반응형 농약90 제초제 저항성과 GM 작물 그린피스에서 제작한 글리포세이트 성분의 제초제 Roundup과 그에 저항성을 가진 유전자조작 작물 이야기... 제초제저항성과GM작물.pdf 2012. 8. 3. GM 작물 재배 이후 농약 사용량이 늘어난 브라질 1. Use of pesticides is intensified in Brazil 2. The problem of secondary pests NOTE: The use of pesticides continues to rise in Brazil as GM crop planting increases, according to an article (item 1 below) published in the country's leading economics and finance newspaper, Valor Economico. A man from Brazilian agribiz consulting firm Celeres tries to mitigate the damage caused.. 2012. 8. 3. 화학물질을 사용하지 않고 해충을 방제하는 방법 Pests can be, well, a pest. They infest crops and reduce yields, reducing overall agricultural production and food security. To deal with pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites, most farmers use chemical pesticides which can impact health, pollute water supplies through runoff, and, if pesticides are misused or overused, can actually kill plants. Finding new methods to get r.. 2012. 7. 12. 농약 바로 알기 최종_농약바로알기.pdf 2012. 7. 11. <침묵의 봄> 이후 50년, 과학에 대한 비난은 계속된다 When Silent Spring was published in 1962, author Rachel Carson was subjected to vicious personal assaults that had nothing do with the science or the merits of pesticide use. Those attacks find a troubling parallel today in the campaigns against climate scientists who point to evidence of a rapidly warming world.by frank graham jr.Yes, the more things change, the more they sta.. 2012. 7. 4. 슈퍼곤충 대 몬산토: 생물공학 거인에 대한 자연의 반란 A growing number of rootworms are now able to devour genetically modified corn specifically designed by Monsanto to kill those same pests. A new study shows that while the biotech giant may triumph in Congress, it will never be able to outsmart nature. Western corn rootworms have been able to harmlessly consume the genetically modified maize, a research paper published in the .. 2012. 6. 26. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 다음 반응형