반응형 기후변화93 GMO 신화와 진실: 과학적 검토 GMO_Myths_and_Truths_1.3b.pdf 왜 유전자조작(GE) 식품이 위험한가오늘 새로 발표된 보고서 "GMO 신화와 진실"에서는 유전자조작(GE) 작물과 유전자조작 생물체(GMOs)가 건강과 환경에 미치는 위험성을 면밀히 검토된 과학적 증거를 제시하며 밝힌다.영국 킹스 칼리지(King's College) 런던 의학부의 미챌.. 2013. 2. 19. 기후변화로 농업이 황폐해질 수 있다 Climate change could have a drastic and harmful effect on U.S. agriculture, forcing farmers and ranchers to alter where they grow crops and costing them millions of dollars in additional costs to tackle weeds, pests and diseases that threaten their operations, a sweeping government report said Tuesday. An analysis released by the Agriculture Department said that although U.S. .. 2013. 2. 7. 기후 친화적 식량생산 방법 climate and ag_FINAL.pdf Washington, D.C.—This summer, record temperatures and limited rainfall parched vast areas of U.S. cropland, and with Earth’s surface air temperature projected to rise 0.69 degrees Celsius by 2030, global food production will be even more unpredictable, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute (www.worldwatch.org). Althoug.. 2013. 1. 22. 어떻게 우리가 먹는 음식이 지구에 영향을 주는가 음식-기후의 관계 With the droughts, heat waves, wildfires and hurricanes of 2012 fresh on our mind, it may be an opportune moment to examine the connection between these extreme weather episodes and our warming planet. One aspect that is often overlooked is the surprising relationship between the foods we eat and climate change. A new public radio project, called “The.. 2013. 1. 17. 무더위가 세계 식량위기를 악화시킨다는 연구 Sprinklers water crops in Bakersfield, California, during a heatwave. Photograph: David McNew/Getty Images The world's food crisis, where 1 billion people are already going hungry and a further 2 billion people will be affected by 2050, is set to worsen as increasing heatwaves reverse the rising crop yields seen over the last 50 years, according to new research. Severe heatwav.. 2013. 1. 16. 2012년을 마무리하며 한국의 친환경 쌀 생산량은 2010년 기준 무농약 22만9230톤, 유기농 2만5491톤으로 총 39만5752톤이다. 이는 전체 쌀 생산량 429만5000톤 가운데 9.2%를 차지한다. 그런데 그 가운데 유기농의 비율만 따지면 전체 생산량의 0.6% 정도뿐이다. 이렇게 생산된 유기농 쌀은 대부분 생협 등으로 유통된다. .. 2012. 12. 31. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 16 다음 반응형