County Council chamber listened to a discussion about the ban. 

He told Ms. Haskin what he had learned about health and environmental aspects of genetic engineering. But as he had found often happened in conversations about G.M.O.s, the subject quickly shifted. “We don’t want corporations to own all the seeds,” she said.

Mr. Ilagan was as opposed as Ms. Haskin was to big businesses controlling a market, in part by using patents that prohibit farmers from replanting or selling their seeds. But banning crops because they were made with genetic engineering would not change the patent laws, he told her.

Mr. Ilagan had been alarmed by testimony from farmers who said they could be sued by Monsanto and other patent-holders when patented seeds ended up in their fields by accident. But he found there was no evidence that Monsanto had ever initiated such a lawsuit.

“I’m still trying to voice this out,” he said, “but to me it just seems symbolic. Like doing something that seems good, but not really achieving what you want to achieve.”

Ms. Haskin took his hand. “You have to vote for this bill,” she pleaded. “What about all the pesticides being sprayed on our food?”

The conversation, he noticed, had turned again.

Emotional Testimony

The Council meeting on Oct. 15 started with public testimony that lasted more than seven hours.

Again, Mr. Ilagan found himself touched by the emotion of the crowd. A mother brought her 8-year-old to testify. Mr. Brewer, the eco-hostel owner, was in the audience with his wife, who is deaf, signing so she could follow the debate. Invoking the Hawaiian word for “land,” several speakers — not necessarily of Hawaiian descent — begged for “our aina” to be preserved. “Our island can be the uncontaminated seedbed for the world,” one said.

Those in favor of the bill outnumbered those opposed by more than five to one.

Lukas Kambic, a biology major at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, sought to use his own experience to counter the anecdotes others voiced that night. “My mom ate organic food exclusively and did yoga all the time, and she died of a brain aneurysm,” Mr. Kambic said. “According to the logic of people here, she was killed by organic food and yoga.”

The room was silent.

Knowing that the final vote on the ban was yet to come, Mr. Ilagan voted “no” after the hearing. Then nearly 1,000 people quickly signed a petition demanding that he change his vote at the final hearing, scheduled for Nov. 18. For the first time in his career as councilman, he began to consider voting “kanalua” — yes, with reservation.

In early November, he sought to escape with a friend to a condo in Kona, only to be accosted at the pool by a voter demanding answers.

And on Nov. 14, Mr. Brewer, the veteran who runs an eco-hostel, visited him in his office. They discussed Mr. Brewer’s conviction that cross-pollination by G.M.O.s would do unknown harm to the environment and detract from the island’s image.

“We need all the votes we can get to override” a possible veto by the mayor, Mr. Brewer said. “Do you think you can vote for this bill, Greggor?”

Mr. Ilagan still had questions of his own. one scientist he had spoken to said the built-in pesticide in corn should not worry him, because many plants contain their own natural pesticides. “I still want to track that down,” he told his staff. “What is an example of a natural pesticide?”

Maybe, he thought, he would join the long-promised task force, which would weigh the implications of banning G.M.O.s on the island and report back to the Council.

The final hearing on the bill was not unlike the first. Superweeds were mentioned. Indian suicides. Contamination.

Ms. Wille urged a vote for the ban. “To do otherwise,” she said, “would be to ignore the cries from round the world and on the mainland.”

“Mr. Ilagan?” the Council member leading the meeting asked when it came time for the final vote.

“No,” he replied.

The ban was approved, 6 to 3.

The mayor signed the bill on Dec. 5.

At the Council meeting on Dec. 17, Ms. Wille’s motion to create a committee to study the impact of banning genetically modified organisms on the island was not seconded, and she withdrew it. Stunned, Mr. Ilagan briefly considered making his own motion to form a task force. But he could see he would not have enough support.

It was time to move on. A fast-growing subdivision in his district needed a community park. Last week, Mr. Ilagan turned his focus to drumming up support for the bond issue he would need from the county to plan and design it.



치리오스(Cheerios)를 만드는 데 유전자변형 농산물을 사용하지 않기로 한 제너랄 밀스의 결정은 상대적으로 쉽다. 유전자변형 귀리 같은 건 없기 때문이다.

하지만 치리오스는 특별한 사례이다. 많은 다른 곡물이 옥수수로 들거나 그 당분을 함유하는데,  그걸 유저자변형 농산물 없이 비슷하게 만드는 일은 불가능하거나 최소한 비용 면에서 힘들 것이다. 미국 옥수수의 약 80%는 유전자변형 작물이다. 심지어 치리어스의 다른 변종조차 쉽게 바꿀 수 없다.  The Wire 란 드라마의 Omar Little이 너무 좋아하는 허니 너트는 옥수수와 당분을 함유하고 있어서 유전자변형 표시제를 할 수 없다. 

그런데 왜 유전자변형 귀리는 없을까? 여러 이유가 있지만, 한 가지 주요한 까닭은 당연히 돈 때문이다. 세계에는 귀리를 재배하는 농부가 많지 않고, 또 귀리를 많이 재배하지도 않는다. 즉 유전자변형 종자를 개발하는 데 들어가는 어마어마한 비용을 정당화할 만한 수요가 없다는 말이다. 그러한 연구를 위한 “돈도 없고, 욕망도 없다”고 귀리 육종가이자 플로리다 대학 농학과의 명예교수인  론 바넷Ron Barnett 씨는 말한다. 

유전자변형 연구를 위한 대상 작물의 결정은 최초의 유전자변형 작물이 만들어지기 훨씬 전에 이루어지는 경제적, 정치적 결정을 기반으로 한다. “미국에서 옥수수와 콩은 유전자변형 제품 개발의 견인차”였다고 바넷 씨는 말한다. 유전자변형이 시작되었을 때 이미 그 작물들에 대한 시장이 우세했기 때문이다. "귀리"는 상대적으로 말하여 "비주류 작물이다"라고 그는 덧붙인다. 

완벽한 세계에서 그 사례는 없었을 것이다. 귀리는 영양가가 많은 곡물이다. 콩처럼 12~24% 정도의 단백질을 함유한다. 세계보건기구에서는 귀리가 고기와 우유, 달걀만큼 좋은 단백질 공급원이라고 한다. 귀리는 심장병의 위험을 줄여주는 것으로 더 잘 알려져 있다. 이러한 사실에 대한 연구가 발표되었던 1980년대 귀리 수요가 급증했고, 10년 뒤 식품의약품안전청이 귀리가 심장에 좋다고 주장하는 식품제조업자들을 위한 지침(제품에는 1인분당 수용성 식이섬유가 최소 0.75g 함유되어야 한다)을 발행하면서 더 커졌다. 제너럴 밀스는 호기를 놓치지 않고 치리오스를 판매하기 시작했다.

그럼에도 농장과 도로에서 기계화된 장비들이 말을 대신한 이래 귀리 수요는 거의 1세기 동안 감소했다.  제너럴 밀스에 의하면, 사실 세계의 귀리 재배면적은 지난 10년 동안 58%나 떨어졌다. 그건 귀리가 특히 효율적이거나 수익성 있는 작물이 아니기 때문이다. 똑같은 면적을 재배한다면, 옥수수 같은 주요한 다른 작물보다 더 많은 종자가 필요하다.  미국 농무부의 경제연구서비스에 의하면, 옥수수의 1200평당 평균 수익은 2012년 1073달러이고 콩은 596달러인데, 귀리는 245달러일 뿐이다.  

생각컨대, 수확량 증대를 목표로 하는 유전공학으로 해결될 수 있는 문제의 하나일 뿐이다. 또 하나의 문제는 특히 습한 기후에서 귀리를 괴롭히는 "관녹병"이 포함된다. 또 다른 문제는 진드기에 의해 퍼지는 황화 왜소 바이러스이다.  게다가 유전자변형된 귀리는 영양분을 더 풍부히 하고, 북쪽으로 재배 영역을 넓히도록 도울 수 있다. 

그러나 유전자변형에 대한 연구가 부족한 이유가 또 있다. 귀리는 다른 작물에 비하여 꽤 왕성하다. 농지를 지배하여 잡초를 몰아내고, 다른 곡물들에 비해 농약과 제초제가 덜 필요하다.  

그리고 또 다른 장벽도 있다. 바로 귀리의 게놈 그 자체이다. 상업적 귀리에는 그 게놈에 특히 변형시키기 어려운, 그래서 비용이 많이 드는  6가지 염색체가 있다. “귀리의 게놈은 터무니없다”고 미국 농무부 연구원 에릭 잭슨Eric Jackson 씨는 2010년 초원의 귀리 재배자연합에서 말했다.  그는 또한 “콩은 그것이 무엇인지를 제외하고 모든 것이 되고 싶어하는 반면, 옥수수는 모든 것이다.”라고도 했다.  따라서 초라한 귀리는 연구가 될 때까지 추위에 떨며 남아 있을 것이다. 

인터뷰 요청에 응하지 않은 잭슨 씨는 현재 제너럴 밀스에서 일하고 있다. 그는 아마 지금은 귀리 시장에 대해 2010년의 선언을 반복하진 않을 것이다. 그러고 나서 잭슨 씨는  “우리가 지난 30년 동안 해왔던 것은 쇠퇴를 관리하는 것이다”라고 말했다. 


종자 문제와 관련하여 늘 소비자들의 목소리만 들을 수 있었다. 그런데 현장의 농민들은 어떨까? 그들은 왜 하이브리드 종자나 유전자변형 같은 사람들이 무시무시한 악으로 취급하는 그런 종자를 가지고 농사를 짓는 것인가? 한번이라도 그들의 목소리를 제대로 들어본 적이 있는가? 종자회사에서는 자신들의 방패막이로 그들을 내세울 것이고, 운동단체에서는 그렇지 않은 농민들을 내세워 자신들의 목소리를 내는 데 활용할 뿐이다. 현장의 진짜 농민들은 어떤 입장일까?

아래의 내용은 미국의 사례이다. 우리도 이러한 조사를 해보면 의미가 있을 것이라 본다. 지금 어떤 종자로 농사지으십니까? 왜 그 종자를 사용하고 있습니까? 장점은 무엇이고 단점은 무엇입니까? 이 정도만 묻고 다녀도 꽤 의미있는 결과를 얻을 수 있지 않을까.

역시나 발번역이라 오의역이 넘실거리니 원문을 꼭 참조하시길...


민들이 작물을 심으려고 할 때 종자를 선택할 여지가 없다는 의견이 대부분이다. 아니면 선택의 여지가 있더라도 문산토 같은 대기업의 제품들 안에서뿐이다. 그리고 누군가 자신의 선택권을 주장하고 이에 대해 이야기하고 다니면 갑자기 몬산토의 인질이 되기도 한다.  

물론 위의 사례는 좀 극단적인 감이 있다. 그런 일이 또 다시 인터넷에서 일어났다는 걸 보지 못했다는 뜻은 아니다. 왜 우리가 컴퓨터 뒤에 있기 때문에 예의 없게 면허를 주겠다는 것인가? 아무튼 농민으로 돌아가자.  난 농민들 스스로 자신들의 종자 선택권에 대해 무슨 말을 할지 흥미를 가지고 있었다. 어떻게 씨앗을 선택하는지, 왜 유전자변형 종자나 그렇지 않은 걸 선택해서 심는지 말이다. 그래서 몇몇 농민들에게 질문을 했고, 다음은 그에 기반한 결론이다.  

농민들은 그들이 종자를 심으려 할 때 선택권이 있는가?

내가 조사한 모든 농민들이 100% 종자 선택권이 없는 것 같다고 답했다. 특정 종류의 종자를 선택해야 한다는 압력은 없다고 하지만,  자신이 바라는 좋은 품종의 씨앗을 자유로이 선택할 수는 없는 것 같다고 한다. 한 농민은, "종묘상에서 좋아하는 종자를 구매하는 것을 선택이라 한다면, 우리도 종자 판매상에게서 구입하길 원하는 것을 선택한다고 볼 수 있다." 그러나 농민들은 선택권을 가지고 있다고 느끼지 않으며, 그들이 선택권을 가질 때 행복을 느낀다. 어떤 농민은 나에게, "난 우리가 종자 선택권을 가지고 있다는 것이 중요하다고 생각한다. 모든 작부체계나 종자의 유형이 어떠한 농작업에도 다 적합한 것은 아니기 때문이다." 씨앗을 고를 때 모든 조건에 다 적합한 것이란 없다.  

어떤 유형의 씨앗이 있는가? 어떻게 씨앗을 고를 것인가? 어떤 요인으로 씨앗을 고르게 되는가?

오늘날 농민들은 전통적인 씨앗이나 하이브리드와 유전자변형 종자 사이에서 선택할 수 있다. 우리가 선택하는 씨앗의 유형에 관계없이, 씨앗을 선택할 때 고려해야 할 여러 요인이 있다.  유기농 농민에게 들었던 답처럼, "유기농의 씨앗 선택은 관행농업과 크게 다르지 않다. 재배하는 방법이 다를 뿐, 관행농 농민들과 똑같은 요소들을 중요하게 고려한다." 이 요소들은 다음과 같다.

  • 성숙기: 작물이 성숙하여 수확하는 데 걸리는 시간

  • 토양 유형: 심으려는 곳이 어떤 종류의 토양인가? 일부 종자는 특정한 토양에서 더 잘 자라기도 함 

  • 지리: 종자를 재배하려는 곳이 다른 곳보다 습하거나 건조한 특징이 있는 곳인가

  • 저항성: 이것은 잡초 저항성, 해충 저항성부터 가뭄 저항성까지 다양하다. 일부 종자는 습기가 적거나 비가 덜 내려도 잘 자람 

  • 수확량: 어느 종자가 농사철 동안 투입재 비용은 적게 들면서 가장 큰 이익을 가져다 줄 것인가

  • 가격: 농민은 직업이라 돈을 벌어서 가족을 먹여살려야 하기에, 가격이 선택에 중요한 요소가 됨

  • 구입가능성: 맘에 드는 종자를 찾을 수는 있지만, 여러 이유로 구하지 못할 수 있다. 그건 자연재해 때문일 수도 있다. 종자를 만들려면 먼저 그걸 재배해서 수확해야 한다... 그런데 자연재해가 타격을 입히면 어떻게 하는가? 농사철에 서리가 내리면? 여러 이유로 어떤 종자는 구입하지 못할 수 있다.  

농민들은 어떤 씨앗을 심을지 어떻게 결정하는가?

많은 농민들이 지난 몇 년 동안의 기록을 확인한다. 그들은 수확하면서 콤바인 등을 통해 수확량을 확인한다. 그것이 농민에게 수확이 좋은지, 평균인지, 나쁜지 알려준다.  어떤 농민들은 종자회사의 연구와 함께 대학의 연구결과를 확인한다. 어떤 사람은 종자 판매상이나 지역의 농학자 등 믿을 만한 정보원을 찾는다. 한 농민은 나에게, "변화의 속도, 새로운 종자, 종자 기술은 매우 빠르다. 농민으로서 나의 능력은 그 모든 도전에 따르는 것이다. 나는 나의 종자 판매상과 장기적인 신뢰와 이해의 관계를 구축하여, 내 농장에 적합한 제품을 고르도록 하나의 팀처럼 움직인다."  

유전자변형 종자를 심는다면, 관행 종자에 비해 그걸 선택한 장점은 무엇인가? 

각각의 농민은 유전자변형 종자를 선택한 저마다의 이유가 있다. 솔직히 말해 대부분의 응답은 편리함 때문이었다. 유전자변형 종자는 노동력이 덜 들기에 더 적은 사람을 고용하고, 제초제나 살충제를 덜 써도 된다.  "우리에게 유전자변형 종자는 노동집약적인 일을 줄여주며, 풀과 해충을 관리하는 농약의 살포를 더 쉽고 빠르고 효율적으로 만들어준다." 어느 농민은 유전자변형 종자를 선택해 지긋지긋했던 엄청난 잡초 문제를 해결할 수 있었다고 답했다.  다른 농민은 "내가 아는 유전자변형과 비유전자변형 종자를 재배하는 농민의 경우, 유전자변형 종자와 작물은 간단히 이용할 수 있는 또 다른 도구나 기술이라 볼 수 있다"고 답했다. 나머지 많은 농민들은 항상 노동력과 투입재를 덜 들이면서 더 잘, 효율적으로 일할 수 있는 법을 찾고 있다. 적은 노동력으로 더 적은 돈을 지출하면서 똑같은 돈을 벌 수 있다면, 나도 그럴 것이기에 이해할 수 있다.  

다른 농민은 목화 농사에 관해 이야기했다. "우린 유전자변형 목화 품종을 심고 그렇게 할 것인지 선택한다. 우린 더 친환경적인 선택지가 있다면 기존 관행 목화에서 사용하는 그 지독한 농약과 전문화된 도구를 사서 쓰고 싶지 않다. 유전자변형 목화 종자를 활용하여 우린 농약 구입비를 절약할 수 있다." 내가 현재 농민들이 종자와 농약을 구입하는 농자재 매장에서 일하면서 한 가지 배운 것이 있다... 농자재는 비싸다! 농민들은 절대로 필요하지 않은 것에 돈을 지출하지 않을 것이다! 투입재 비용 안에서 더 나은 수확을 올리려 한다면, 농민들은 절대로 특정 제품을 사용할 것이다. 그러나 결코 우리 농민들이 많은 비용이 들기 때문에 농약이나 화학비료를 과도하게 사용하지 않는다는 것이 아니다! 이유가 무엇이든, 유전자변형 종자는 사람들이 믿는 것처럼 본의 아니게 죽이고 다치게 하거나 아프게 만드는 무기가 아니라, 단지 현대 미국의 농민들이 이용하는 커다란 도구상자 안에 있는 또 다른 하나의 도구이다. 

그래서 농민들은 어디에서 종자를 구하는가?

모든 농민이 몬산토에서 받지 않는다는 걸 알면 충격을 받을 것인가!? 어떤 농민은 다우 농과학, 파이오니어, 몬산토는 물론 미국 전역에 있는 지역의 여러 종자회사에서 종자를 구한다.  

농민들에게: 만약 누군가가 당신이 선택하는 종자 때문에 당신을 대기업의 인질이 되었다고 고소한다면 어떻게 대응할 것인가?  

"매우 간단히, 나는 우리 농장의 조건에 가장 적합한 품종에 기반을 하여 나의 종자를 선택한다. 나는 다른 선택지가 없기 때문이 아니라, 나에게 알맞기 때문에 유전자변형 종자를 사용하려고 선택한다."

"난 함께 연구하자고 그들을 초대하려 한다. 먼저 매년 기존 종자, 유전자변형, 하이브리드를 비교하기 위해 종자 목록에 올린다.  그 다음 수확량과 재배면적당 비용을 비교하고, 가뭄이나 홍수, 폭염과 한파, 이른 서리와 수확철의 오랜 비와 같은 다양한 변수를 투입한다.  대기업과 영세한 종자회사의 수많은 품종의 종자를 비교한 뒤 완벽한 종자를 알아낼 수 있다면, 행복할 것이다."

실제 종자 판매상의 관점에서, "우리를 포함한 종자회사는 농민이 구입하길 바라는 품종과 특성을 시장에 출하하고 있다. 우린 모든 종류의 기존 종자를 제공할 수 있지만, 우리가 제공하는 것 가운데 농민이 바라는 건 극소수이다. 농민들이 유전자변형 종자를 선택하고 바라기에 우리가 그걸 공급한다. 기존의 종자를 바란다면, 우린 기꺼이 그걸 제공할 것이다."

농민들은 선택권이 있는가? 그렇다! 

농민의 입장에서 보자. 그렇다, 농민들은 선택권이 있다. 있어도 너무 많다고 느낄 때도 있다. 그들은 단지 돈 때문이 아니라 여러 유전자의 품종에 기반한 종자를 선택할 선택권이 있다는 사실을 즐긴다. 농민들은 연구하고, 사고, 판매하는 종자에 대한 수요를 형성한다. 왜 농민들은 칭찬하는 종자를 생산하고 있는 기업을 사람들은 악마로 만드는지 어떠한 논리적 의미도 찾을 수 없다.

결국, 어떤 사람들은 우리가 처한 입장이 유기농 농부이든, 몬산토의 직원이든, 유전자변형 작물 재배 농민이든 상관없이 우린 모두 사람이란 사실을 잊어버리는 것 같다.  우리 모두는 가족과 친구, 그리고 걱정하는 사람이 있다. 우린 우리가 먹는 음식과 그걸 어떻게 재배하는지에 대한 열정이 있다. 우린 우리가 하는 일에 대한 열정이 있고, 그건 농민들도 마찬가지다. 먹을거리가 풍부한 곳에서만 당신은 당신 몸에 넣을 먹을거리의 종류를 선택할 수 있다. 우리가 살고 있는 곳은 음식의 다양성이 풍부한 곳이라는 걸 축하하자. 우리가 소비자로서 농민들이 가장 좋은 작물을 생산할 수 있도록 하고, 마찬가지로 우리도 농민들과 농업 덕에 우리의 몸에 그런 음식을 넣을 수 있다는 사실을 축하하자. 그리고 다른 곳에서도 우리처럼 즐길 수 있도록 하기 위하여 농업에 힘을 쏟자. 

조사에 응해 준 농민들에게 감사의 인사를 전한다.

출처 http://jldphotographblog.com/2013/05/23/do-farmers-have-choices/


Two dinosaurs of world trade – the United States and the European Union – have begun talks on a bilateral free trade agreement in order to boost jobs and economic growth in their largely depressed economies. Most of the boost is expected to come from more harmonised regulations between the two markets, including on food safety. However, there is nothing in the proposals that will serve consumers or the public interest.

It is all about reducing the hoops for agribusiness. Not only would this hurt Europeans, whose clearly higher standards would be dragged down, but it would affect many other countries' food producers and consumers, since any deal reached between Washington and Brussels will set a new international benchmark. From genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to bisphenol A (BPA), the need to protect people from the industrial food system, not open the gates for it to spread, is more urgent than ever.

The greatest divergences in the EU-US bilateral trade relationship are found in the area of consumer and food safety, environmental protection and subsidies.

– Laine Škoba, European Parliament1

"We are not guinea pigs", European activitists say, as the resistance to the transatlantic FTA – sometimes called TAFTA – grows. (Photo: Les Engraineurs)

In February 2013, the United States and the European Union agreed to start negotiating a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). It was not a new idea. The possibility of a forging a "private" trade pact – outside the World Trade Organisation – between the two richest market economies of the world has been tossed around by politicians and business associations for many years. It is only now, with the US and EU in the grip of a post-2008 economic recession and unshakably high unemployment rates, that a bilateral deal seemed worthwhile to their leaders. In late 2011, a high-level working group was set up to start framing the possible scope of such an agreement.2 The actual negotiations got under way in July 2013.3

A lot of ink has been spilled about what this deal might mean – some of it clearly propaganda.4 Some of it, like the official figures about how much additional disposable income it will create for EU and US citizens, is hugely exaggerated and has been shot down by experts.

Social movements opposed to the FTA have hotly denounced the many threats posed by this deal, which they rightly perceive will have a significant structural impact on production, consumption and people's lives in these countries if it goes through. Tariff barriers between the two parties are already fairly low, so that is not what the negotiations are about. They are meant to get rid of what the EU calls "trade irritants": regulatory differences.

If the negotiations do succeed and a deal is signed, it will have serious repercussions for the rest of world. on the one hand, it will certainly boost business dealings between the two economies in some areas at the expense of other trade partners. But more importantly, it will create new international standards -- on agricultural trade, the internet, corporate power to write public policy, etc -- that both Washington and Brussels will push onto the rest of the world through both bilateral and multilateral channels.

Incompatible systems

Food safety is one of the key contentious issues on the table. This is because the EU and the US have completely different policies and practices on how to achieve it, and a history of fighting like bulldogs over it. The stakes for public health are high.5 In the US, each year, 48 million people (that's 1 out of every 6 people!) get sick from eating contaminated food and 3,000 die from it.6 In the EU, in 2011, 70,000 people got sick from eating contaminated food and 93 died from it.7Apart from food-borne illnesses, there are also stealthier threats from the industrial food system that dominates in Europe and the US, like pesticide residues that accumulate in people's bodies, the consumption of genetically-modified plant and animal products, and endocrine disruptors that permeate foods from packaging materials like plastic. This is not to mention emerging public food safety concerns stemming from new and unregulated technologies like nanotechnology or synthetic biology.

Obviously, both the US and the EU authorities want to minimise risks to people's health from the food supply. But their approaches are diametrically opposed. The European Union practices a philosophy of "farm to fork", where each step of the process is monitored and traceable. The US system only verifies the safety of the end product. Also, the EU subscribes deeply to the precautionary principle, which is part of its political charter. This means that in absence of a clear understanding of whether something is safe, caution should be exercised. The US doesn't allow for that; it requires "scientific evidence" to justify any caution or restriction. In the area of chemicals, which go into processed foods and packaging, the gap is even wider. EU legislation puts the burden of proof on companies to prove that the chemicals they use are safe. US law requires the government to prove that a chemical is unsafe.

The result of all this is that companies have to adapt to each market differently and people are better off in Europe. This is what the FTA aims to change.

transatlantic shopping cart. (Credit: Martha Rosenberg)

What does the food industry want?

Washington and Brussels have been fighting trade wars over food safety and related issues for years. The most well-known battles have been over the use of hormones in beef, mad cow disease, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and chlorine-washed chicken. Until now, these fights have played themselves out at the World Trade Organisation, which governs global trade rules on sanitary standards and related technical barriers (e.g. food labelling). Some of the disputes have been settled, others are unresolved. Now, for the first time, a bilateral EU-US FTA creates a whole new opportunity to deal with these differences. That may mean levelling the playing field through some form of regulatory convergence (harmonising or recognising each others' standards). And it will likely include an investor-state dispute settlement tool (companies from either side of the Atlantic will get the right to sue governments on the other).

By parsing corporate documents, it is not hard to find the main battle lines.8

Table 1: TTIP food safety battle lines
IssueWhat US agribusiness wants from the EU
GMOsSpeeding up of the EU approvals process and synchronisation with US approvals. No individual tests for components of stacked genetic events. Greater tolerance of trace amounts of GM events in food, feed and processing. Drop the ban on GM-fed poultry and pork. Replace labelling of GMOs with labelling of GM-free
growth hormonesDrop the ban on hormone-fed beef
growth promotersDrop the ban on ractopamine-fed beef and pork
chlorineDrop the ban on chlorine-washed chicken and turkey
lactic acidDrop the ban on lactic acid-washed beef beyond the carcass and on pork
mad cowDrop the ban on tallow (which the corporations say is for producing biofuel, not for food)
trichinaeEliminate the testing requirements for trichinae in pork
milkRaise the number of somatic cells (from cows with mastitis) permitted in milk or drop the count requirement altogether
cherriesDrop or ease up the requirement to prove no brown rot
molluscsDrop the ban on US-origin molluscs and shellfish other than scallops
endocrine disruptorsRefrain from banning chemicals (used in food production or packaging) that affect the endocrine system based on that property alone
IssueWhat EU agribusiness wants from the US
mad cowDrop the ban on beef and veal from EU territory
dairyEliminate US dairy import assessment and align standards insteadMake "Grade A" pasteurised milk requirements less cumbersome
bivalve molluscsAccept EU standards of testing the flesh of oysters and other bivalve molluscs for E. coli rather than the water they were raised in
new plant productsSpeed up the procedures of risk analysis

These issues are well known and demonstrate why it is the EU's higher standards that are under threat in this trade deal. What is not evident from this picture, though, is that things are already changing, before the FTA negotiations even take place.

Outside the box

A number of the food industry's non-tariff-related transatlantic trade concerns are already being dealt with outside of the FTA negotiations per se. This will be very familiar to Koreans and Taiwanese, for example, who have seen Washington require market openings for US beef as a precondition for trade and investment talks. Some of the changes are coming from Brussels, but some from Washington as well. It may mean that business groups are concerned about the FTA talks getting into trouble – from opposition by public interest groups – on food safety issues.

Lactic acid-washed beef: Not many people are aware of this but in February 2013, the EU opened its market to beef sprayed with lactic acid. This move was a concession to the US as a result of the EU closing its market to US beef because of mad cow disease in US herds. While it's true that this concession arose from an agreement reached years ago, European politicians and legislators had continued to resist implementing it.

There is nothing necessarily harmful about lactic acid per se. The problem is accepting that it be used to clean animal carcasses that may have Salmonella or E. coli on them from faeces or other contaminants. European legislators and even the member states were not convinced that this is a good way of assuring of food safety in the EU.9 For it basically says that its okay to use low standards of animal handling up to the abattoir, and then "nuke" any problems away. This move was one of the preconditions the Obama administration put forward in order to agree to negotiate an FTA with Brussels.10 And it is a degradation of EU standards.

GMO labelling: The US biotechnology industry has been fighting consumer demands to label GM foods since the technology was invented. It therefore strenuously opposes EU legislation which requires labelling. In fact, Monsanto and others have long used bilateral FTA negotiations to try to twist the arms of other countries, from Thailand to Australia, to cease and desist from labelling GM foods.

But strategies might be shifting. When it was asked what it wanted from the US-EU FTA, earlier this year, the US soybean industry suggested that it could live with labelling if the EU changed its rules from labelling foods that contain GMOs to labelling foods that do not contain GMOs.11 As a matter of fact, the US government started promoting GM-free labelling in January of this year.12It is voluntary and it is based on private standards, but it is a new move from the federal government. At the state level, major battles are under way, and being won, to get statewide GM labelling in various parts of the country.

This means that things are moving, if ever so slightly, and the US industry's proposal to accept GM-free labelling in transatlantic trade is probably a ruse to create a sense of (false) common ground while stealthily undermining EU standards. Compulsory labelling for the presence of GMOs is a hard-won political commitment in Europe, widely cherished by consumers. GM-free labelling, on the other hand, is voluntary and corporate-driven, mostly used by retailers. The EU is now working to propose legislation to harmonise GM-free standards in the EU, but this is seen by consumers as a complement to compulsory GM labelling, not a substitute.13 What is worrisome here is if Brussels agrees to promote a mirage of common ground and accepts this change of standards from labelling GM to labelling GM-free, especially as a horse-trade for something else. Already, observers are indicating that Washington may agree to bring financial services into the FTA talks in exchange for movement on agriculture, where the GM issues dominates.14

Recoiling on growth promoters?: The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just confirmed the link between the routine use of antibiotics as growth promoters in meat production and rising antibiotic resistance. The CDC says antibiotic-resistant bacteria is killing 23,000 people and causing another 2 million people to get infected in the United States alone each year.15 It has now joined the US Food and Drug Administration in calling for "urgent measures" to scale back the use of such drugs on US farms.

US legislators have been trying to discourage the use of antibiotics as livestock growth promoters for years, yet US agribusiness refuses to abandon this profitable practice. This leaves their country's negotiators searching desperately for wiggle room to gain greater access for farm products. For instance, the US government is now putting into motion a programme to certify "Never Fed Beta Agonists" meat for export to countries that ban ractopamine- or zilpaterol-fed meat like Russia and China.

Whether this move to create "niche market" lines to skirt foreign bans will serve as a fallback measure in the TTIP negotiations with the EU, should Brussels play hardball on its own ban, remains to be seen.

Moving past mad cow: To appease Brussels, the US Department of Agriculture is also moving to more or less lift the ban on beef and veal from EU countries ahead of the TTIP talks.16 A move in this direction was a precondition that the EU put on the US for the overall trade talks to go ahead. In essence, US authorities will allow EU states to export beef or veal to the US if they document that their measures to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease are equivalent to those in the US. As of November 2013, the ruling was still not published, but imminent.

These examples remind us that one sometimes needs to look at what is going on outside the box to understand the direction of FTA negotiations, and that despite promises and propaganda there really are no "sacred cows" in these talks.

The Taiwanese have deeply resisted opening their market to ractopamine-fed pork for the US. Will Europeans do the same?

Built-in boomerang effect

Because Europe and the US are such dominant political powers and top markets for food exporters around the world, anything they decide behind closed doors on food safety standards will affect others.

Key bilateral trade negotiations that would likely have to align with any new food safety-related norms coming out of TTIP include the EU's current or upcoming talks with India, the Southeast Asian members of ASEAN and China. on the US side, parties to the Transatlantic Trade Partnership, including Mexico, Korea, Japan, Australia and Canada, would also likely have to accept some level of harmonisation with what the EU and US agree to.

At the global level, the International Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Codex Alimentarius, the two bodies that set the food safety rules that all 196 members of the World Trade Organisation have to follow, are already driven by US and EU string-pulling. Any major developments under TTIP would certainly be translated into OIE and Codex standards.

Nothing to gain for ordinary people

To the question, "What good will come of this agreement?", it is hard to say what the answer would be in the battleground over food safety. TTIP is not going to improve the safety of food for ordinary people. It will only destabilise protections, making things better for industry but dicier for consumers. While both are closely aligned with corporate interests, all evidence shows that the EU's food safety system is better than the US'. And it is Washington that is bringing the most demands to change that system to better suit its corporations' interests.17 None of those changes will be in the interest of public health. And if they are adopted through the TTIP, they will very likely be imposed on other countries through other bilateral FTAs as well as global standard-setting bodies.

Beyond food safety, TTIP poses many other threats to the public interest. Mass campaigns to collapse the talks are being prepared and need to be actively supported.

Going further:

Karen Hansen-Kuhn and Steve Suppan, "Promises and perils of the TTIP: Negotiating a transatlantic agricultural market" (pdf), Heinrich Böll Foundation, October 2013.

Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, "Resolution on the approach to food and nutrition related issues in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" (pdf), October 2013.

Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, "EU-US trade deal: A bumper crop for 'big food'?" (pdf), October 2013.

GRAIN, "Food safety for whom? Corporate wealth versus people's health", May 2011

Following the issues and negotiations at bilaterals.org.

1 "Principal EU-US trade disputes" (pdf), Library briefing, Library of the European Parliament, 22 April 2013.

3 The deal will be called the "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership" or TTIP.

4 For instance, the EU asks "Will the EU be forced to change its laws on GMOs?" and answers "No, it will not," as if to reassure Europeans. The fact is that the EU may very well change its legislation as a result of the deal but it will not be a matter of "force".

5 For an in depth review of the issues, see GRAIN, "Food safety for whom? Corporate wealth versus people's health", 2011.

6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food safety facts.

7 European Food Safety Authority and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, "EU summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2011" (pdf), January 2013.

8 Apart from our own scanning, internal research commissioned by Greenpeace was a great help for drawing up this table.

9 When the European Commission proposed the legislation to Council, it failed to get qualified majority support. See "Member States resist lactic acid cleaning for carcasses", EU Food Law, 12 October 2012.

12 Lauriel Cleveland, "USDA approves voluntary GM-free label", CNN, 25 January 2013.

13 See Greens/EFA, "GMO-free labelling of food products: a way to increase GMO-free supplies for animal feed?", conference documentation, European Parliament, Brussels, 6 March 2013.

15 Carolyn Lochhead, "Report links antibiotics at farms to human deaths", San Francisco Gate, 20 September 2013. The situation in the EU is hardly better: the European CDC estimates that 25,000 people die in the EU each year due to antibiotic resistance.

16 "US lifts 'mad cow' restrictions on EU beef, but other hurdles remain" (registration required), Inside US Trade, 8 November 2013.


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