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농업 부문의 근대화

by 雜것 2012. 4. 9.

KEY CONTRIBUTOR: Ministry strives to transform farmers of today into the agri-entreprenuers of tomorrow


Efforts have been undertaken by the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry through the Azam Tani programme to uplift the living standards of farmers in the country.

OVER the years, the agriculture sector has steadily become an important contributor to Malaysia's gross domestic product (GDP), employment, export revenue as well as economic and rural development.

Excluding industrial crops such as oil palm and rubber, the agriculture sector contributed RM20 billion, or four per cent, of Malaysia's Gross National Income (GNI) in 2009.

As Malaysia moves towards becoming a high-income nation in 2020, the target is set for RM49 billion.

While traditionally labelled as the poor man's sector, the face of agriculture is slowly changing as entrepreneurs in diverse businesses like swiftlet nest-ranching and large-scale padi (rice) farmers are able to now move up to Malaysia's high-income group.

Recognising the crucial role that agriculture can play in a nation's economy, the government has set several key targets for the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry under the Ministerial Key Results Area (MKRA) initiative of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP).

The aim was mainly to transform agriculture into agribusiness, moving towards a model that is anchored on market-centricity and economies of scale.

The government realised that in order to ensure sustainability, the industry needed to be invigorated.

The establishment of the MKRAs itself is a transformational change in the way that government delivery is performed.

It is a more transparent and engaging process, one that focuses on ministerial responsibility and delivery.

The MKRA and its attendant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is about identifying priorities and setting targets for the individual ministers and their ministries.

In this regard, the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, Datuk Seri Noh Omar, had a range of initiatives that he had to deliver in 2011 to uphold his duties and obligations to the rakyat.

Plans were put in place to develop better infrastructure and management techniques and technology and increase the productivity in padi farming, seaweed farming and temperate vegetables farming by more than 40 per cent.

The industry needed to be moved into an environment where innovation and increased market accessibility to agri-based products characterised its evolution.

Noh Omar said: "We need to cultivate an environment for the farming industry where farmers see themselves as businessmen. Our role is to facilitate the process and invest in capacity building in order to grow the agri-industry to become a key contributor to the nation's economic wealth."

One of the programmes introduced under the minister's purview was the Azam Tani initiative, which is targeted at the rural poor and enables the extreme poor to get involved in agro- and agri-based businesses, such as poultry-rearing, aquaculture and food processing projects.

The Azam Tani initiative is part of the 1Azam programme under the Low-Income Households National Key Results Area (NKRA).

Aside from providing participants with agro-based or agriculture equipment, livestock, seeds and fertilisers, the ministry also provided training programmes and guidance for participants for better management of their projects.

The programme has impacted the lives of participants like Maimun Achoi and Abdul Jalil and has enabled them to lead better lives and provide for their families.

"Before the 1Azam programme, life was difficult especially with seven school-going children. Every month, any additional money was used to buy fertiliser so that we could plant vegetables. It was a continuous cycle that didn't help to improve our situation.

"If the weather was good, we could get RM1,000 a month, but through Azam Tani, we can get an income of RM200 per day."

In 2011, a KPI was set for 8,000 farmers to enrol. The ministry was able to assist a total of 7,632 participants.

The ministry also met its target in amalgamating 5,000ha of land to facilitate better farm management techniques for the farmers.

Aside from assisting farmers in better management skills, the ministry was also tasked further with developing the nation's aquaculture industry to tap the demand for premium products for export.

In order to do this, the ministry will need to set up aquaculture farms certified with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), which is the world's foremost harmonised agriculture standard.

Noh Omar also understands the importance of nurturing the development of an agri-based business and turning micro agro-entrepreneurs and farmers into higher level agro-entrepreneurs to provide them with the certainty of an additional income stream.

To achieve this, the 1Malaysia Best Programme was implemented. The aim was to create a brand identity and endorsement for Malaysian agriculture and aquaculture products to be sold both in the local and in the global market.

"We want farmers to develop skills to have a better life. Providing a wider market access for products from the industry is one way of achieving this. We give them the right incentives and opportunities to participate in expositions both locally and abroad, financial assistance for promotions, and improving farmers marketing skills through entrepreneurship training. This has created opportunities for farmers to practice high-value agriculture and reach markets at all levels," he said.

The success of this programme is in the numbers. More than 100 products under the 1Malaysia Best brand are now available in the Middle East, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam and Australia.

To further grow market share, the ministry is looking at expanding the products presence into China.

In 2011, the ministry met its KPI and succeeded in developing 250 micro agri-entrepreneurs with a sales turnover of at least RM100,000 per annum.

In tandem with the growing global demand for fully-certified seafood, the ministry has its sights higher for this year.

To develop a significant, market-driven aquaculture industry capable of supplying a major share of high-value aquatic foods, the ministry is targeting 10,464 tonnes of shrimp production and 35,000 tonnes of dry seaweed production for the year.

Indeed, this transformation agenda for the sector will not only change the lives of the farming community for the better but also set the nation's Agriculture and Agro-based industry on a more visible able platform to tap into the rapidly growing and expanding global market for agriculture based products.

Read more: Modernising the agriculture sector - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/modernising-the-agriculture-sector-1.71067#ixzz1rUhMbJBp
