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살아 있는 풀 덮개를 활용한 지속가능한 농법 이렇게 재미나고 좋은 농사법이 있습니다. 그런데도 농약에 의존하여 땅을 망가뜨리고, 생태계를 어지럽히겠습니까? 2013. 4. 6.
중국의 농업혁명 Fifty years ago, China’s most pressing problem was how to feed its people. Now, the big worry is whether its food will make people sick. A string of food-safety scandals in recent years — from chemically enhanced exploding watermelons to recycled “gutter oil” in restaurants — has shaken people’s confidence in conventional food supply networks all over the c.. 2013. 4. 6.
유기농업에서 토양 선충 ntroductionNematodes are microscopic, wormlike organisms (Fig. 1) that live in water films and water-filled pore spaces in the soil. Typically, they are most abundant in the upper soil layers where organic matter, plant roots, and other resources are most abundant. Nematode abundance in soils—managed and unmanaged—ranges from 1–10 million individuals/m2 (Pete.. 2013. 4. 2.
그리스의 젊은 농부들 취재자는 유럽의 농민들 가운데 35세 이하의 젊은 농부는 단 7%라는 사실을 보고는 과연 그들이 어떻게 살고 있는지 알아보기 위해 길을 나선다. 짧은 영어이지만 알아들은 바를 나열하자면, 첫번째로 목화와 사탕무, 옥수수, 토마토 등을 680에어커의 농지에서 재배하는 젊은 관행농민이 .. 2013. 3. 31.
풀 관리를 위한 유기물 덮개 AbstractOrganic mulches can suppress annual weeds and offer other important benefits, such as organic matter, nutrients, moisture conservation, soil protection, and moderation of soil temperature. Drawbacks include costs and labor of application, limited efficacy on perennial weeds, delayed soil warming, and the potential to carry weed seeds and harbor pests. Hay, straw, and f.. 2013. 3. 23.
생물학적으로 다양한 생태계 서비스 대 관행농업 체계 http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol17/iss4/art40/ 요약 We hypothesize that biological diversification across ecological, spatial, and temporal scales maintains and regenerates the ecosystem services that provide critical inputs—such as maintenance of soil quality, nitrogen fixation, pollination, and pest control—to agriculture. Agrobiodiversity is sustained by d.. 2013. 3. 23.