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저럼한 해결책이 유전자변형 작물보다 여전히 뛰어나다 WE ARE not producing our food sustainably. Climate change is already reducing productivity in some areas, and this is projected to worsen. Agriculture is also responsible for a substantial share of climate-change gases, most unsustainable uses of fresh water, and is the main cause of the several hundred global “dead zones,” such as in the Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay... 2014. 6. 4.
슈퍼잡초의 등장 흥미로운 그래프. 미국에서 유전자변형 작물이 도입된 후 이른바 슈퍼잡초가 증가하고 있다는 이야기. 물론 유전자변형 작물 자체의 잘못이라기보다는 제초제가 만연해진 농업 관행을 짚고 넘어가지 않을 수 없다. 유전자변형 작물을 재배하지 않는 한국의 논에서도 제초제에 내성이 생.. 2014. 6. 2.
에덴의 사과: 현대 사과의 야생종을 보존하기 Central Asia's fruit tree species are invaluable storehouses of genetic diversity with the potential to secure the future of global crops. This story is part of National Geographic's special eight-month Future of Food series. An epiphany came to Adrian Newton in the form of an afternoon tea. In 2009, the British forest conservation ecologist was surveying threatened fruit tree.. 2014. 5. 14.
유전자변형 작물: 유럽의 과학자들이 생명공학을 촉진하고자 아프리카로 내려가다 GM opponents say the talks are a thinly veiled attempt to promote biotech farming at the government level in Africa. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty ImagesAfrica is expected to be the next target of GM food companies, as European scientists and policymakers travel to Ethiopia to boost the prospect of growing more of the controversial crops on the continent. Anne Glover, the chief.. 2014. 3. 24.
GM 작물에 대한 날카로운 관찰 Palmer amaranth has taken root as a herbicide-resistant ‘superweed’ in many US cotton fields. In the pitched debate over genetically modified (GM) foods and crops, it can be hard to see where scientific evidence ends and dogma and speculation begin. In the nearly 20 years since they were first commercialized, GM crop technologies have seen dramatic uptake. Advocates say th.. 2014. 3. 16.
대규모 단작에 대한 대안이 되는 생태농업 “Agroecology does not mean going back to the Stone Age; on the contrary, it is based on high-level scientific concepts,” says one of the interviewees in Crops of the Future – How agroecology can feed the world, the last film by the French researcher Marie-Monique Robin, who visited the country in late November and presented the film together with her last book (which .. 2014. 1. 24.