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식물들의 방어 체계 식물들도 알면 알수록 놀라울 뿐이다.식물 자신에게 해충 등이 발생하면 그를 해결하기 위해 자체적인 노력도 기울이는 한편, 주변의 동료들에게도 자신들만의 수단으로 위험 상황을 알려 방어체계를 갖추도록 돕는다고 한다.병해충이 발생하는 걸 막고자 간단하고 빠르며 편한 수단으.. 2017. 4. 11.
유기농업의 병해충 관리 요약병해충 관리는 서로를 지원하는 일련의 활동으로 구성된다. 대부분의 관리법은 병해충이 작물에 영향을 주는 것을 막기 위한 목적으로 장기간에 걸쳐 행해진다. 관리는기존 해충의 개체군과 병균의 밀도를 낮게 유지하는 데 초점을 맞춘다. 다른 걸 통제하는 건 단기적이며 병해충.. 2017. 3. 15.
커피 가격이 오르고 있다 Over the last few months, the cost of coffee has risen dramatically. Since January, the average price of coffee futures on commodity markets has increased by more than 50 percent: It's taken a while for this to be reflected in the retail price of coffee, because roasters generally have a few months' stock of beans on hand. But we're finally beginning to see slight increases in.. 2014. 5. 31.
바나나를 죽이고 있는 세계의 바나나 산업 These Madagascar bananas could be next. During harvest last year, banana farmers in Jordan and Mozambique made a chilling discovery. Their plants were no longer bearing the soft, creamy fruits they’d been growing for decades. When they cut open the roots of their banana plants, they saw something that looked like this: A banana plant ravaged by Tropical Race 4. Scientists fi.. 2014. 5. 27.
병해가 옥수수의 수확량을 감소시키다 Corn showed evidence of Goss's wilt, which is caused by a bacterium, in Iowa in 2011. It has come on like a tidal wave, washing across the Corn Belt from Minnesota to the Texas panhandle, a disease that few farmers had seen until five years ago. Known as Goss’s wilt, it has cut some farmers’ corn yields in half, and it is still spreading. This summer it reached Louisiana, .. 2013. 10. 2.
기후변화로 농업이 황폐해질 수 있다 Climate change could have a drastic and harmful effect on U.S. agriculture, forcing farmers and ranchers to alter where they grow crops and costing them millions of dollars in additional costs to tackle weeds, pests and diseases that threaten their operations, a sweeping government report said Tuesday. An analysis released by the Agriculture Department said that although U.S. .. 2013. 2. 7.