
오늘은 극장에 가서 인터스텔라라는 영화를 보았다.

그런데 세상에나... 처음 도입부부터 깜짝 놀라지 않을 수가 없었다.

영화의 배경이 농부가 최고인 시대가 아닌가!

인간들의 무슨 잘못인지는 몰라도 황진 현상이 심각해져 호흡기에 문제가 발생하기 시작하고, 더 이상 식량생산이 힘들 정도로 병해충이 만연한 시대가 되었다.

그래서 다른 무슨 직업보다 농부가 최고인 세상이 된 것이다.

20세기 초반, 미국에서 심각한 문제였던 황진지대가 그 배경인 듯하다. 황진지대에 대해서는 여기를 참조하시길...

더 이상 농사지을 수 없는 지구를 떠나 농사가 가능한 새로운 행성의 흙을 찾아 떠나는 인터스텔라.

결국 인터스텔라는 흙에서 시작해 흙으로 끝나는 영화라고 할 수 있다. 그런 맥락에서 다른 여러 행성 가운데 토성 근처에 웜홀이 존재한다고 설정된 것도 그 때문이 아닐까?

그런데 영화에서는 옥수수에 심각한 병해충이 돌아 앞으로는 다른 작물들처럼 옥수수조차 재배할 수 없게 된다고 해놓고서는 몇 십 년이 지난 시점에도 여전히 옥수수만 재배하고 있다. 이건 놀란 감독이 간과한 부분은 아닌지. 새로운 품종이라도 개발된 것인지, 아니면 병해충 문제를 해결한 것인지 감독의 설명이 필요하다.

그리고 왜 무시무시한 황진지대를 만드는 대규모 단작 방식의 농사가 여전히 계속되는 것인지도 의문이다. 

우주여행도 하는 시대에 사람들이 너무 멍청한 것 아닌가. 이건 너무 무리한 설정 같다. 그 시대에 그 정도 기술력이면 그런 문제는 해결할 수 있을 것 같은데 말이다.

아무튼 인터스텔라는 농업 영화라고 할 수 있다.

마치며... interstellar라는 제목을 나중에 찾아보니 inter+stellar이다. inter는 ~의 사이라는 뜻이고, stellar는 별이라는 뜻이니.. '별 사이'라는 말이 되겠다. 웜홀과 블랙홀을 통해 별과 별 사이를 왔다갔다 하는 내용이니 딱 어울리네.


1900년대 초반, 미국의 농민들은 값싼 땅을 찾아서 남부의 평원으로 몰려들었다. 이 지역은 사실 강한 바람에 뜨거운 여름, 빈번한 가뭄으로 농사에 적합한 곳은 아니었다. 특히 1차대전 기간에 밀 가격이 폭등을 하면서 농민들의 이주를 부추겼다. 밀 가격의 폭등과 함께 토지 개발업자들은 "쟁기질하면 비가 온다"고 꼬드겼고, 농민들은 재빨리 수억 평의 초지를 밀밭으로 바꾸어 놓았다. 이로써 역사상 가장 참혹한 인간이 만든 재앙이 시작되었다. 

당시의 상황에 대한 이러한 기록도 있다(http://bit.ly/11Qh66q). 

"1930년대 초반, 가뭄과 대공황이 밀어닥치면서 밀 시장이 붕괴되었다. 예전에는 밀이 바다를 이루었던 곳이 평원을 훑고 지나는 바람에 무방비 상태로 노출된 건조한 겉흙에 뿌리를 내린 풀의 바다로 바뀌었다." 

그때 일어난 황진 때문에 가축들이 죽고, 그 지역에 사는 사람들은 폐렴과 기관지염, 기침, 천식 등과 같은 호흡기 질환으로 고통을 받거나 죽어갔다. 결국 사람들은 견디지 못하고 집과 땅을 포기한채 서둘러 짐을 싸서 자신이 살던 곳을 떠났다. 1935년 4월 14일, 최악의 황진폭풍이 발생하며 그날을 "검은 일요일(Black Sunday)"이라 부른다.

아래의 영상에는 당시 그곳에서 살아남은 26명의 인터뷰가 나온다. 당시의 상황은 정말 끔찍하다고밖에 표현할 수 없다.

이 영상을 통하여 흙이 얼마나 소중한지, 그를 지키는 농법이 왜 중요한지 절실히 깨달을 수 있다.


A soybean harvest in the state of Michigan. Between 2006 and 2011, U.S. farmers converted more than 1.3 million acres of grassland into corn and soybean fields. Credit: public domain

WASHINGTON, Feb 23 2013 (IPS) - The rush for biofuels in the United States has seen farmers converting the United States’ prairie lands to farms at rates comparable with deforestation levels in Brazil, Malaysia and Indonesia – rates not seen here since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.

new study finds that, between 2006 and 2011, U.S. farmers converted more than 1.3 million acres of grassland into corn and soybean fields. Driven by high crop prices, biofuel subsidies and a confluence of other factors, states like Iowa and South Dakota have been turning some five percent of prairie into cropland each year, according to the report’s authors, Christopher Wright and Michael Wimberly of South Dakota State University.

The researchers suggest that farmers are growing crops on increasingly marginal land, in part because the federal government offers subsidised crop insurance in case of failure. In Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, for instance, corn and soy are planted in areas that are especially vulnerable to drought.

Numerous incentives have encouraged the ploughing of grasslands. The federal system of financial payments to grain farmers has long encouraged conversion of grasslands to farms, but in recent years new subsidies for corn ethanol and other biofuel production have significantly stepped up this inducement.

The resulting increase in crop prices encourages the owners of livestock to plough prairieland in order to grow crops in favour of using that land for grazing. This has lead to the growth of industrial farms and industrial confinement methods for meat production, while genetically modified seeds now allow corn and soy production in semiarid regions that before were suitable only for ranching.

According to the new research, farmers are increasingly willing to take that risk because corn and soy have become so lucrative. Further, the study finds evidence that many farmers are no longer enticed by federal conservation programmes that pay for grassland cover.

“The big drivers that are often overlooked are the federally subsidised crop insurance and commodity support programmes in play,” Greg Fogel, policy associate at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, an advocacy group, told IPS.

“If a lot of farmers didn’t have this support, they wouldn’t choose to produce on this land, because it is quite marginal and risky for them. But when they’re getting a 65 to 80 percent subsidy on their crop insurance premium, the risk is dramatically reduced because it has already a built-in revenue guarantee subsidised by the American taxpayer.”

While recent years have subsequently seen a shifting of risk from producer to taxpayer, Fogel warns that the latter will end up being forced to pay twice, “when we later have to pay for a conservation programme to rehabilitate and protect the destruction done to the environment on the back end.”

The loss of pasture itself could also have significant environmental impacts. According to conservationists in the Midwest, the United States’ prairie lands should be seen as a vast “carbon ocean”, with an enormous capacity to reduce climate change by sequestering heat-trapping carbon from the atmosphere.

“Native grasses are a stable repository of carbon, creating organic carbon below ground, much as trees create it above,” said John Davidson, a professor emeritus of law at the University of South Dakota.

“Grasses store carbon quickly, providing an immediate mitigation against global warming, and the carbon is stored safely underground, secure it from catastrophic events such as fire. However, ploughing releases that carbon, adding significantly to greenhouse gas concentrations while eliminating habitat used by hundreds of species.”

Indeed, an area covering the five northern states of the Midwest contains thousands of shallow wetlands and is one of the continent’s largest breeding grounds for ducks and other ground-nesting birds and waterfowl. But cornfields are now encroaching on this habitat, with wetlands disappearing and bird populations dropping.

Davidson is urging a public discussion on whether it makes sense to spend large amounts of money on attempts to control the release of carbon from coal-fired power plants and the cutting of tropical forests “while simultaneously releasing an immeasurable ocean of carbon by ploughing up our prairie”.

Further, a 2008 paper in the journal Science argued that fuels like corn ethanol and soy biodiesel lose a portion of their carbon advantage over gasoline if farmers are simply digging up virgin grassland to grow the crops.


Environmental groups and policymakers are currently pushing initiatives to ensure that federal farm and crop insurance subsidies do not exacerbate the loss of these vital natural resources. A bipartisan group of members of the House of Representatives recently introduced legislation that would create a nationwide “sodsaver” law that would slash subsidies that contribute to the destruction of native grassland and prairie.

This would dramatically lower the amount of money the government provides for native grasslands that have been recently ploughed. This doesn’t mean that farmers can’t keep farming, just that they won’t have as much of an incentive to convert prairieland to agricultural land.

The Protect Our Prairies Act, a provision of the 2013 Farm Bill, which was passed by the Senate in June 2012, would prohibit federal payments and reduce crop insurance premium subsidies by 50 percent on newly broken native sod. The bill would also close loopholes by requiring that newly converted prairieland be isolated from other crop acres when calculating insurable yields.

Proponents say these two provisions are crucial to removing the federally subsidised incentive to move agricultural operations into native grasslands. The bill would also save an estimated 200 million dollars over a decade, while ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not continue to facilitate the destruction of prairielands.

Further, proponents say doing so would result in more ranching opportunities, stronger ecosystems, increased hunting opportunities, less soil erosion and net economic gains for rural communities.

“As the House of Representatives begins developing its version of the Farm Bill, we will work to ensure that chamber does not make the same deep cuts to conservation,” said Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of Defenders of Wildlife, in a statement.

“And we will fight to make sure the House also requires farmers who receive subsidies to take appropriate measures to protect our lands, water and wildlife, as the Senate has done. We simply must find a way to provide a crop insurance safety net for farmers that doesn’t also encourage the widespread destruction of wetlands, forests, grasslands and America’s waters.”


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