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유기농 채소 생산에서 잡초 관리를 위한 덮개 AbstractMulches contribute to weed management in organic crops by reducing weed seed germination, blocking weed growth, and favoring the crop by conserving soil moisture and sometimes by moderating soil temperature. Opaque synthetic mulches like black plastic provide an effective barrier to most weeds and are amenable to mechanized application, but they must be removed at the .. 2013. 4. 17.
유기농업의 토양비옥도 eOrganic author: Michelle Wander, University of Illinois In organic farming systems, soil fertility means more than just providing plants with macro- and micronutrients. Effective fertility management considers plants, soil organic matter (SOM), andsoil biology. Ideally, organic farming systems are designed to enhance soil fertility to achieve multiple goals. Important goals i.. 2013. 4. 9.
"피" 에 대하여 http://cafe.naver.com/eastempirecafe/64?viewType=pc 재배 역사가 오래되고 환경적응성이 뛰어난 피는 타가수분, 서식환경의 변화, 제초제 처리와 같은 지속적인 스트레스 등의 원인으로 種間잡종과 種內變異가 심하고 다양한 생태형이 존재하기 때문에 분류와 학명 사용에 학자간 견해차가 있는 등 .. 2013. 4. 4.
다양한 유기농 작물이 야생 벌의 숫자를 늘린다 Fields with diversified, organic crops get more buzz from wild bees, concludes a synthesis of 39 studies on 23 crops around the world published March 11 in the journal Ecology Letters. The study found that wild bees were more abundant in diversified farming systems. Unlike large-scale monoculture agriculture, which typically relies upon pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, di.. 2013. 3. 23.
녹비작물을 이용한 풋찰옥수수 유기재배에 관한 연구 요약하면... 본시험은 유기재배에 적합한 찰옥수수 품종선발과 선발된 품종의 녹비작물을 이용한 풋찰옥수수 유기재배기술 확립을 위하여 2011~2012년간 실시하였다. 1년차(2011)에는 전국에서 많이 재배되고 있는 찰옥수수 11품종(미흑찰, 아리찰, 흑점2호, 미백2호, 미백찰, 흑진주찰, 구슬.. 2013. 3. 19.
작물 가격의 상승으로 농지가 확대되고 환경에 악영향 American farmers, as the recent Super Bowl ad showed, are just simple, hard-working folk, scratching a living from the land. Right? Except for the hard-working part, don’t believe it. Farmers are capitalists, just as much as their cousins in the big city. Case in point: as the price of crops like corn and soybeans has risen considerably in recent years—thanks to increa.. 2013. 3. 1.