• Early Understandings of Plant Growth
• Early Field Experiments with Chemical Fertilizers
• Nitrogen
• Phosphorus
• Potassium
• Granular, Homogeneous, Mixed Fertilizers
• Bulk Blending
• Fluid Mixed Fertilizers
Use of commercial fertilizers has only a short history compared to the length of time that man is known to have grown crops. It is believed that crop production began some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. For example, there are records of cropping dating back over 7,000 years in China and nearly that long in Norway. It was not until the 1840s that limited quantities of a few types of natural commercial fertilizer such as Peruvian guano and Chilean sodium nitrate were first used in the Western world.
Ancient Practices Up to the fall of Rome
Many of the sound agricultural practices of today, including use of manure, liming, and crop rotations with legumes were also important in ancient times. Also, the value of silt deposits from flooding rivers in maintaining soil productivity was recognized over 5,000 years ago by the early Egyptians living along the Nile River and by the Mesopotamian civilization occupying the region between the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers, now present day Iraq. Organic manures have been used in Chinese agriculture for over 3,000 years. Descriptions of using human and animal wastes, plant ashes and grasses and how these materials benefited crop production and improved soil fertility were recorded in that country over 2,000 years ago. The age of the Greeks, from 800 to 200 B.C., was a "Golden Age" and during this early period several historians and writers referred to the use of manure on crops and adjusting the amounts for thin and rich soils. Use of city sewage on vegetable crops and olive groves and a canal system for delivering the sewage to fields was described in these ancient writings. Manures were also classified according to their value for crop production. These same early Greek writers recognized the value of green manure crops, particularly legumes. Many of these ancients rated lupine as the best general-purpose green-manure crop because it grew well under a wide range of soil conditions, furnished food for man and beast, was easy to seed and quick to grow. The value of marl and plant ashes for enriching the soil was recognized in both the Greek and the following Roman civilizations. Applications of ashes or lime were recommended to correct acidity in lowland soils. Mineral fertilizers were not entirely unknown in past civilizations since mixing of different earths for "remedying defects and adding heart to the soil" was recommended by one of the early Greek writers. Fertilization of plants with saltpeter or potassium nitrate was mentioned in both early Greek and Roman teachings and in the book of Luke in the Bible. The Greeks reported the use of salt brines with applications being made around the roots of palm trees.
Several of the Roman intellectuals including Cato, Columella, Pliny, Varro and Virgil, in the period 234 to 19 B.C., wrote on the practical aspects of farming. They recommended that pits be dug near farm buildings for systematic collection of various wastes including animal, fowl and human excreta along with leaves, vegetables and other wastes. In addition, they described what can be considered as simple tests for evaluating the chemical and physical suitability of soils for crop production.
After the fall of Rome to the Middle Ages
Following the decline of Rome, Western Europe entered into the six centuries of the "Dark Ages" when there was little interest in the sciences and scholarship. Fortunately, the reverse situation existed in the Arab countries with a strong focus on scholarship, education, literature and the sciences. Much of the Greek knowledge was preserved through the collection and translation of manuscripts from that civilization. The one Islamic agricultural publication known to have survived summarized farm practices of the period which had changed little from those of the Greeks and Romans. There appeared to be little new information on soil improvement in this book. The ancients observed the effect that dead bodies and the blood of animals had on promoting crop growth. Omar Khayyam, the astronomer-poet of Persia around the latter part of the 11th century wrote:
I sometime think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears
Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head.
The Middle Ages: 12th to 16th Centuries
Publication of the agricultural book Opus Ruralium Commodorum by Pietro di Crescenzi of Italy was a notable development in this period of restoration of political and economic order and revival in classical learning of the past. However, its contents were based mainly on early Roman writings, personal observations and teachings from the Dominican monastery at Bologna. As a consequence, soil fertility and soil amendment practices remained much the same as in the days of the Greeks and Romans, relying principally upon animal manures; composts; sewage and other waste products; seas and, seaweed and fish in coastal areas; bones; and liming materials, usually marl.
Chemical Discoveries in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead and some of the simpler alloys and metallic salts were known at the time of the Greek and Roman civilizations. Crude potassium carbonate or potash had also been known for a long time. It was used primarily in glassmaking and soaps and it was obtained by leaching wood ashes in wooden tubs and evaporating to dryness. Ammonium sulfate was discovered in the 1600s. Potassium nitrate or saltpeter was known but not its composition, and phosphorus was identified in 1669. Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, manganese and molybdenum were all discovered between the early 1770s and 1782. Sulfur was classified as an element in 1777. Ammonia was made for the first time in 1774 and by 1785 its exact composition was determined. Nitric acid, known earlier, was synthesized for the first time and by 1771 it was being produced commercially. Urea was identified in 1773 and in 1775 the presence of large amounts of calcium phosphate in bones was confirmed. In 1784, the chemical nature of water was discovered.
Early Understandings of Plant Growth
The first true experiments with living plants appear to have been conducted by Jan Baptiste van Helmont (1577-1644), a Flemish physician and chemist, who studied the growth of a willow plant. The directness, simplicity and taking of quantitative measurements in his experiment played an important role in developing the experimental approach of the future. Johann Glauder (1604-1670), a German chemist, concluded that saltpeter (potassium nitrate) collected from beneath cattle pens, came from the animal wastes and that it must have originated from the plants consumed by the animals. He observed large increases in growth of plants treated with saltpeter. The investigations of John Woodward (1665-1728) in England revealed that most of the water taken up by a plant was transpired and that the plant grew in proportion to the amount of "matter" present in the water. Several chemists studied the effect of plants on air but failed to recognize the reciprocal influence of air upon plants. A Dutch physician, Jan Ingen-Housz (1730-1799) made an important discovery noting that plants could not take up carbon dioxide or release oxygen in the absence of sunlight and that oxygen was released by plants only when they were supplied with carbon dioxide. He concluded that atmospheric air was essential for plant growth. A significant enlightenment in the understanding of plant nutrition was made by Theodore de Saussure (1767-1845) when he demonstrated that hydrogen and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide from the air contributed to the dry matter content of plants and that these sources were more important than humus. This Swiss scientist also showed that for normal nutrition, plants must take up, in dilute concentration, nitrates and other mineral matter from the soil. He recognized that salts present in plants were subject to selective absorption and some plants absorbed salts that were of no benefit to them or were actually harmful. Sir Humphrey Davy, who discovered the elements potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine and boron in rapid succession between 1807 and 1810, published in 1813 a series of lectures in a book entitled Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. It became a standard text for 50 years and it coordinated and summarized a considerable body of knowledge on growth and nourishment of plants. He believed that most of the carbon in plants was taken up by the roots and even recommended fertilization with oil as a carbon source. The German chemist Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) is considered by many to be the father of agricultural chemistry and the fertilizer industry. Among his many outstanding contributions are (a) several important conclusions regarding the source and role of plant nutrients, e.g. carbon in plants being derived from atmospheric carbon dioxide and the necessity of phosphorus for seed formation, (b) the concept of developing fertilizer recommendations based on the chemical analysis of plants and interpretation of the analyses, (c) the principle that plant growth is proportional to the amount of mineral substances available in the fertilizer and (d) outlining the Law of the Minimum which essentially states that if one nutritive element is deficient, plant growth will be limited even though supplies of all other vital nutrient elements are adequate. Also, plant growth will be improved by increasing the amount of the deficient nutrient up to the point that it is no longer deficient. Liebig strongly believed that soil fertility could be maintained by the addition of mineral elements present in plant ashes and that nitrogenous manures were unnecessary because of the ammonia occurring in the atmosphere and supplied in rainfall. Benefits of manure were attributed to the release of ammonia to the air in contact with plants.
Although von Liebig showed that treatment of bones with a strong acid, such as sulfuric acid, would increase the availability of phosphorus, he developed a fertilizer in which the phosphate and potash salts were fused with lime and as a result it was a failure. Following closely on von Liebig’s notable activities was the work of Lawes and Gilbert at England’s Rothamsted Experiment Station founded in 1843. Twelve years after starting this research unit they settled a number of important issues including (a ) crops require both phosphorus and potassium and the amount of these elements in plant ash is not a measure of plant requirements, (b) nonlegume crops require a supply of nitrogen and the amount of ammonia provided by the atmosphere is insufficient for crop needs, (c) soil fertility could be maintained for many years by using chemical fertilizers and (d) the beneficial effect of fallowing is the increase in availability of soil nitrogen.
Early Field Experiments with Chemical Fertilizers
Several famous French chemists conducted quantitative experiments and demonstrations to determine the benefits of chemical fertilization. Lavoisier began his studies in 1778 and found large yield increases on unproductive soils in his area of France. Boussingault established a farm at Alsace and from 1834 to 1871 conducted quantitative field plot experiments with manures, fertilizers and other materials. His inputs and the harvested crops were weighed and analyzed. Also, the numerous sound field experiments carried out between 1848 and 1863 by Georges Ville of Vincennes greatly advanced the practical understanding and use of chemical fertilizers.
The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland initiated farmer trials with salt in about 1818. Its programs were extended in 1823 to include farmyard manures, bone and fish compost. Sodium nitrate was introduced into the comparisons in 1831. The treatments were increased further in 1841 with the inclusion of ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, aqua ammonia, guano, urine, gypsum and other substances.
The renowned long-term field experiments at Rothamsted, England, deserve special mention. The first classical experiments involved wheat and turnips treated with farmyard manure, no manure and ammonium salts of sulfate or chloride. In 1852, the experiments were established in their final form on continuously cropped wheat, barley, roots, clover and shortly afterwards grass hay. Treatments of nitrogen only; minerals only, including superphosphate and potassium, sodium and magnesium sulfates; nitrogen plus these same minerals; farmyard manure and no manure were compared on all of the crops.
These experiments have been conducted for many years and some are still continuing. Careful records have been maintained of weather, soil and crop conditions and crop and soil samples analyzed.
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