반응형 庫間/영상자료126 온전한 토지 Unbroken Ground from Patagonia Provisions on Vimeo. 2016. 8. 2. 재밌는 개미의 세계 캘리포니아 개미들이 침입자인 아르헨티나 개미를 쫓아내는 모습이다. 개미의 세계는 봐도 봐도 재밌다. 어린시절로 되돌아간다면 곤충학자가 되고 싶다. 2016. 5. 4. 방글라데시의 벼논양어 In Bangladesh, the world 'Beel' means a lake with static water. To better manage these flood plain fisheries and alleviate the poverty of communities living around these rich ecosystems, scientists worked with fishing co-operatives for improved fisheries management as part. Though an innovative ecosystems based approach increased fish production has expanded livelihood opportu.. 2014. 8. 6. 다양성을 경작하자 Family farmers play a crucial role in managing biodiversity. How can this relationship be strengthened in a context where both are being marginalised? Farmers and other experts from four countries share their views and experiences. In April 2014, the AgriCultures Network is publishing six magazines on agrobiodiversity, see www.agriculturesnetwork.org/magazines 2014. 6. 9. 멕시코 오악사카의 빗물 집수 2014. 5. 31. 칠면조를 놓아먹이는 미국의 농부 The Farm of the Good Shepherd from maryn on Vimeo. Frank Reese raises heritage chicken and turkeys on his Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch in tiny Lindsborg, Kansas. The birds belong to breeds that the poultry industry discarded over decades as it refined the modern meat chicken. Reese chooses to raise them because he believes the breeds have valuable genetics that the industry wil.. 2014. 5. 31. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 21 다음 반응형