Seeds hold a special place in the struggle for food sovereignty. These small grains are the basis for the future. They shape, at each life cycle, the type of food people eat, how it is grown, and who grows it. Seeds are also a vessel that carries the past, the accumulated vision, and knowledge and practices of peasant and farming communities worldwide that over thousands of years created the basis of all that sustains us today.
Seeds were not created once, remaining the same thereafter. They are not things, but part of a constant process of recreation. As such, people struggle over them and over different visions of farming and agriculture. About 100 years ago, a process began that aimed to change agriculture according to an industrialized vision of life. This process transformed food production in many areas of the world. The modification of seeds was at the heart of the transformation, enabling the homogenous and oil-dependent crops that dominate in industrial agriculture today.
Despite the industry’s dominance and continuing efforts to marginalize and even criminalize small-scale peasant and family farming, we find that our seeds have deeper roots. Everywhere, seeds are being reclaimed and brought back as a central part of life in communities, even in cities. They are the basis for a sustainable, healthy and just agriculture. The following pages spotlight some of the daily struggles for our seeds and the places where they take place. They show the seeds of women and men peasants and family farmers in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Americas, as well as the exchanges, resistances, discoveries and solidarities of the peoples and agri-cultures that weave the fabric of La Via Campesina, and the fabric of our future.
The terms in bold can be found in the Glossary.
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