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숲이 사라지면 어떻게 될까 The boundary between Tanguro Farm and the Amazon rainforest in Mato Grosso, Brazil. COURTESY OF CHRIS LINDER The contrast is staggering. On one side of a narrow track is cool, moist rainforest, stretching northwest for hundreds of kilometers through the almost intact Xingu indigenous reserve. On the other side is hot, bare ground being prepared to plant soy on a farm the size .. 2019. 10. 21.
잡곡이 주목을 받고 있다 A farmer examines a rye cover crop planted within a field of soybeans in Midburn, Iowa. TWILIGHT GREENAWAY/FERN/YALE E360 Breaking with the industrial model of growing corn and soybeans, a growing number of Iowa farmers are putting oats, rye, and other small grains into their crop rotation, a switch that is regenerating soils, cleaning up waters, and providing benefits to fami.. 2017. 12. 5.
덮개작물 성공법 t’s that time of the year; cover crops are on the minds of many as we start harvest and plan for next year. The biggest challenge is finding the right window to seed cover crops and the second is getting precipitation for establishment, says Ryan Haden, Ohio State University soil scientist. Haden says while some success depends on your method of planting, it all comes back to.. 2017. 8. 27.
지속가능한 농법의 생산성이 더 나을 수도 있다 This is the first article in a two-part series on sustainable farming methods. The recent unrest of farmers has prompted a lot of rethinking about alternative farming policies and strategies. However the search for genuine alternatives is still hindered and distorted by the longest prevailing myth in the context of agriculture – that ecologically-destructive methods may b.. 2017. 7. 14.
청년들의 취농을 막는 학자금 대출 문제 Student debt could cost this Maine family the farm Gabor Degre | BDNJackie Robinson has been looking into buying her parents farm, Leaves and Blooms Greenhouses in Dover-Foxcroft. Robinson has been running the farm for seven years, but she is unable to get a loan because of defaulting on her student loan payments. She is working on repaying her $20,000 student loan debt, but a.. 2017. 5. 25.
농생태학 아시아 지역회의 The Regional Meeting on Agroecology in Asia in November of 2015 marked the culmination of four FAO meetings on Agroecology. These vibrant meetings confirmed a rising tide that we have written about previously: agroecology’s prominence is growing worldwide. The importance of its concepts, tools, knowledge and its emphasis on respect for and collaboration with producers have be.. 2016. 6. 2.