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유기농이 정말로 환경에 더 이로운가? 메릴랜드 뉴버그의 유기농 생산자 Heinz Thomet 씨가 마른땅에서 벼를 수확하고 있다. (Logan Mock-Bunting/For The Washington Post) 유기농업의 요점은 토양이다. 그러한 방식의 농장은 토양을 건강하게 유지하여 —풍부한 유기물과 영양분, 미생물의 활동— 관행농업에서 사용하는 합성 비료와 .. 2016. 5. 25.
유전자변형 작물은 안전하지만, 늘 약속한 미래를 구현하는 건 아니다 Worker Javier Alcantar tends to corn crops at the Monsanto Co. test field in Woodland, Calif., in 2012. Noah Berger/Bloomberg via Getty Images The National Academy of Sciences — probably the country's most prestigious scientific group — has reaffirmed its judgment that GMOs are safe to eat. But the group's new report struck a different tone from previous ones, with.. 2016. 5. 18.
모로코의 농업 Morocco is a geographically diverse country that encompasses the Atlas and Rif mountains, the Sahara desert and the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy, with over half the active labour force working in farming. However, Morocco faces some significant challenges, particularly with drought and soil degradation. There is also a striking .. 2016. 5. 3.
양계업과 그 어려움 그래도 10년 전에는 닭이 돈이 되는 때였다고 Mike Weaver 씨는 말한다. 그는 2001년 미국 야생동식물보호국 법률 집행관에서 퇴직한 뒤 웨스트버지니아 포트 세이버트에 사들인 자신의 농장에서 여전히 닭을 사육한다. 그런데 돈은? 갈수록 시원찮아지고 있다. Keeping the lights on and the heaters run.. 2015. 11. 17.
몬산토가 농약에 흠뻑 젖은 미래에 450억 달러를 걸다 Once an industrial-chemical titan, GMO seed giant Monsanto has rebranded itself as a "sustainable agriculture company." Forget such classic post-war corporate atrocities as PCB and dioxin—the modern Monsanto "uses plant breeding and biotechnology to create seeds that grow into stronger, more resilient crops that require fewer resources," as the company's website has it. T.. 2015. 11. 12.
토양의 유기물 문제 The key ingredient for healthy soils and healthy crops is soil organic matter. But it has been neglected in recent decades. How could we have forgotten about it? And what is needed to bring it back in the fields and on political agendas? Insights from the AgriCultures Network.A farmer prepares vermicompost for field application. We know that soil health and soil fertility are e.. 2015. 10. 6.