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농업을 배우자 4 -가축

by 雜것 2013. 1. 30.


Module 4 seeks to engage people in discussions about small-scale livestock systems - both sedentary and pastoralist. There is currently an inherent bias against small-scale or backyard livestock systems, and especially against smallholder pastoralist systems. Research, extension, conservation, infrastructures and markets, breeding development programmes and, in many cases, subsidies currently favour high-output large-scale livestock systems and are contributing to the disappearance of many potentially valuable local breeds, knowledge and ecosystems. 

While the current global trend of livestock production (and policy support) focuses on maximising the production of food and fibre, small-scale livestock keepers value animals for other functions as well. Livestock provide inputs that can increase soil fertility and the productivity of cropping systems, they are sources of power and transportation and, in some places, play an important cultural role and provide the family with insurance in case of emergencies. Local breeds have been developed to meet these many functions and to be resilient in often harsh and varying local conditions, traits which may become more important if climate change predictions prove correct. This module discusses all of these issues and more, to stimulate greater appreciation of the valuable contributions of small-scale livestock systems to sustain ecosystems and livelihoods around the world.

Throughout the module, links are made to a variety of educational resources, including games and exercises, articles, videos, photos and ideas for field visits, in order to stimulate discussions and reflection on small-scale livestock systems.
