반응형 옥수수73 왜 옥수수가 가뭄을 대비하지 못했나 For more than a decade, academic and industry scientists have promised crops that would endure hot, dry weather. That weather has arrived. The crops have not. In a land where corn is king, the king is stunted and withered. How could this be? The answer offers a window into some of the fundamental tensions of modern agriculture, with no easy scapegoats nor obvious solutions. .. 2012. 8. 10. 가뭄 속의 희망 FROM where I sit on the north end of America’s grain belt, I can almost hear the corn popping to the south of me. The drought threatens to drive up global corn prices beyond their level in 2007-8, when food demonstrations broke out around the world. But such crises often lead to change — and transformation is what is needed to make our food system less vulnerable. We h.. 2012. 8. 9. 옥수수의 세계 2010년 2010 옥수수의 세계.pdf 2012. 7. 11. 나는 옥수수다 20호 옥수수.pdf 2012. 7. 11. 옥수수 육종의 효율을 개선시키는 간단한 방법 2012. 7. 8. 페루 옥수수 품종의 지도 페루 옥수수 품종에 대한 아주 흥미로운 지도(http://www.rpp.com.pe/2011-05-27-ministerio-del-ambiente-presento-mapa-de-razas-del-maiz-en-el-peru-noticia_369445.html) 또 다른 버전도 있다(http://www.prosemillas.com/inicio/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&catid=12) 페루에 가면 이보다 훨씬 다양한 옥수수들이 있겠지? 페루.. 2012. 7. 6. 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 다음 반응형