
여느 지방이나 마찬가지로 거제도의 다락논들도 사람들의 엄청난 노동력을 바탕으로 만들어졌다.

다락논이나 계단밭을 만들기 위해서는, 논밭을 일구는 과정에서 나오는 돌이나 주변에서 가져온 돌로 흙이 무너지지 않도록 축대를 쌓고 또 쌓아 논밭의 형태를 유지하도록 하는 과정이 필수이다.

이 축대를 가만히 들여다보노라면 그 엄청난 노력이 느껴지는 것 같아 나까지 온몸이 뻐근해진다.


산골의 다락논이 지닌 또 하나의 특징이라면 '뒷도랑'을 파서 활용한다는 점이다.

뒷도랑은 산에서 내려오는 찬물을 그대로 논에 들일 경우 벼가 찬물로 인해 생육이 저해되는 걸 막기 위해 물을 한 번 빙 돌려서 햇볕 등으로 데운 다음 논 전체로 퍼지도록 하는 물길이다.

벼를 한 포기라도 더 심으면 심을 수 있는 공간을 과감히 포기하면서까지 뒷도랑을 만드는 모습을 보면 그 효과가 얼마나 중요한지 엿볼 수 있다. 실제로 이 공간이 있고 없고에 따라 얼마만큼 수확량에 차이가 나는지는 농사짓는 분에게 물어보거나 과학적 실험을 할 수밖에 없다.



이번에 거제에 와서 여기저기 쑤시고 돌아다니면서, 거제도의 이러한 다락논이 현재 하나둘 묵정논이 되거나 싹 밀려 관광 관련 건물이 들어서고 있는 모습을 보니 그저 안타까울 뿐이다.

농지와 개발, 둘은 공존할 수 없는 것일까? 관광객들을 위한 농업 경관의 보존은 어떠한 방식으로 이루어질 수 있을까?






'농담 > 농-문화' 카테고리의 다른 글

일본의 농기구 대장장이  (0) 2013.09.26
소농이 답이다  (0) 2013.09.19
거제도 다포 마을   (0) 2013.09.16
석기시대에도 향신료를 활용해 요리를 했다  (0) 2013.08.27
밥상을 바꾸면, 세상이 바뀐다  (0) 2013.08.21

거제 다포항의 전형적인 어촌 마을.

산이 끝나는 곳에서 바로 바다가 시작되는 특유의 지형에 자리잡고 있다.

여기 사람들을 무얼 하며 먹고 살았을지 궁금한 아침.


날마다 떠오르는 해도 어디서 보느냐에 따라 이리도 맛이 달라지는구나.



거제도에는 쬐깐한 논들이 다닥다닥 늘어서 있다. 역시 직접 먹을거리 농사를 짓는 곳을 찾아다녀야 한다는 생각을 굳히게 만든다.

거제에 와서 보니 확신이 들었다. 서남해의 도서 지방을 한 번 쭉 훑을 필요가 있다. 이런 곳은 농사를 지어도 판매가 아닌 자급용으로 짓기에 토종 종자가 남아 있을 확률이 높다. 10년만 쭉 돌 수 있는 예산만 확보되면 좋겠다. 더 늦기 전에. 어찌 되든 앞으로 10년은 그 방향으로 나아가고 싶다.


그나저나 여기도 묵은 논이 보인다. 또 늙은 농부 한 명이 세상을 등지고 떠난 것일까? 피땀 흘려 일구었을 논밭이 농부의 죽음과 함께 자연으로 돌아갔다. 안타깝다.






중국 윈난성에 있다는 다락논. 중국에선 제전梯田이라 부른다. 사다리처럼 다닥다닥 만들어 놓은 논이라는 뜻이다.

아래는 윈난성의 재래시장. 배추의 모습이 우리의 개성배추와 같다. 속이 찬 배추가 아니다. 여기선 배추로 김치를 담가 먹는 게 아니라 다른 방식으로 먹겠지? 궁금하다. 언젠가는 가보리라.


Mountain rice terracing is practised widely in parts of the Asia-Pacific. Rice terraces are deeply intertwined with indigenous cultures, traditional practices and the ecology of many mountainous areas.

Recently, the threat of climate change looms ever larger and is widely projected to impact the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. The expected increase in extreme rainfall and resultant water cycle changes are likely to test the existing capacity of rice terraces.

One such collection of terraces under threat are the picturesque Ifugao Rice Terraces in the Philippines. These terraces are the ancestral domain of indigenous Ifugao peoples (recognized as including several subgroups such as the Banaue, Bunhran, Mayayao, Halipan, Hapao, and Kiangang). The Ifugao peoples are not only custodians of the forest and rice terraces, but also experts in harmoniously managing local ecosystems and natural resources. They mainly live at high elevations between 800 and 1,500 metres above sea level in the south, central and western areas of Ifuago province.

Located in a tropical rain forest zone rich in agrodiversity and fertile soils, the Ifugao rice terraces create an impressive landscape and provide good examples of water management. Unsurprisingly, they were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995.

There are two seasons in the area: a long dry period from November to May and a wet season from June to October. To maintain the terraces’ complex water cycles and forests, the peaks to the middle parts of the mountainous areas are conserved as watersheds that are designated for protection and conservation of natural resources such as pine and mossy forests, medical herbs, wild animals, etc. This necessarily limits human activities in these areas, and woodcutting is especially prohibited. The people are, however, permitted to harvest forest timber and forest products from the lower mountainous areas down to the terraces.

Part of the image collection of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

There are thirteen major water bodies in the Ifugao province, which primarily come from surface run-off water and ground water, and these are used to irrigate the rice terraces and meet domestic water needs. The unique systems that developed over time to manage water resources for rice cultivation are balanced by carefully managing seepage, evaporation, and rainfall. The seepage from higher elevated paddies is recycled and helps in replenishing the lower paddies.

The Ifugao peoples also retain water by constructing walls and dikes made of compact soils and stones, conserving soil from erosion and creating wet fields for intensive rice cultivation. Furthermore, these communities have created many rice varieties to meet the different water regimes and temperature conditions of the mountainous landscapes. Typically, each family plants more than three rice varieties from which they harvest the seeds for the next season. 

Facing economic growth and climate change threats

Despite their sustainable management of the rice terraces, 56 percent of the local Ifugao population of 162,000 were recognised as poverty-stricken by the national government in 2000. The income in most households comes from farm activities including rice, the main crop, supplemented by vegetables and fruits.

Indigenous peoples who maintain the rice terraces do not derive any of the benefits of economic growth that the country may experience, especially from the tourism industry. However, this situation is transforming slowly as many younger Ifugaons prefer to work in the industrial and tourism sectors and are refusing to work in rice terraces.

Climate projections in the Ifugao province suggest an increase in temperature of 0.9°C by 2020 and 1.9°C to 2.1°C by 2050.

While it is potential economic opportunities in urban areas that threaten the continuity of the traditional knowledge that has sustained the Ifugao, the ecological functions of rice terraces are very much vulnerable to climate and other environmental changes. Climate change is expected to increase rainfall intensities and lengthen the duration of the dry season, resulting in shortages of water supplies, landslide disasters and terrace collapses.

Even though there are inconsistencies and uncertainties in climate projections that make it difficult to design adaptation strategies to climate change, based on previous studies forecasts by different global climate change models present more or less consistent patterns of predicted temperature changes. Future climate projections in the Ifugao province suggest an increase in temperature of 0.9°C by 2020 and 1.9°C to 2.1°C by 2050, as well as differences in the projected rainfall. The highest increases in rainfall are predicted during June and August, while decreasing trends in rainfall are expected during the hottest periods around March and May.

Centuries of knowledge plus science

Climate change-induced alterations in the weather pattern will therefore have seriousimplications for rice production. The United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) “Comparative Studies on Development Strategies considering Impacts of Adaptation to Climate Change” project (a partnership with several universities and supported by Mitsui & Co. Ltd) has recently assessed the impact of climate change on rice production in irrigation and rain fed areas of Nueva Ecija Province, located in the south and southeast of the Ifugao rice terrace areas.

Future climate trends were downscaled to local levels using what is known as Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) with the aim of estimating impacts on rice production. The models found that existing rice yields during the wet season of the 2080-2090 period would decrease by up to 25% in light of increases in mean daily temperature of 1.17 and 0.89 for two separate scenarios.

In fact, about 15,000 hectares of the Ifugao rice terraces have been abandoned due to low productivity over the last 50 years.  No wonder then that in 2001, the Ifugao Rice Terraces were listed on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger due to the human induced threats and climate impacts.

Despite their sophisticated water management regimes, the abilities of indigenous rice terracing systems to adapt to especially extreme weather events are not well developed. For now, the Ifugao peoples have continued to plant their native rice varieties, which are more sensitive than introduced varieties.

Sooner, rather than later, indigenous peoples will need to cope directly with these uncertainties by drawing in part on centuries of their own knowledge. But they will also require the benefits of scientific knowledge to enable them to develop ecosystem-based adaptation strategies to enhance resilience of their rice farming system against floods and drought risks and investigate alternative water management schemes for the future.

In response to this challenge, UNU-ISP — in another project in partnership with University of the Philippines Diliman, Yunnan Normal University and Southwest Forest University (China), with the support of the Asia Pacific Network — is initiating a new study. The study aims to develop ecosystem-based adaptation measures and provide a generic method to strengthen resilience of traditional rice terrace farming systems in the Asian monsoon region, and reduce the risk of flood and drought through case studies in the Ifugao Rice Terraces in the Philippines and the Hani Rice Terraces of China.

The project will propose climate and ecosystem change adaptation measures to improve the livelihoods of the local farmers, and will synthesize research results into training modules for capacity development in local communities, government and postgraduate education.

In today’s world, with ecological challenges and climate change threats mounting and yet with heightened consciousness of the need for systems-oriented approaches, it is the melding of such mutually reinforcing techniques as science and local knowledge that will yield truly sustainable solutions.



'곳간 > 사진자료' 카테고리의 다른 글

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