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쌀 시장개방을 눈앞에 두고 "일은 죽어라 하고, 쌀 개방반대 구호는 열심히 외치면서 마트에서 수입농산물, 가공식품을 구입해 먹는 우리의 이율배반적인 일상은 무엇을 말하는 것입니까? 쌀 개방을 한다고 합니다. 지금도 의무수입량을 수입하여 쌓아놓고 있다고 합니다. 이런 뭣같은 개 같은 세계조약 때문에 수.. 2014. 6. 27.
몬산토가 밝히는 농민을 고소하는 이유 Monsanto patents many of the seed varieties we develop. Patents are necessary to ensure that we are paid for our products and for all the investments we put into developing these products. This is one of the basic reasons for patents. A more important reason is to help foster innovation. Without the protection of patents there would be little incentive for privately-owned compa.. 2014. 5. 26.
토지수탈로 빈곤에 빠지는 라오스의 농민들 Photo: Martin Abbiati/IRINMost people depend on the land for their livelihoodsBAN HOUYTHAO, 22 May 2014 (IRIN) - "Land grabs" in Laos are driving poor farmers, including ethnic minorities, off their land, away from livelihoods they know and into further poverty, activists and experts say. “When these lands [are given] to companies and converted to industrial agriculture or o.. 2014. 5. 26.
페루의 감자 수확 Andean potato farmers have long known how to hedge against climate fluctuations and the sudden plagues that can afflict fields that have just one variety: Plant hundreds of varieties over many fields in different locations. In this stitched panorama, Mariano Sutta Apucusi (reclining) and his family take a break from harvesting potatoes in Parque de la Papa, Pampallacta, Peru. .. 2014. 5. 5.
GM 작물에 대한 날카로운 관찰 Palmer amaranth has taken root as a herbicide-resistant ‘superweed’ in many US cotton fields. In the pitched debate over genetically modified (GM) foods and crops, it can be hard to see where scientific evidence ends and dogma and speculation begin. In the nearly 20 years since they were first commercialized, GM crop technologies have seen dramatic uptake. Advocates say th.. 2014. 3. 16.
가족농의 10가지 특성 Even in the International Year of Family Farming there is confusion about family farming. What is it, and what distinguishes it from entrepreneurial farming or family agribusiness? The confusion tends to be highest in places where the modernisation of agriculture has led society further away from farming. Jan Douwe van der Ploeg takes us into the world of family farming, which.. 2014. 1. 25.