
Two Cotton Fields from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

똑같은 목화밭인데 토양 간리를 어떻게 하느냐에 따라서 차이가 난다는...

한쪽은 그냥 맨흙을 노출시켜 목화를 심고, 다른 한쪽은 덮개작물을 덮은 다음 심었더니 이런 차이가 난다.

토양 표면의 온도와 습도 등에 큰 차이를 준다고... 눈으로 확인하시라!


'곳간 > 영상자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

관행농업의 경운과 토양의 건강  (0) 2013.01.30
유기농업과 토양의 건강  (0) 2013.01.30
흙 이야기  (0) 2013.01.30
마블링 권하는 사회  (0) 2013.01.21
도시 양계  (0) 2013.01.18

Soil Stories: The Whole Story from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

“흙 이야기(Soil Stories)”에서 주인공 Francine 씨는 흙은 살아 있고, 흙이 없으면 인간도 살 수 없다는 사실을 깨닫고 여행길에 나선다. 이 여행에서 그녀는 땅속을  보도록 돕고, 다양한 토양층의 모습을 이해하려고 얼마나 많은 조사를 하는지를 도와줄 토양학자들을 만난다. 이야기의 후반부에서 Francine 씨는 흙의 물리적, 생물학적 측면을 가까이에서 지켜보도록 도와줄 인물들을 만난다. 마지막 부분에서는 흙의 역사에 대해 설명해주는 인물을 만난다. 

“Soil Stories” was born out of a collaborative effort between ESRI-SC and SC NRCS. We (Buz Kloot and Pam Thomas) wanted to get all the information about soils across, but in a way that was engaging. While facts came easy, it's not always easy to be engaging on this subject. Until that is, when I (Buz Kloot) was at a ScienceFilm workshop with Jeff Morales and Colin Bates where I began to see that the story trumps all when making videos. Colin's advice to me one morning was "why don't you make a movie about people who have a relationship with the soil?" - well, the rest is history. Credit goes to so many and I have tried to acknowledge all at the end of the video, but I fear I may still have left some out. To those I apologize. This series along with other experiences of making video for the NRCS in the last three has changed the way I look at natural resources in general and more specifically, at soils . My profound thanks to all of the professionals in the NRCS and to the many land owners who have helped shape my thinking. .


'곳간 > 영상자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

유기농업과 토양의 건강  (0) 2013.01.30
토양 관리의 중요성  (0) 2013.01.30
마블링 권하는 사회  (0) 2013.01.21
도시 양계  (0) 2013.01.18
라틴아메리카의 '두레' 조직  (0) 2013.01.18


This module discusses different aspects of soil and water systems, and reflects on soil and water sustainability issues for small-scale farming in particular. Certain principles about soil and water systems are common to all farms – such as how nutrient cycles and soil food webs work. Similarly, how water enters the farm and the dynamics of soil moisture follow the same principles everywhere. At the same time, there is a huge variety of soil types and climates around the world. A farmer who lives in a floodplain in Bangladesh needs a different type of management option to one living in dry regions like the Sahel or in the Middle East. While we cannot represent all different situations, this module covers a variety of cases of small-scale farming in different regions for students to develop insights into soil and water sustainability.

Module 2 addresses the question of how soil and water management practices can be improved on farms. How can soil and water management be improved in the wider context of farmers? What kinds of policies can support more sustainable management of land, soil and water?

Through a variety of educational resources, including games and exercises, articles, videos, photos and ideas for field visits, educators can inspire their students to reflect more critically about soil and water sustainability issues around the world as well as in their own region.


'곳간 > 문서자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

농업을 배우자 4 -가축  (0) 2013.01.30
농업을 배우자 3 -작부체계  (0) 2013.01.30
농업을 배우자 1 -지속가능한 소농  (0) 2013.01.30
먹노린재  (0) 2013.01.27
일제강점기 쌀 생산량과 인구  (0) 2013.01.25

흙은 한정된 자연자원이지만, 식량안보에서 담당하는 역할은 매우 중요하다. 

기후변화의 영향으로 흙이 열화되고 침식되어 농민은 흙을 건강히 지키고자 맞서고 있다..


'곳간 > 영상자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

중국의 옥상텃밭 이야기  (0) 2013.01.17
흙을 이야기하자  (0) 2012.12.17
유기농업을 위한 풀 관리법  (0) 2012.12.02
골타기와 덮개작물  (0) 2012.12.02
농업과 녹색경제  (0) 2012.12.01

Soil is one of the planet's invaluable resources but continues to be degraded in Europe. Together, the mineral particles, water, air, organic matter, and living organisms that constitute soil perform key functions which underpin our society.

Soil is a vital, non-renewable resource for ecosystems, playing an essential role in services such as water purification and food production. It is also a major global carbon sink, with significant potential to remove climate-changing gases from the atmosphere.

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has joined forces with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre on 'The state of soil in Europe', a comprehensive scientific report highlighting the need to protect and maintain soil in a co-ordinated way across the European Union. The report warns that failure to tackle increased soil degradation could eventually compromise food production. Moreover, degraded soil is less able to prevent droughts and flooding and stop biodiversity loss.

The EEA reported in its last flagship report that Europe's soils are subject to erosion and landslides. Organic matter and biodiversity are both declining in some areas, while compaction, salinisation, and contamination are also significant issues. All these problems have considerable economic and environmental consequences. For example, soil erosion by water affects around 16% of Europe's land area. It is largely the result of poor land management, such as deforestation, overgrazing, construction activities and forest fires.

For further information on the threats to Europe's soils, see the 2010 EEA assessment, which includes asummary of key facts and key messages. These sources focus on how unsustainable human use and management of land is leading to increased soil degradation, and the loss of a resource that is fundamental to life on the planet.


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