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Ug99에 맞서는 농학자들 케냐 Rift 계곡에서 과학자들이 Ug99(밀에 치명적인 타격을 주는 곰팡이균. 우간다에서 발견되어 이러한 이름이 붙었음)에 맞서는 오래된 난제에 도전하고 있다는 소식.... 이 곰팡이성 질병은 세계에 알려져 있는 80%의 밀 품종에 피해를 미칠 만큼 무서운 병해라고 한다. 저 먼 옛날 품종에.. 2013. 5. 27.
1983~2013년 식물의 유전자조작과 농업 생명공학 Paul Christou1, 2, 1 ICREA Research Professor, Universitat de Lleida-Agrotecnio Center, Department de Produccio Vegetal i Ciencia Forestal, Av. Alcalde Rovira Roure 191, E-25198 Lleida, Spain 2 Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Passeig Lluís Companys 23, Barcelona 08010, Spain Introducing genes into plants to create new commercially-useful varie.. 2013. 2. 11.
어떻게 고구마가 바다를 건너왔는지 보여주는 DNA Historical specimens reveal that early travellers brought the tuber to Polynesia. Brian Switek21 January 2013Sweet potatoes have been travelling the world for more than 1,000 years. TOPIC PHOTO AGENCY/CORBIS Article toolshe humble sweet potato is an immigrant to Oceania. Native to South America, the tuber has proliferated through Polynesia and the surrounding Pacific islands &.. 2013. 1. 22.
농업생명공학의 역사 http://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/history-of-agricultural-biotechnology-how-crop-development-25885295 Have you ever wondered where our agricultural crops come from? And what were they like thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago? Our food crops today are in fact very different from the original wild plants from which they were derived.About 10,000 years.. 2012. 8. 20.