반응형 庫間/해외자료769 퇴비가 힘이다 < grow > • how and what to compost • simplest composting methods • enclosed composting bins • build your own compost bin • tips for successful composting • buy a compost bin Browse composting supplies in the Eartheasy store: Connect with Us Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView us on Youtube email newsletter: sign up Compost is th.. 2015. 2. 28. 흙을 알면 농사가 산다 If you’re planning to get serious about gardening it’s crucial you get to know your soil type. No matter how much work you do in your yard and garden, all that careful sowing, weeding and tending could be in vain if the quality of your soil is not up to scratch. The soil provides your plants with the vital nutrients, water and air that they require for healthy growth and d.. 2015. 2. 28. 농약으로 인한 환경오염 Use of insecticides in the West Bank is shown. The investigation showed that with higher average temperatures even more insecticides are used and therefore streams are more at risk in warmer regions than in colder. Leipzig/ Landau. Streams within approx. 40% of the global land surface are at risk from the application of insecticides. These were the results from the first globa.. 2015. 2. 28. 흙이 좋아지면 농사도 잘 된다 Tillage practices that conserve moisture, plants that use water more efficiently and soil with more organic matter have produced higher yields even in dry conditions, according to soil scientist David Clay, professor of plant science. Research shows that soil carbon levels have increased by 24 percent from 1985 to 2010, according to Clay. Over the same period, corn yields incr.. 2015. 2. 14. 버마의 농지 문제 가디언에 버마(미얀마라고도 하는)의 토지 문제에 관한 좋은 사진자료가 올라왔다. 요지는, 2012년에 농지법이 통과되었는데 그 이후 농민들이 군사정권이 강탈해 갔던 땅을 되찾으려고 노력한다는 이야기이다. 하지만 정부에서는 토지이용 정책을 올해까지 입안하려고 하는데, 그 등록 .. 2015. 1. 24. 돼지의 제국 PIG number 5422 saunters into the pen, circles its few square metres and mounts a plastic stand. The farmer cleans the animal’s underside, feels around and draws out what appears to be a thin pink tube around 30cm long. He begins to massage. Pigs elsewhere snort, grunt or squeal, but the alpha pig is unmoved. Soon he has filled a thermal cup with more than 60 billion sperm. .. 2015. 1. 14. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 129 다음 반응형