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무더위가 세계 식량위기를 악화시킨다는 연구 Sprinklers water crops in Bakersfield, California, during a heatwave. Photograph: David McNew/Getty Images The world's food crisis, where 1 billion people are already going hungry and a further 2 billion people will be affected by 2050, is set to worsen as increasing heatwaves reverse the rising crop yields seen over the last 50 years, according to new research. Severe heatwav.. 2013. 1. 16.
아프리카는 필요한 식량을 생산할 수 있다 The number of people who go hungry in Africa’s poorest countries is growing despite advances in food production, say Oxfam researchers who urge European donors and African governments to invest more in small farms and give rural people a bigger stake in decision-making. A new report by the global anti-poverty group says more than 230 million people – or one-in-four Afr.. 2013. 1. 16.
도시를 먹여살리기: 도시 식량계획의 과제 Among the basic essentials for life — air, water, shelter and food — planners have traditionally addressed them all with the conspicuous exception of food. This was the ‘puzzling omission’ that provoked the American Planning Association (APA) to produce its seminal Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning in 2007, a belated attempt to make amends fo.. 2013. 1. 7.
식량과 연료, 그리고 세계적 토지수탈 Growing demand for food and fuel has put pressure on the world’s agricultural lands to produce more. Now, a trend in “land grabbing” has emerged, as wealthy countries lease or buy farms and agribusiness in poorer countries to ensure their own future supplies. The result may be further economic disparities and even “food wars.” World grain and soybean prices more than.. 2013. 1. 7.
미국이 중국을 먹여 살릴 수 있을까? 1994년, 나는 World Watch에 "누가 중국을 먹여 살리는가(Who Will Feed China?)"라는 제목으로 논문을 기고했고 같은 제목의 책으로 출간되었다. 그 논문이 8월 말 출간되었을 때, 기자회견이 온건한 분위기 속에 열렸다. 그러나 그것이 Washington Post의 주말판 전망 분야의 전면에 "어떻게 중국이 세계.. 2012. 12. 24.
왜 아프리카는 순수 식량수입국이 되었는가? 왜아프리카는식량수입국이되었는가.pdf 2011년 FAO에서 발간한 보고서. 아프리카에 만연한 식량문제의 원인을 살필 수 있는 한 자료. 2012. 11. 16.