As a human collective, we have used nature as a commodity, and a resource for our own gain, without considering the consequences. Now, it is time to give back to nature, allowing her to replenish, so we may once again live in a sustainable, bio-diverse and abundant world.
SYA 방법을 사용하여 재배한 작물을 관찰하는 여성농민들
unities are being motivated to return to traditional forms of agriculture, whilst adapting these methods to their environment and social circumstances. Environmental collapse will not be halted and biodiversity not protected unless we address the deeper problems of humanity that rest at the level of attitude and associated behaviour.The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University affirm the view of many environmental philosophers, ethicists, psychologists and religious leaders: that to bring about change in any social or environmental system, the requirement is a foundation grounded in self-reflection, universal values, and self-change. Sustainable Yogic Agriculture supports a move towards personal responsibility, positive action and integrated spirituality in a way that directly responds to an urgent global need.More research must be done to determine the large-scale benefits of SYA. All forms of data are required - social, economic, biological. Whether one is an environmentalist, a spiritual practitioner or a scientist, the laws that govern nature are irrefutable. Give - and more will be given to you. Take - and the little you have will be gone. As a human collective, we have used nature as a commodity, and a resource for our own gain, without considering the consequences. Now, it is time to give back to nature, allowing her to replenish, so we may once again live in a sustainable, biodiverse and abundant world.AcknowledgementsMy thanks to the farmers and the Brahma Kumaris Rural Wing for their openness, cooperation and support. Also my gratitude to the teams of scientists and academics from Govindh Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Sadarkrushingara Danti-wada Agricultural University. To be part of such a cooperative and innovative research study is a pleasure and an honor for us.For people within India who are interested in SYA, please email BK Raju at ruralwing@bkivv.orgReferencesGepts, P, Bettinger, R., Brush, S., Damania, A., Famula, T., McGuire, P., Qualset, C., Biodiversity in Agriculture, 2012, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 134.FAO, International Conference on Agriculture and Food Security, Rome, Italy, May 3-5 2007Tamasin RamsaySchool of Psychology and Psychiatry Monash UniversityE-mail: Print this
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