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누가 우리를 먹여살리는가? 누가 우리를 먹여살리는가? 산업형 먹이사슬(Food Chain) vs. 소농의 먹이그물(Food Web) 3rd Edition 2017 ETC GROUP 감사의 말 ETC Group 은 이 책자의 출간과 동봉된 동영상의 제작에 큰 도움을 준 11th Hour Project에 고마움을 전한다. 또 우리는 스웨덴 국제개발협력기구가 지원하고 OXFAM–NOVIB가 후원하.. 2017. 12. 14.
식량안보와 생계 개선을 위한 종자주권 Seed which was a ‘community resource’, carefully bred, conserved and evolved over thousands of years, has transformed into a ‘commercial proprietary resource’. Farmer led conservation and development of improved varieties gives hope for not only nurturing agro biodiversity but also for providing food security and sustainable livelihoods. LEISA India | Volume 16 no. 1 |.. 2014. 6. 27.
도시농업과 식량안보 2014. 6. 4.
생태농업 운동이 식량안보를 해결한다 Vendors at the organic farmers' market in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Courtesy: Tillie Castellano. Agriculture in this Caribbean island is going through its worst moment. Whereas this sector accounted for 71 percent of its gross domestic product in 1914, now it amounts to no more than one percent. A century ago, local agriculture employed over 260,000 workers, nowadays it emplo.. 2014. 5. 26.
무경운 농법이 식량안보의 핵심 No-till farming could save the Caribbean from the impacts of climate change. Credit: Wadner Pierre/IPS HAVANA, Feb 20 2013 (IPS) - No-till farming is a response to climate change that fits well with the needs of the Caribbean: it increases the ability to capture water, while withstanding both drought and excessive rains, says expert Theodor Friedrich, representative of the Uni.. 2013. 2. 22.