반응형 방사5 칠면조를 놓아먹이는 미국의 농부 The Farm of the Good Shepherd from maryn on Vimeo. Frank Reese raises heritage chicken and turkeys on his Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch in tiny Lindsborg, Kansas. The birds belong to breeds that the poultry industry discarded over decades as it refined the modern meat chicken. Reese chooses to raise them because he believes the breeds have valuable genetics that the industry wil.. 2014. 5. 31. 닭과 함께 농사짓기 소농에게 닭은 참으로 유용한 동물이다. 소나 돼지처럼 먹을 걸 많이 들이지 않아도 되고, 그만큼 노동력이 훨씬 덜 들면서 소중한 단백질 공급원인 달걀과 고기를 제공한다. 또한 닭은 왕성한 식욕으로 풀과 해충을 먹어치우는가 하면, 질소질이 풍부한 똥거름을 제공하기도 한다. 농부.. 2013. 7. 8. 공장식 양계에서 방사형 양계로 Remember Carole Morison from the documentary "Food, Inc."? She was the chicken farmer under contract with Perdue, the country's third largest chicken processor, who offered a rare look at what an industrial chicken farm looks like. The chickens barely had room to move, and many died daily due to the conditions and their accelerated breeding. She was tired of it -- by agreeing .. 2012. 8. 10. 방사 돼지 2012. 7. 10. 닭장 없이 방목하기 Can a new word change an entire industry? Yes. When consumers first heard the term “cage free” eggs, they voted with their wallets at their local supermarkets and much of industry has been forced to change its practices. Will it happen again when they learn about “free range” and “pasture raised” eggs? Alexis Koefoed of Soul Food Farm hopes consumers can .. 2012. 2. 11. 이전 1 다음 반응형