
우간다 시장의 농산물 판매상들이 보유한 다양한 콩의 모습을 보자.

우간다의 시장 풍경이나, 한국 농촌의 장터 풍경이나 크게 다르지 않다. 


우간다 Ntungamo에서 파인애플 농사를 짓는 농민

밭에서 이런 식으로 재배합니다. 

고랑 부분에 갈대 등을 베어다가 덮어준 것이 인상적이네요.

비닐을 대신할 수 있는 방법이 많은데 우린 이제 이런 방법을 활용하지 않죠.

물론 아직 그렇게 농사짓는 분들이 있습니다만, 대부분은 간단히 비닐이라는 걸 택하고 있지요.

파인애플 꽃은 이렇게 생김. 정말 신기하네요.



By Caity Peterson

You're hungry for pizza. Walking around the neighborhood, you find two pizzerias not far from each other. They're both selling pretty much the same thing - crust with cheese and tomatoes on top - and at the same price. But one offers you a free delicious ice-cold 2-liter soda to go with your hawaiian. That makes your choice easy, no?

Believe it or not, something similar is happening in Uganda. only we're not talking about pizza, and the choice is a bit more complicated.

The comestibles in question here are two of the country's most important agricultural commodities. one, coffee, makes up 20-30% of Uganda's foreign exchange earnings and creates a cash boom for smallholders once or twice a year. The other, banana, is the country's principle staple crop, providing a small, steady food harvest all year long. In fact, Uganda was the 2nd largest banana producer in the world in 2008, and the 11thlargest coffee producer.

By happy coincidence, both of these crops tend to grow at around the same altitude: from 800 to 2300 meters. Thus, considering growing human populations and farmers increasingly squeezed for space, it makes sense to grow them together, especially since coffee tends to produce more consistently when grown with a little bit of shade. Many farmers in Uganda are doing just that, intercropping banana and coffee to make good use of space in densely populated areas. Others are sticking with the old system or growing the two crops in separate plots, as used to be promoted by colonial extension services solely concerned with profits from the coffee cash crop and is often still promoted today, for apparent lack of a better option.

But which of these systems is actually the most beneficial for farmers? Until now, not much research has existed specifically targeting the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of coffee growing systems. The result is that government agencies and other advisory bodies have trouble knowing what to promote, and farmers are even more in the dark.

Ongoing research by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Kampala, Uganda, in collaboration with other CGIAR centers (CIATICRAF, and CIFOR), has attempted to evaluate the benefits of different types of systems, including co-benefits for climate change adaptation and mitigation and implications for pest and disease incidence.
 They have found that banana-coffee intercrop systems have the potential to be the most beneficial for farmers because they leave the yield of the coffee crop virtually untouched, while providing a little something extra in the form of more food for their personal use. Essentially, by combining the two crops farmers are greatly increasing the total yield value of a single plot of land, even if the yield for individual crops doesn’t change much. Bananas are to coffee crops what our free soda is to pizzerias – it doesn’t change the pizza, but it’s a nice bonus nonetheless.

Furthermore, including bananas in the coffee system spreads the farmers’ risk. If one crop fails or is decimated by a disease, they can still get a harvest from the other. Ugandan farmers have reported that the shade from the bananas also decreases their coffee’s susceptibility to drought and extreme weather events due to climate change. The residues from the trees provide in-situ mulch which would otherwise cost them much capital and labor to bring in. They say bananas also motivate them to better manage their coffee crops during the first 3-5 unproductive years, because the bananas are producing even when the coffee is not. This is especially true for the female half of the community, which often doesn’t see the money from a coffee sale come back to the household but can use the banana harvest for home consumption.

There are trade-offs, of course. The intercrop system removes larger quantities of nutrients from the soil, and, in the long-term, coffee can eventually out-compete banana. The system can also require larger inputs of labor and capital at the outset. Accordingly, the success of intercrop systems will require identification of major production constraints – principally soil fertility – and the development of site-specific recommendations to address them.

Recently, the IITA team has been taking a more climate-centric focus to their crop system analyses, collaborating on the development of suitability maps for East African coffee crops, pests, and diseases and investigating the mitigation potential of the coffee-banana intercrop system. For more info on past and current IITA work in Uganda – and parallel projects on cocoa systems in Cameroon and Nigeria – check out the following resources:

See original story on CCAFs blog:  http://ccafs.cgiar.org/blog/uganda-coffee-and-banana-go-better-together



A new dam in Uganda.

우간다는 빅토리아 나일강의 새로운 Bujagali 댐으로 전력 생산을 높이고자 하지만, 그 사업은 관광객과 쇠백로 같은 야생 동물을 끌어들였던 도도히 흐르는 급류를 빼앗았다.

Photograph by Paul Grover

Andrew Green in Jinja, Uganda

For National Geographic News

Published February 21, 2012

몇 년 동안 경고를 들었지만  Richard Njuba 씨는 실제로 우간다의 Bujagali 폭포가 2011년 말 물에 잠기자 어안이 벙벙했다. 3년 동안 그 강의 안내자는 가까이에서 많지는 않지만 나일강 근원의 북쪽으로 10킬로미터에 있는 사납게 떨어지는 폭포를 보려는 사람들을 보트에 태웠다.

11월 초 Njuba 씨는 수위가 상승하는 것을 발견했고, 그 2주 뒤 폭포가 사라졌다고 한다.

저수지를 만들기 위해 Bujagali 폭포를 물에 잠기게 한 것은 세계에서 가장 긴 강의 두 지류의 하나인 우간다의 빅토리아 나일강에 8억 6200만 달러를 들여 250메가와트의 부자갈리 댐을 만드는 마지막 단계였다. 제한된 전력 생산 시험이 건설에 거의 5년이 걸리고 10년 이상 논쟁한 이후인 2월 첫째 주에 시작되었다.

몇 달 안에 최대 전력 생산의 시작을 앞둔 지금도 논쟁은 끝나지 않았다. 한쪽은 수력발전 사업의 성공을 갈망하는 사업단과 투자자들이다. 다른 한쪽은 댐이 생물다양성을 해치고 지역의 관광을 제한하며 세계에서 가장 큰 열대의 호수인 빅토리아호수의 수위를 낮출 것이라는 환경보호론자이다.

(관련 글: Resurgence of Large Dams Threatens Tribal People Worldwide, Report Says)


그러나 가장 갈망하는 구경꾼은 우간다인이다. 그들의 90% 이상이 전기가 없이 산다.

세계에서 가장 높은 인구성장률을 지닌 우간다는 에너지 수요를 따라잡을 수 없다. 지난해 몇몇 에너지 시설이 폐쇄된 이후 그들의 송전망은 잦은 정전으로 어려움에 처해 있다. 

부자갈리의 250메가와트는 상대적으로 소규모 댐이다; 그것은 나일강 멀리 북쪽에 있는 아스완 댐이 지닌 능력의 1/10이다. 미국에서는 19만 가구에 보낼 만한 전력이지만, 1인당 전력 사용량이 적은 우간다에서는 훨씬 많은 가구에 보낼 것이다. 

(관련 글: "Ethiopia Moves Forward With Massive Nile Dam Project")

부자갈리 댐은 사업단의 Glenn Gaydar 감독에 따르면 우간다의 전력문제를 해결하기 위한 "가장 장기적인 해결책"이다. Gayda 감독은 그 댐의 첫번째 개발자 AES— 가 물러난 뒤 2005년 댐 건설 입찰을 따낸 Bujagali Energy Limited(BEL)에서 일한다. BEL은 미국의 시더글로벌Sithe Global과 케냐의 Industrial Promotion Services가 공동으로 소유하고 있다. 버지니아 알링턴에 있는 AES와 27개국에서의 사업이 지연되어 위험이 증가하고 잠재적 이익이 줄어들어 2003년 7600만 달러의 투자금이 탕감되었다고 하고 있다. 

그러나 Gaydar 감독은  12곳의 다른 원천에서 —세계은행을 포함하여— 투자로 지원되는 사업이 지역의 에너지 수요를 충족시키기 위한 민간 자본의 수력 사업의 잠재력을 강조할 것이라고 했다. 

(관련 사진: "Preserving Beauty, Providing Hydropower in Scotland")

Frank Muramuzi, the executive director of Uganda's National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), said the energy gains don't outweigh the environmental costs. He ticked off environmentalists' objections: the flooding of natural animal habitats, the possible disruption of fish migrations, and the forced resettlement of families to create the reservoir.

A 2006 assessment of the project's impact acknowledged all of those issues, but Uganda's top environmental body signed off on the dam anyway.

And BEL did follow up on efforts that AES had started to resettle or compensate the roughly 8,700 people affected by the flooding. The company also worked with local wildlife authorities to rescue animals that would have been trapped in the reservoir. Gaydar said it was part of BEL's "outside-the-fence activities," which also included establishing schools, medical clinics, and a micro-credit fund in affected communities.

"We bent over backwards to be responsive to the community and to the country," he said.

But Muramuzi said he is still concerned that the dam has put one of the country's most important resources—Lake Victoria—at risk. He said that if the dam operates at its potential, it could reduce water levels in Africa's largest lake. He pointed to a 2006 study that showed two smaller dams upstream from Bujagali were partially responsible for a drop in the lake's levels. If Bujagali runs at 250 MW, he said, he suspects it will drain even more.

If that happens "you'll not even get enough water to supply to these urban centers and cities," he said.

Gaydar said that's not going to happen. The dam will operate under internationally agreed upon rules that regulate the amount of water that can be drained from the lake, he said. And in the end, he said Bujagali could actually help relieve the flow of water from the lake, since the dam will add energy to the grid by reusing water already being pulled for the upstream dams.

물과 아프리카

Bujagali is of a piece with much of sub-Saharan Africa, which is dependent on big hydro for its energy, according to Lori Pottinger. Pottinger works on the Africa campaigns for International Rivers, a nonprofit that advocates for the protection of the world's rivers. The organization has  been a vocal opponent of the Bujagali Dam.

In 2010 International Rivers determined that 60 percent of the subcontinent's power comes from dams. That's a problem, Pottinger said, as climate change causes fluctuations in water levels that could either overwhelm dams or render them useless.

But a 2010 World Bank report came to an opposite conclusion, arguing that hydropower can actually strengthen a country's capacity to regulate and store water.

(Related Blog Post: Can Uganda and Ethiopia Be Egypt's 'Water Bankers'?)

Nevertheless, Pottinger said, some of Uganda's neighbors, such as Kenya, are "starting to see climate change as a real risk to [hydropower] projects" and are looking at wind power and other sources to diversify their energy projects.

Still, hydro remains king in Africa. International Rivers put together a map in 2010 showing proposed dams across 76 different rivers on the continent, including two more in Uganda's Nile River basin.

(Related: "Report: Africans Must Adapt to Drought in a Warming World")

Now, with Bujagali Dam set to come fully online, environmentalists are taking a wait-and-see approach. But the impact on Bujagali Falls—which used to serve as the climax for local rafting trips and as a popular tourist attraction—is already clear.

Local companies, with financial support from BEL, are moving quickly to ensure that the loss of the falls does not spell an end to tourism in the region.

Peter Knight owns All Terrain Adventures, which offers quad biking in the area, as well as a café and bar. He started building the business in 2002, knowing that the rapids would one day disappear. Last year he put in a miniature golf course.

"I concede it's a bit of a folly—the old ruined castle," he said of the course.

By the time the falls flooded, he said, he had already invested too much in the location to move. Now he's working out a rebranding strategy, hoping to get the idea of Lake Bujagali to catch on. It could be a place geared toward families and relaxation. It's a place where former falls guides, like Njuba, can take people on slow boat rides in the shadow of the dam.

(Related Photos: "A River People Awaits an Amazon Dam")

This story is part of a special series that explores energy issues. For more, visitThe Great Energy Challenge.


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