반응형 庫間/영상자료126 덮개작물의 중요성 덮개작물을 이용해 흙을 건강하게 만드는 미국의 농부들 이야기. 풀이 쓰잘데기 없는 존재가 아니라구요. 2013. 2. 25. 유기농 농장에 찾아가 농사일을 돕다 농민-소비자를 '돈'으로만 연결될 때 농산물은 그저 상품에 지나지 않는다. 하지만 농민-소비자가 '연대'로 연결될 때 변화가 발생한다. 당신의 밥상은 안녕하신가요? Fridays at the Farm from Coyopa Productions on Vimeo. 2013. 2. 13. 45일: 육계용 닭의 삶과 죽음 Many consumers are unaware of the ways animals are raised and killed to stock our grocery stores. In the United States, there are virtually no laws regulating the treatment of billions of animals on factory farms, and these sensitive individuals pay the price for cheap meat with misery-filled lives.Compassion Over Killing's documentary exposes the broiler industry and its disr.. 2013. 2. 13. 신은 공장형 농부를 만들었다 God Made A Factory Farmer - watch more funny videos 2013. 2. 9. 혼농임업의 방법 -숲 농업 Agroforestry Practices - Forest Farming - Center for Agroforestry 2004 - DVD AF1008 - University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry. Noncommercial use only, video used with permission. In a forest farming practice, high-value specialty crops are grown under the protection of a managed forest canopy that has been modified to provide the correct shade level. The practice also i.. 2013. 2. 6. Reynaldo -열대우림의 영웅 We want to raise $15,000 to help keep Reynaldo's project alive. Go to www.indiegogo.com/creesmanu to donate and find out more. Reynaldo Ochoa is an inspiration to the people of Manu in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. For the past 20 years he has dedicated his life to finding new ways of living in balance with his environment. By encouraging farmers to plant trees with their cr.. 2013. 2. 6. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 21 다음 반응형