농장에서 하는 유기농 식물 육종
1부: 들어가며
Why plant breeding is important
A philosophy of organic plant breeding
Our farming ancestors never stopped breeding
Returning farmers to their role as seed stewards
2부: 식물 육종의 기초
Selection in theory and practice
How to select
A crop’s mating system and how it affects plant breeding
Self-pollinated crops
Cross-pollinated crops
Breeding self-pollinated crops vs. breeding cross-pollinated crops
3부: 식물 육종 계획의 개발
Thinking about your target environment
Determining traits
Prioritizing traits
How can the traits be measured?
How easily can the traits be inherited?
Choosing parents
Creating a breeding timeline
4부: 현장에 기반한 유기농 식물 육종의 이론
How genes travel from parents to offspring
How genes determine the appearance and performance of plants
How genes travel together during reproduction
How genes operate in populations
How to see the genetic differences between plants
Understand the effects of the environment
Ensure that plants receive consistent treatment
Use sufficient population and plot sizes
5부: 유기농업을 위해 육종하는 농민의 사례
‘Abundant Bloomsdale’ organic spinach breeding project
What were the goals of this project?
Breeding procedure
‘Winter Sprouting’ Broccoli
What were the goals of this project?
Breeding Procedure
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