
Some basic economic forces are driving mid-sized farms out of existence. First, food prices keep falling. “Ever since World War II, agricultural commodities have trended steadily down,” agricultural economist Otto Doering told me. We are on a technology treadmill: Farmers get a new tech (like hybrid seeds), increase productivity, and make money. But then all the farmers get it, they all produce more, and prices drop, Doering said. Those new technologies cost money, so farm costs go up while food prices fall, leaving farmers with smaller and smaller profit from every bushel they harvest.

Farmers can either buy land and get bigger, drop out, or get an off-farm job to supplement their income. Forty years ago, when Doering came to Purdue University, 800 to 1,000 acres could give a farmer in Indiana a good middle-class income. Now, it takes 2,000 to 3,000 acres to support a commodity farmer, he said.

You can spin this positively: Technology is making farmers better, and allowing them to grow the same food at much lower prices — in the same way we celebrate Moore’s Law or the falling price of solar panels, there’s a lot of good in this. But it also means that people are pushed out of farming, especially in periods of crisis. And that’s often incredibly painful.

Harvest Public Media has given us permission to republish this pieceby Amy Mayer about the great farm crisis of the 1980s. When I heard it, I wanted to share it here as a reminder that there is a human cost to change. It’s a powerful thing to listen to Mark Kenney’s voice — even though he’s not giving specific details — and realize that years later it’s still hard for him to even mention that period without choking up. (See also Liz Core’s interview with Kenney here.)

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Lessons from the farm crisis, by Amy Mayer

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The fifth-generation to run his family farm, Mark Kenney says the '80s farm crisis taught him lessons for today
The fifth generation to run his family farm, Mark Kenney says the ’80s farm crisis taught him lessons for today.
Amy Mayer/Harvest Public Media

This post is part of My Farm Roots, Harvest Public Media’s series chronicling Americans’ connection to the land. Click here to explore more My Farm Roots stories and to share your own.

I met Mark Kenney on his family’s farm in Nevada, Iowa, when I was working on a story about farmer taxes. He turned out to be perfect for that — a farmer with a keen interest in spreadsheets.

Kenney and his family lived through the farm crisis of the 1980s, when the bottom dropped out of the U.S. economy and collapsing global food markets forced many farmers out of business. He surprised me, though, when he started describing how lucky he was to grow up during a notoriously tough time to be a farmer — and became choked up by the memories.

“At the time, it didn’t feel like a whole lot of fun. The ’80s for farmers in Iowa and the Midwest and throughout the country were not looked upon as, ‘Jeez those were great times,’” Kenney said. “But they also taught us a lot of lessons.”

His family’s farm, run by Kenney’s father and grandfather, survived, but he watched with them as neighbors lost their farms.

“A lot of good farmers went out of business and that’s tough to see,” Kenney said, “In some cases through no fault of their own. It’s just — caught up in a bad economic time.”

Now a farmer himself, he knows the extraordinary effort it takes to keep a farm running. And that’s in the good times.

“I’m even more thankful for my grandparents, my parents, my uncle because of the hard work they put in during those times,” Kenney said. “[They] gave us the opportunity to stay on the farm and for me to make my livelihood from the farm, too.”

As the farm crisis spiraled out of control and farmers all over the country struggled to stay afloat, it was hard for many to imagine a future on the farm.

“Commodity prices were depressed, land values kept falling, and it didn’t seem like there was a whole lot of reason to be optimistic,” Kenney said. That left many of his generation uninterested in farming.

“Becoming a farmer wasn’t cool,” Kenney said.

Even though he wanted to farm, he saw clearly the need to have a variety of skills. His background includes working at a company that financed agricultural equipment and earning a master’s degree in agricultural economics before returning to be the fifth generation to farm his family’s land, with his father and his brother-in-law. (Kenney’s niche on the farm, he said, is spreadsheets and financials.)

Talking about the 1980s is emotional for Kenney, but he said lessons learned as a young boy still stay with him today. The crisis fostered in him an appreciation for what he has.

“I’m thankful for it because I kind of know, don’t forget that those times could come again,” he said.

And the hard times also demonstrated to Midwestern farmers their intractable place in a global market.

“They taught us about world trade, they taught us about exchange rates, they taught us about interest rates, they taught us about inflation,” Kenney said. “Things that farmers before then may have been aware of, but they didn’t realize that what happens on the world stage could put me out of business.”

Now he uses a smartphone every day to check the markets.


Nearly every industrialized nation on Earth subsidizes agriculture to some extent. It’s a way to make sure production stays high, and prices stay low. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to make it work — and that’s where things get tricky.

Right now in the U.S., we subsidize certain crops pretty heavily. These are things that can be shipped and stored easily, and traded in international commodity markets.


But because of the way we manage our subsidies, we end up with A LOT of corn. In 2010, U.S. farmers produced 32 percent of the world’s corn supply on 84 million acres of farmland, raking in a cool $63.9 billion.

Get the infographic guide to subsidies here.
Check out the visual guide to corn subsidies
Grist / Amelia Bates

Most of that corn goes to non-“food” sources — either to feed livestock or to feed our cars, in the form of ethanol.

It’s hard to say how good any of this is for our health, our economy, or the climate. So why do we spend so many taxpayer dollars on corn and not, say, organic brussels sprouts? And where do those subsidies come from anyway? To find out, we’ll have to start at the beginning …


Once upon a time, in a land far away (well, in lots of places, but for our purposes let’s call it the early 20th century and here in the US of A), farms were having a hard time.

That’s sort of just what farms do: Sometimes they have very good years, other times they have very bad ones, and there’s not a lot of room between the two. Economists call it the “Farm Problem” — you have inelastic demand (you need to eat how much you need to eat) faced with an inelastic supply (you grow how much you grow).

Let’s say you, like so many American farmers, grow corn. (Why wouldn’t you? It’s a sturdy crop with a high yield after all.)


During the good years, you can grow A LOT of corn … but since everyone else is doing the same, there is so much of it on the market that the price crashes and you might have to sell your crop at a loss.

And during the bad years, you might struggle to grow much at all … so while the price goes up, you don’t have a lot to sell.

The early 1800s brought boom times for U.S. farms: Pioneers moving west were snatching up new farmland and growing so much corn they hardly knew what to do with it. For one thing, they made whiskey — and lots of it — because it added value to cheap corn, and it was easy to transport and store. As a result, the average American man in the 1820s drank FIVE GALLONS of hard liquor a year (compared to less than a gallon today) with the attendant health and social problems you might expect. Meanwhile, farmers were over-planting the land they had, setting the stage for bad times to come.tshirt

Sure enough, those times came in the 1930s. Farm production had spiked in the previous decade, as American farms ramped up to feed war-ravaged Europe. The resulting grain glut drove the price of food so low that it was basically worthless. Plus, thanks to the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, so many Americans were out of work that they couldn’t afford even the dirt-cheap food available.

To even out these kinds of wild ups and downs, the federal government decided to do something: Enter subsidies.


In an attempt to rebuild the economy in the wake of the Great Depression, the government convinced farmers to leave some of their land unplanted (“paid-land diversion”) often by supporting a set minimum price that they would expect to earn from it (“minimum price supports”).

But what began as a temporary stimulus measure gradually became into something much more permanent and unwieldy. Skip ahead through several decades of back-and-forth tinkering with the policy (see: “target prices,” “price floors,” “short crop,” “deficiency payments”) to the mid-90s, when we introduced something called “direct payments.”

That’s, uh, pretty much what it sounds like: Paying money. Directly. To farmers.

These payments were given out to certain commodity farmers, based on the historic records of what their land could produce. They were paid out rain or shine, whether prices were high or low.

Sometimes called “freedom to farm” payments, these were supposed to be a temporary measure to wean farmers off of subsidies, while letting them grow a handful of commodity crops other than corn.

But what started out as an attempt to lessen the government’s influence on farming ended up strengthening it when prices dropped in the following years. By 2014, the U.S. was on target to spend $972.9 billion on food and farm programs over the next decade.

And while the majority of that goes to nutritional programs (food stamps) and some of it goes to land conservation measures — a LOT of it ends up as, you guessed it, corn. 


In 2014, after much squabbling, Congress approved a new farm bill, more than two years after they were scheduled to. The main emphasis of the federal farm policy is now on subsidized “crop insurance.”

This sounds promising at first — “insurance” should come with a focus on minimizing risk, right?

But actually, these insurance plans largely help guarantee that farmers can sell their crop above a certain price (Price Loss Coverage) or make a certain amount of revenue (Agricultural Risk Coverage), and do little to encourage, say, better drought-planning measures or a more diverse spread of crops.

And with the federal government spending over $5 billion a year to subsidize these insurance premiums, all that corn (and soy and wheat) doesn’t come cheap.

The new farm bill does have some solid wins for sustainable food. Now diversified, mixed-crop farms can insure their whole operation without the hassle of buying insurance for a bunch of different crops and livestock separately. Organic farmers can also insure their crops at their actual value — which is just peachy, since organic peaches are worth a good deal more than their conventional brethren.

Since 1995, 75 percent of federal subsidies have gone to 10 percent of farms, the same consolidated group of commodity crop growers who will continue to eat up a disproportionate share of the subsidy pie under the new system, too.

These payments fund a massive industrialized food system that takes its toll on our land and water, while our diets are full of all that extra corn, from our corn-fed burgers to our Halloween candy — and so are our cars.

Now picture the world we could live in if we subsidized the food that actually feeds people, and feeds local economies all the while. Just think! We could save money on healthcare and spend it paying for things we actually want, like well-managed land, cleaner water, a diversified localized economy, and some fresh, organic sweet corn.

Imagine that happily ever after.



If you’ve ever crossed Iowa on I-80 en route to someplace you fancy more exotic, you might recall mile after solitary mile of soybeans and corn and the occasional side-leaning barn. Agriculture, you may have noticed, is Iowa’s most palpable characteristic — but, I’ll wager a guess, you didn’t see more than one or two farmers anywhere in sight.

Even as a small-town Iowa kid, the only farmers I knew personally were my great-grandparents — who, in their heyday, were known state-wide for their prize-winning watermelons. Iowa has undergone a lot of changes since Grandpa Clyde was grooming his gourds, though. In 1950, the state had206,000 farmers; in 2012, that number was down to 88,637. Iowa land once cultivated a diverse range of crops, but is now seeded almost exclusively with commodity crops like corn, soybeans, and oats that are processed into ethanol or animal feed. Tell me where you can find a watermelon farmer in Iowa now, let alone a famous one, and I’ll buy you one of those blue-ribbon tenderloins

A few months ago, I traveled home to visit family. Flying from Seattle to Des Moines, I watched the landscape shift from snow-capped mountains to carefully gridded squares. From above, Iowa appears to have been meticulously engineered into one, big corn- and soy-producing machine. Though I was there for mom and dad, I was also on a quest to find my home state’s hidden farmers. After 23 years as an Iowa kid, I’d finally meet the farmers behind those fields, the inconspicuous backdrop to my childhood.

Really, I did more than just meet them. I chatted about agricultural policy over cinnamon-spice tea; toured a thousand-acre farm in a fourwheeler seated next to a labrador; and played peek-a-boo with shy, barefoot farming boys.

Iowa commodity growers are often demonized for what and how they grow, and monocultures and ethanol aren’t exactly healthy for the planet. But all of the farming families I talked to expressed a deep respect for the land and the desire to take good care of it for the next generation. If we want to understand how and why our agriculture system is the way it is, we’d be wise to approach all farmers with an open mind.

So, meet a few of Iowa’s farmers. Here are our edited and condensed conversations:

Brock Hansen

Liz Core

Farm stats: 2,300 acres of corn and soybeans in Baxter, Iowa

What’s the history of your farm?

On my mom’s side, our land goes back five generations. We strictly grow corn and soybeans, along with a small amount of alfalfa. My mom and dad have their own operation, and my wife and I have our own operation — but we work together. Until about 10 years ago, we had beef cows, and sold the calves off in the fall. Dad sold seed corn on the side. Since then, we got out of hogs and cattle. We had a hired man who stepped in and took over. When we sold the hogs, we bought a few semis and hauled grain and bean meal out of Des Moines to a chicken farm.

How do you sell your product? 

First, I look up who has the best prices and contracts. Almost 99 percent of our corn goes to ethanol plants, and the byproduct is turned around and fed to livestock. one hundred percent of our beans go to Des Moines for oil and meal production. Have you heard of Unilever? We’re participating in a program so we can trace where the beans come from and what’s being done to them. I think a lot of them go into Hellman’s mayonnaise.

How has your farm changed?

In granddad’s era, the new thing was chemicals — that was probably in the ’50s or ’60s. Then it went to commercial fertilizer and no-till farming in dad’s era. Now, in my era, the newest part is GPS equipment, pin-point location, and all the technology that’s been brought to the farm. Farming is more of world market than it’s ever been. The market used to never move — if there was a $0.10 swing, it’d take years. Now, that’s an everyday thing.

What do you see as the future of your farm?

Who’d a thought 20 years ago we’d have tractors that would drive themselves? Everything gets bigger, it seems like. Is it the best for it? Probably not. People used to live off of 160 or 180 acres — I wish it could go back there. The world might be better, in general, if farming went back to the mom-and-pop shops.

Do I want to get bigger? Well, everyone wants a bigger piece of the pie. I’d like to be the most efficient on the acres I have. But I don’t need 20,000 acres when I can be just as productive on 5,000.

In what ways are the goals of the food movement consistent with the goals on this farm?

I don’t see the consumer, to tell you the truth. It’s a closed circuit for me. I take our grain straight to the ethanol plant. But you know, consumers are asking them for non-GMO bean meal to feed non-GMO pigs at the company we haul our beans to. There’s a growing demand for that. But you as a consumer, and me as a producer, our paths don’t usually cross.

When the consumer asks us what we’re doing, I tell them we’re trying to be better. I don’t think our story is told enough, but we’re trying. I blame some of that on the media — no offense. It’s easy to cover the bad things, not the good things. For instance, we’ve been no-till for 25 or 30 years, which helps with erosion and creates better top soil; we’ve introduced cover crops; we use GPS equipment to help minimize over-use of chemicals; we’ve upgraded grain driers; we applied for an energy grant to make the drier more efficient, to use less natural gas; we’re looking at putting up a wind turbine. We’re trying to be environmental, green — whatever you call it.

Mark and Julie Kenney

Julie Kenney

Farm stats: 3,000 acres of corn, soybeans, and oats in Nevada, Iowa

What’s the history of your farm?

Mark: We’re fifth-generation farmers. My great-great-grandfather started farming in central Iowa back in the 1880s. The original parcel of land that he purchased, we still own. Generations have added to it, but I’m proud that original piece is still a part of our family farm.

Julie and I make our livelihood on this farm. Where I go to work is where I grew up as a child. I feel really fortunate. As a duty, as a responsibility, we try to be active in promoting agriculture to those who aren’t involved in it. We invite people to our farm to show day-to-day operations. When it becomes more of a conversation, commodity farming becomes more readily understood. It takes time, but it’s just as much as the job as making sure the crops are planted.

How has your farm changed?

Mark: My dad says he remembers the first commercial seed he planted. It was planted by a two-row, horse-drawn planter. The last crop he planted was with a tractor driven by GPS.

One thing that is the same today as it was generations ago is that we’re producing a commodity, so our competition isn’t only local, it’s global. Technology isn’t something to be shunned or afraid of — it’s to be embraced. We need to find ways to use new technologies to make our farm competitive in world markets. I’ve always been taught that technology can give you an edge.

Julie: The thing I’ve seen change the most is how public perception is influencing what we do. In Iowa, more and more young people are removed from the farm. So now, we have a duty to help open doors to explain to others who aren’t as familiar with what’s going on. I try not to think of it as us educating, because I want it to be a two-way conversation; I want to listen to what the general public’s concerns are.

What do you see as the future of your farm?

Mark: The way my grandpa farmed is different from the way we farm now, but there are certain things that endure time. While the equipment has changed, the core values are the same: attention to detail, being fiscally responsible, understanding that there’s more to the world than just yourself, being a member of the community, and making yourself available to help neighbors in need. That’s what I hope will continue on this farm.

Agriculture will keep getting more competitive and capital intensive. I estimate farms will become larger because technology is allowing that, and we’ll continue to produce more from a smaller resource base.

Julie: I think there will be more non-traditional people who get involved in farming. I think we’ll see more companies like Google that want to be involved in agriculture. I think we’ll continue to get questions from people about where their food comes from, and we’ll have to become more transparent about that.

In what ways are the goals of the food movement consistent with the goals on this farm?

Mark: Above any other law, my No. 1 boss is Mother Nature. The weather is in control — and such a major factor in our yearly income. It impacts if we can work some days. It’s been true since the dawn of time, but it’s still one of the biggest misconceptions in modern agriculture.

I think I can speak for most farmers and say that we enjoy our independence. A trait that successful farmers share is operating our farms the way that we please. For instance, a mile from our house is a small organic farm with vegetables and honey bees. They have a very small acreage, and it’s a lot of labor — but they’re doing it. Another farmer next to us grows organic corn and soybeans. We’re all farmers, it’s all agriculture, we just all do it a little different.

How does agricultural policy affect you?

Mark: Our farm has operated under the auspices of farm bills since the 1930s. I don’t see how that is going to change how we work on the farm. Government doesn’t outweigh market forces — and it certainly doesn’t outweigh the weather. I do think there’s a role for the government to play in food production. Of all the things we must secure, food is No. 1. We wouldn’t want to outsource our food production like we’ve done with energy production — what a terrible thing that would be.

Ward and Sandi Van Dyke

Ward Van Dyke

Farm stats: 2,000 acres corn and soybeans in Pella, Iowa

What’s the history of your farm?

Ward: We’re third- and second-generation farmers, but we’ve had this farm since 1986. There would be days in high school when I would skip school to help with the crops. Back then, that’s just what we did.

Sandi: We started in cattle and hogs and eventually we went strictly to grain. When we moved here, we added a garden as a project for our kids.

How has your farm changed?

Ward: When I was little, my parents had two- or four-row planters. Now, we can plant 30 rows at a time, and that’s just average — it’s actually kind of small. Our combine harvests with a 35-foot head, rather than 16 like it used to be. We went from having no technology to having full auto-guidance, automatic sprayer shut-off, yield monitors, variable rate planning, and variable rate nitrogen application.

That technology makes us much more efficient. For example, when we’re out in the field planting seeds, we want to know what’s been planted. The machine will shut off so we don’t plant more seeds than we need. Same with the sprayer: It’ll shut off so we don’t put out too much herbicides or insecticides.

What do you see as the future of your farm, and farming in Iowa?

Ward: In general, farms are going to continue to get larger. If labor is an issue, you can eliminate people, and tractors do it.

Sandi: I don’t know, sometimes I wonder. There’s been an influx of smaller, niche farms. I don’t know if the general public will catch on and embrace it, though, because we’re used to cheap food. Everybody wants cheap food.

Ward: You wouldn’t have the critical mass for that. It’s hard, it’s tough.

Sandi: It would be fun to go back, though. Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to how it was when we grew up our parents’ farms? There was livestock, chickens, and grain — it was more self-sufficient. It’d be nice.

How does agricultural policy affect you?

Ward: I’ve been to two meetings already to talk about the farm bill — and it’ll take a meeting or two more before I understand it. The policy is complicated. In general, I think less government is better. There are a lot of hurdles to jump over, paperwork, and time and energy and money, versus just doing what we need to do. Why make it so complicated?

In what ways are the goals of the food movement consistent with your goals on this farm?

Ward: We don’t want our grain hauled any farther than it has to — similar to the farm-to-table movement. The fewer miles the grain has to drive is better, because it’s expending less fossil fuels.

And there’s also a lot of consumer education that needs to happen around here. You know, in our kids’ garden we have these great spaghetti squash, but if consumers don’t even know what a spaghetti squash is, then what? You have to educate consumers, so they want to buy the product.

Sandi: We used to have a CSA, but lots of people quit because they weren’t using all the produce. People are in so many activities and always on the go, so they aren’t able to prepare their own food. It’s interesting; there are so many people who think they want to do eat local until they have to implement it. And they can’t, because it doesn’t fit with their lifestyle.


More than two decades ago in the Irrawaddy delta in Myanmar, farmers began planting two rice crops each year. Rice production increased, but for how long? Depleted organic matter and acidification are now affecting soil health, and farmers who can’t afford fertilizer are seeing their rice yields declining. This is why 200 farmers started to compost rice straw. With this they have been able to maintain rice yields and reduce fertilizer costs. They are still improving their composting techniques and some are starting to experiment with green manures.

Farming Matters | 31.1 | March 2015

Photo: Celine Allaverdian

The Irrawaddy delta is Myanmar’s rice bowl. Most land is used to grow paddy rice, and all farmers grow a monsoon and a summer rice crop, using either fresh or brackish water. once rare, double rice cropping was heavily promoted by government extensionists in the 1990s as part of national food policy. Before the introduction of summer paddy, most farmers planted rice in the monsoon season and a legume in the dry summer season, usually green gram, black gram or groundnut. The legume contributed to soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere and via crop residues incorporated as green manure. Regular flooding during the monsoon also helps add to soil fertility as the water carries nutrient-bearing silts and clays. The introduction of rice double cropping at the expense of a legume in the rotation, has upset the balance of the system, and induced a large increase in the use of chemical fertilizers and a decline in soil health.

According to farmers in the Ayeyarwaddy region, rice yields have been going down over the past ten years. The cause? Reduced soil organic matter, lowering soil fertility and increasing soil acidity (to pH 4). Families typically farm 3-4 hectares, but keep few livestock. Most families have a few pigs and ducks, a couple of buffalos for traction, but cattle are rare. Manure is limited. But many farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to buy more and more fertilizer each year, leading to a cycle of debt.

What to do with rice straw?

Overturning composting myths

Throughout our work with family farmers around the world, views on composting have often surprised us. Composting is probably the most widely promoted practice by NGOs under the banner of agroecology. But agroecological development programmes are disappointing when restricted to certain techniques and don’t explore complementary practices such as green manures, crop associations and rotations. And many misconceptions remain.
“Composting needs specific infrastructure and materials such as cement pits, plastic tanks, special fencing, tarpaulins and nets.” WRONG!
“Composting needs special formulas and specific ingredients such as effective micro-organisms.” WRONG AGAIN!
These can speed up and improve composting but must not be promoted as essential. Perfect prescriptions are an enemy of good results, and such myths deter wider adoption as they depend on costly external inputs, and more labour and hassle. As one farmer told us, “Have you ever tried to shovel compost out of a cement pit? It is truly backbreaking!” Extra costs and effort discourage farmers and development workers, sometimes to the point of abandoning composting as a technique all together.

With double cropping and not many animals, rice straw is abundant in the delta. After harvest, large heaps can be seen everywhere, most remaining in the fields the whole year until they are finally burnt or thrown into nearby rivers, with only the decomposed bottom part of the mound used as an organic fertilizer.

The abundance of straw and other green matter suggests the huge potential of compost to rebuild soil health in the delta. But their soils need much more organic matter, and composting can transform the abundantly available rice straw and other plants into forms of organic matter to provide nutrients and reduce acidity.

GRET gets involved

In 2008, cyclone Nargis devastated the delta killing more than 150 000 people and destroying homes and farm assets of hundreds of thousands more. The NGO GRET started a programme of emergency assistance, but which progressively transformed into a number of agroecology initiatives with family farmers.

Today, GRET works in 88 villages, with two main target groups, landless and resource-poor farmers, and rice farmers with at least two hectares and who sell rice in local markets, and provide extension services, support farmer to farmer knowledge sharing, and support community business organisations. And most recently GRET started a composting programme in the delta area and green manure trials in both the delta and western Myanmar.


The first step was to encourage our five local extensionists to use an agroecological way of thinking, focusing on soil health, and different composting methods were demonstrated and discussed.

And when they started sharing their knowledge on composting with 300 farmers in 30 villages, the key message was: “Anybody can do it and with any locally available biomass – the key words being simplicity, flexibility, and affordability.” During hands-on training sessions, groups of farmers helped to make compost piles and a few weeks later, turned them and saw the composting process. Farmers immediately began to make their own compost piles, landless farmers for their home gardens using neighbours’ rice straw mixed with household waste and pig and poultry manure.

Rice farmers first produced compost for their rice nurseries and seed plots, but producing enough compost for all their fields was a challenge.

In 8-12 weeks, the straw from a hectare of paddy can produce 2.5 tonnes of good quality compost. Photo: U Kyaw Saing
In 8-12 weeks, the straw from a hectare of paddy can produce 2.5 tonnes of good quality compost. Photo: U Kyaw Saing

Compost made easy

In 8-12 weeks, the straw from a hectare of paddy can produce 2.5 tonnes of good quality compost, which when added to the soil provides 50 kg of nitrogen, or 40-50% of the total nitrogen requirements of a rice crop. Cutting fertilizer costs by half is a huge advantage for farmers as they struggle with debt from the need to buy more and more fertilizer each year.

The basic compost combination is dry matter, fresh green matter and a microbial input. Rice straw, dried leaves and even coconut fibre are good sources of dry matter. Freshly cut leaves and weeds, banana trunks, water hyacinth, or any plants in and around the fields and gardens are used as green matter. The microbial input helps to transform the biomass into the nutrient-rich material we call compost, whether it is fresh soil, forest humus, animal manure or fresh compost. Handfuls of wood ash add phosphorus and potassium and even the basic combination can be adapted. If a farmer has no more green matter, he will still get compost but of a different quality. And if manure is in short supply, it helps to add a diluted solution of cow or pig dung with rice straw and other dry matter. This promotes the growth of microbes, nitrogen content and decomposition, and is a cheap and easy way to overcome the lack of green matter or manure.

Needs time

Depending on the materials, four people can build a compost pile of about 10-12 cubic metres in a day, yielding 1-2 tonnes of compost after 8-12 weeks. But labour is a problem. As one farmer, Mr U Maung Aye said, “Compost making is made difficult by our time and labour constraints, especially for collecting the materials needed to make a big compost pile.” So, farmers and scientists are now testing various labour saving mixtures, piling techniques and microbial solutions. The latest trial is on making compost piles during rice threshing, with microbial solutions sprayed onto the straw to promote decomposition.

But even with optimised composting approaches, most farmers still can’t produce enough for all of their fields, so additional soil building practices are needed. The once common practice of rotating rice with a legume is being revived. one year ago 16 farmers started experimenting with black gram as a green manure, and GRET will help to analyse the results. They plan to also start experimenting with other green manure species that produce more biomass and are resistant to water logging.

Over the past year farmers have built over 200 compost piles and are already experiencing the benefits. Photo: Myo Kyaw Kyaw
Over the past year farmers have built over 200 compost piles and are already experiencing the benefits. Photo: Myo Kyaw Kyaw

But quickly spread

Over the past year, farmers have built more than 200 compost piles, are testing different techniques and are already experiencing benefits. Cost savings by reducing fertilizer purchases are immediately felt, as one farmer noted: “Composting takes more time but it is more effective. When I only apply chemical fertilizer, my field flushes green for two weeks. But when I apply both compost and fertilizer, the paddy keeps its bright green colour for much longer.” one ‘compost fan’ even bought a cow to scale up his production and has set up an impressive composting unit.

The short-term outcomes have been strikingly positive, not only because farmers have so readily started their own experiments, but also because the soil health benefits are already evident. The medium and longer term impacts should be even more promising for the Irrawaddy delta, as farmers continue to experiment with compost and other complementary practices.


Organic agriculture is not limited to edible produce. ASA and CSSA member Jane Dever, a professor at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Lubbock, has been breeding cotton plants for years, and today, she strives to maintain the purity of new, improved organic varieties. Also pictured is graduate student Dylan Wann.


Around 10,000 BC, the dawn of the Agricultural Revolution, human societies began domesticating wild plants. For the next 12,000 years, farming relied exclusively on natural inputs, such as animal manure and compost.

The first synthetic fertilizers and pesticides were developed only about 100 years ago but quickly became mainstays of “conventional” farming. In 1992, virtually all of the 460 million acres of U.S. cropland—all but 0.001%—were conventionally managed.

About this same time, however, a new trend emerged, marked by growing interest in traditional and innovative farming practices that invigorate the soil, without resorting to most synthetic chemicals. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 laid out the principles of this new “organic” farming and authorized the USDA to establish a program that would identify acceptable organic production inputs and certify farms meeting the agency’s standards. In 2000, the USDA published its final rule for the National Organic Program, which became operational in 2002.

Now, with increased momentum from the farm-to-fork movement and environmentally aware consumers, the organic food industry is going mainstream. Three out of four conventional grocery stores today offer organic products, according to the USDA. And the amount of cropland devoted to organic agriculture rose from just 403,400 acres in 1992 to roughly 3.1 million acres in 2011. In 2014, organic food sales reached an estimated $35 billion.

In fact, organic foods constitute the fastest-growing agricultural sector. This thin slice of the market has enjoyed a double-digit increase in consumer demand every year for more than a decade, notwithstanding an economic recession and a hefty price differential between conventional and organic. In December 2012, for example, a 25-lb sack of loose conventional carrots had a wholesale price of $12.50 in the Atlanta market. A comparable bag of organic carrots, meanwhile, sold for $24.50.

As says Martin Diffley, an organic farmer and farming consultant based in Farmington, MN, “The organic market is not as big [as the conventional market], but very loyal.”

These market incentives notwithstanding, however, adoption of organic farming is still relatively rare. Just 1% of U.S. farms are USDA organic-certified, and these select few are disproportionately small farms, with annual sales under $250,000.

As it turns out, going back to basics—farming in accord with nature and eschewing many of the practices of conventional agriculture—is not so easy after all. And one of the biggest challenges organic farmers face is simply finding locally adapted plant varieties that will thrive under organic farming conditions.

Creating ‘Optimal Genetics’ for Organic Farming

Organic farmers face a unique set of challenges and thus need crop plants with a unique blend of traits. To fight disease and pests in the absence of chemical supports, for example, organic plant varieties should have strong natural resistance to insects and pathogens. They should also grow quickly and densely to outcompete weeds. Of course, researchers have long sought to enhance such traits in plants bred for large conventional farms with uniform production inputs; however, these conventional varieties are not ideal for the diverse growing conditions found on organic farms. And, in fact, some farmers, like Diffley, believe that modern agriculture has unintentionally caused the decline of certain vital attributes.

“Think of it this way,”he says. “The organic system is the system that has existed since cultivation began. But with the advent of chemical dependence, the plants have lost their ability to source nutrients, to put down roots. The chemicals were easy to access. And that attribute was lost.”

Moreover, while organic consumers are willing to pay a premium, they want high-quality produce, with something to set it apart from commodity-type selections. “Consumers are looking for really novel traits—unique flavor profiles, unique colors, different culinary attributes,” says ASA member Erin Silva, an assistant professor of plant pathology and organic cropping specialist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “Organic farmers are better able to carve out a niche in the marketplace by growing varieties with these unique characteristics.”

Of course, farmers don’t generally bed out leafy plants; they sow seeds. And finding organic seed can be a daunting task.

Kristina Hubbard, communications director for the non-profit Organic Seed Alliance (OSA), says, “We recently heard from one organic seed company that there are so few organic seed suppliers that a single crop failure can mean the complete absence of that variety for the year because, at times, there are no backup sources.”

Under USDA regulations, organic-certified farmers can resort to untreated, conventional, non-genetically modified seed if appropriate organic seed is unavailable for a particular crop. But, says Hubbard, conventional seed is often “bred and produced in chemical-intensive systems that are in conflict with organic principles.” This provenance, she adds, “means [organic] farmers probably don’t get the optimal genetics for their unique production systems.”

Indeed, a 2009 OSA survey of organic farmers found that only 20% of the 1,027 respondents had been using 100% organic seed for at least the previous three years.

Martin Diffley (left) and Bill Tracy in Minnesota.


An added challenge of organic seed production is that sometimes the dynamics of the organic marketplace create demand for smaller quantities of seed but more diverse varieties. So, if seed producers are trying to grow smaller quantities, they need to make sure it’s not cross-contaminated with any other varieties of the same crop that they might be growing. This way, farmers who eventually buy the seed can be confident they’re getting what they paid for, Silva explains. But “it’s logistically more difficult than if you’re just growing acres and acres of one variety.”

Marko Colby, who owns 29-ac Midori Farm on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, uses about half conventional and half organic-certified seed because many of his preferred crop varieties are unavailable in organic-certified seed. Although organic seed is becoming easier to obtain today, he says, historically it has been prone to greater variability than conventional seed, stemming from an admixture of genes from wild plant populations and a poor selection process. “A lot of [organic seed] used to come from small farms with limited technical information,” Colby says. “That is changing now.”

Given the limited choice of good-quality organic seed, both Colby and Diffley have joined a small cadre of organic growers who are, quite literally, taking matters into their own hands and working with formal breeders to create the resources they need to sustain their farming operations.

The metrics for success vary from crop to crop—the deep green hue of a spinach leaf, sweet balanced flavor of an ear of corn, or the strong early vigor of a carrot plant, for example. But ultimately, success boils down to one thing: an unblemished, flavorful crop that meets consumer demands.

Who Gets Kissed?

Breeding plants, Diffley says, is like raising children: “Some people are cut out for it, and some are not.” Count him in the first category. The Minnesota farmer is among the proud parents of a new, open-pollinated sweet corn variety adapted for his cool, northern soils, called “Who Gets Kissed?”

With its yellow and white kernels, the variety is named for a game played at corn husking bees of old, where communities gathered to husk corn and dance. When a person found an ear with all red kernels—or a “pokeberry ear”—they could choose one person among the group to kiss. Released last December, the plant was the result of a participatory breeding program involving Diffley, OSA, and UW-Madison sweet corn breeder Bill Tracy.

Tracy, an ASA and CSSA member, says conventional sweet corn seeds are generally treated with fungicides, and maybe insecticides, before they’re sold. “And, of course, that gives those seeds an advantages in terms of germinating and being able to grow rapidly and fight off pests during germination,” he says. In contrast, “Who Gets Kissed” fends for itself; the variety has natural resistance to some of the most common corn ailments, including the soil-borne fungal diseases, smut and rust.

Weeds are another matter. To outcompete the herbaceous pests, “rapid germination and rapid growth are important,” Tracy says. “You want to shade the ground, form a canopy quickly.”

There are different ways to do this, he adds. “With sweet corn, you can pack many plants per acre, but you get smaller ears, and if ears get too small, they’re not marketable.” Other strategies are varying the leaf morphology or varying plant height, taller plants being better weed competitors than shorter plants.

In developing the weed-fighting ability of “Who Gets Kissed,” the breeders either exposed the plants to weed pressure or planted them at high density and then selected the star performers. Says Tracy, “We let the plants tell us which trait is best.”

Diffley points out other considerations. The flavor of the ear shouldn’t be based solely on sugar content, but on an adequate mix of sugar and starch in the kernel. He also looks for commonality or homogenization to a degree, so that the plants and ears are uniform enough that they’re dependable for point-of-purchase and similar enough to represent that variety.

Finally, the perfect organic sweet corn must source nutrients efficiently and display a general, overall vigor. With all of these traits, it is safe to say that “Who Gets Kissed” is no meek maize.

And because the variety is open-pollinated, Diffley says, “We’re talking about the corn delivering the goods and then growers having the option to grow it out as seed, based on their own criteria.”

Three states to the west of Diffley, Colby has been working with OSA on a similar project to breed organic spinach suitable for Pacific Northwest growing conditions. He joined the project after coming across some sample seed that performed so well in his fields that he was eager to help perfect it. The resulting variety, “Abundant Bloomsdale,” is slated for commercial release in 2015 after a decade of fine-tuning on eight organic farms.

During the first season of the effort, Colby explains, the team planted a large amount of the spinach seed and then looked for several preferred traits: plants with dark green, savoy leaves; plants with more round leaves than arrow leaves; and ones that held their leaves upright and away from soil-borne pathogens. Another characteristic they sought was general health and vigor.

Colby then saved seed from about 40 standout plants and sowed hundreds of seeds from each mother plant. Since spinach is wind-pollinated, it was easy to let all those strains cross again, after pulling the poorest performers. The next year, he repeated the process.

Making a Better Cotton Plant

Organic agriculture is not limited to edible produce. ASA and CSSA member Jane Dever specializes in another kind of crop altogether—cotton. Dever has been breeding cotton plants for years, first as a breeding and trait development manager with Bayer CropScience and, since 2008, as a professor at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Lubbock. While her early career focused on genetically modifying the plants, today she strives to maintain the purity of new, improved organic varieties. It isn’t easy.

Although more than 95% of U.S. organic cotton is grown on the Texas High Plains, Dever says, “We’re 15,000 ac [of organic cotton] in the middle of 3.5 million ac of conventional cotton.” To assure strict segregation, Texas’s organic growers use physical distance and “trap crops,” such as grain or sorghum, to isolate and surround seed production areas.

Yet, despite the hassle of plant segregation, West Texas is a great place to grow organic cotton. The region has very low insect pressure, reasonably low weed pressure, and a good marketing cooperative. But the real advantage, Dever says, is that “we have a killing frost.”

Freezing temperatures stand in for the chemical defoliants conventional growers use to rid cotton plants of leafy vegetation. “If you don’t get the green leaves to drop before mechanical harvesting,” Dever says, “they can stain the cotton.” Even worse, once the cotton is compressed into “big bread loaves” for easy transporting, any green organic matter buried within can heat up and ignite.

Next year, Dever and colleagues will release some of their first new organic varieties, carefully bred to achieve several marks of merit:

  • High fiber retention in the boll (“so the cotton won’t fall out on the ground before the freeze”).

  • High fruiting-to-vegetative ratio (to minimize leaves and assure “plants don’t get real limby”—thereby negating the need for conventional growth regulators).

  • Consistently good fiber length and strength. (“This is really important because we have such a small volume that you would interrupt your market without consistent quality.”)

  • Drought and salt tolerance.

  • A thicker leaf cuticle to resist early pests, such as thrips. (“We were able to provide the same protection with the varieties alone as with an organic-approved pesticide, such as Spinosad.”)

And “last but not least,” Dever says, organic cotton plants must produce seeds with a nutrition profile suitable for dairy cows: “Our dairy cows are locavores; they eat the organic cotton seed we produce here.”

Farmer-breeder Marko Colby (right) and former Organic Seed Alliance plant breeder John Navazio assess an “Abundant Bloomsdale” spinach trial on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.


“We did a lot of improvement,” Colby says. “It’s a really nice spinach—super tasty and disease resistant.”

That’s what got us into breeding,” he adds. “We can impact genetics within a couple generations [to get a plant] that will grow well in our particular microclimate. It’s an art that been perfected over hundreds or thousands of years.”

Silva, at UW-Madison, is trying to work the same magic with carrots, one of the largest organic vegetable crops nationally, but also one of the hardest to cultivate organically. Working with unadapted wild species collected from across the globe by USDA researchers, Silva has found great diversity in early emergence, canopy closure, and the amount of canopy—all critical attributes for weed control.

“Particularly, weed management is difficult,” Silva says. “There are some organic insecticides and fungicides but no organic herbicides.”

The carrot-breeding effort is still young, but Silva is optimistic. “If we can continue to demonstrate we do have effective methods of managing weeds and insects, conventional farmers would be more interested in transitioning to organic, at least for a portion of their acreage,” she says.

‘Tremendous Value’ to Farming This Way

After a hundred-year interlude, organic farming is undergoing a renaissance. And innovative breeding programs and initiatives such as the three-year-old Student Organic Seed Symposium—which promotes dialogue among horticulture students, researchers, and farmers—promise continued expansion. According to those interviewed for this article, access to better plant varieties will make it easier for more farmers to give up their chemicals.

But even for farmers who don’t make the switch to organic production, research on organic systems and organic varieties can still be beneficial, Dever says. We need “knowledge of a lot of different farming systems, including organic, especially when dealing with [herbicide] resistant weeds. Younger farmers who have been using Roundup their whole careers don’t know how to deal with that,” she says. “So, even though organic is less than 1% [of all U.S. cropland], the knowledge these guys have gained by farming this way has a tremendous value.”

Dever is also quick to acknowledge the added benefits of organic farming, including greater worker safety and ecosystem enhancements. “I don’t necessarily condone all the economic studies comparing farming systems,” she says, “because that’s not why these guys go into [organic farming].”

Colby echoes that thought. “Organic farming has a host of challenges,” he says. “But I think the joys of the successes we do have, and the ability to see the soil improving over time and see the plants responding to that healthy soil and having our hands in part of the creation of what we’re doing, well, I’m pretty happy about it every day.”


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< grow >          
• how and what to compost
• simplest composting methods 
• enclosed composting bins
• build your own compost bin
• tips for successful composting 
• buy a compost bin

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Compost is the single most important supplement you can give your garden soil.

Composting is a simple way to add nutrient-rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. It's also free, easy to make and good for the environment.

Compost Tumblers in the Eartheasy Store

The Insulated Jora JK270 Composter

Raised Garden Beds

The Ceramic Compost Keeper

Cedar Mortise and Tenon Raised Garden Bed

Natural Cedar Raised Garden Beds

Composting Benefits
Soil conditioner: With compost, you are creating rich humus for lawn and garden. This adds nutrients to your plants and helps retain moisture in the soil.

Recycles kitchen and yard waste: Composting can divert as much as 30% of household waste away from the garbage can.

Introduces beneficial organisms to the soil:
 Microscopic organisms in compost help aerate the soil, break down organic material for plant use and ward off plant disease.

Good for the environment:
 Composting offers a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers. 

Reduces landfill waste:
 Most landfills in North America are quickly filling up; many have already closed down. one-third of landfill waste is made up of compostable materials.

What to Compost
 table scraps
 add with dry carbon items
 fruit & vegetable scraps
 add with dry carbon items
 best when crushed
 leaves break down faster when shredded
 grass clippings
 add in thin layers so they don't mat into clumps
 garden plants
 use disease-free plants only
 lawn & garden weeds
 only use weeds which have not gone to seed
 shrub prunings
 woody prunings are slow to break down
 straw or hay
 straw is best; hay (with seeds) is less ideal
 green comfrey leaves
 excellent compost 'activator'
 pine needles
 acidic; use in moderate amounts
 flowers, cuttings
 chop up any long woody stems
 seaweed and kelp
 apply in thin layers; good source for trace minerals
 wood ash
 only use ash from clean materials; sprinkle lightly
 chicken manure
 excellent compost 'activator'
 coffee grounds
 filters may also be included
 tea leaves
 loose or in bags
 avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
 shredded paper
 avoid using glossy paper and colored inks
 shred material to avoid matting
 corn cobs, stalks
 slow to decompose; best if chopped up
 dryer lint
 best if from natural fibers
 sawdust pellets
 high carbon levels; add in layers to avoid clumping
 wood chips / pellets
 high carbon levels; use sparingly
You can also add garden soil to your compost. A layer of soil will help to mask any odors, and micro-organisms in the soil will accelerate the composting process. 

Do not compost meat, bones or fish scraps (they will attract pests), perennial weeds (they can be spread with the compost) or diseased plants. Do not not include pet manures in compost that will be used on food crops. Banana peels, peach peels and orange rinds may contain pesticide residue, and should be kept out of the compost. Black walnut leaves should not be composted. Sawdust may be added to the compost, but should be mixed or scattered thinly to avoid clumping. Be sure sawdust is clean, with no machine oil or chain oil residues from cutting equipment.

For kitchen wastes, keep a container with a lid and a handle under the sink. Consider using a stainless steel compost pail with air filter, or the ceramic model. If you don't mind occasional smells, use an old ice-cream pail. Chop up any large chunks before you toss them in. When the container is full, take it out to your composter and toss in the contents.

With yard and garden wastes, different composting materials will decompose at different rates but they will all break down eventually. If you want to speed up the composting process, chop the larger material into smaller pieces. Leaves and grass clippings are also excellent for compost, but should be sprinkled into the bin with other materials, or dug in to the center of the ple and mixed. Avoid putting them on in thin layers - they will mat together and reduce aeration, which slows the composting process.

How to Compost

1. Start your compost pile on bare earth. This allows worms and other beneficial organisms to aerate the compost and be transported to your garden beds.

2. Lay twigs or straw first, a few inches deep. This aids drainage and helps aerate the pile.

3. Add compost materials in layers, alternating moist and dry. Moist ingredients are food scraps, tea bags, seaweed, etc. Dry materials are straw, leaves, sawdust pellets and wood ashes. If you have wood ashes, sprinkle in thin layers, or they will clump together and be slow to break down.

4. Add manure, green manure ( clover, buckwheat, wheatgrass, grass clippings) or any nitrogen source. This activates the compost pile and speeds the process along.

5. Keep compost moist. Water occasionally, or let rain do the job.

6. Cover with anything you have - wood, plastic sheeting, carpet scraps. Covering helps retain moisture and heat, two essentials for compost. Covering also prevents the compost from being over-watered by rain. The compost should be moist, but not soaked and sodden.

7. Turn. Every few weeks give the pile a quick turn with a pitchfork or shovel. This aerates the pile. Oxygen is required for the process to work, and turning "adds" oxygen. You can skip this step if you have a ready supply of coarse material, like straw.

Once your compost pile is established, add new materials by mixing them in, rather than by adding them in layers. Mixing, or turning, the compost pile is key to aerating the composting materials and speeding the process to completion. 

NoteIf you want to buy a composter, rather than build your own compost pile, you may consider a buying a rotating compost tumbler which makes it easy to mix the compost regularly.

Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio
All compostable materials are either carbon or nitrogen-based, to varying degrees. The secret to a healthy compost pile is to maintain a working balance between these two elements.
 Carbon - carbon-rich matter (like branches, stems, dried leaves, peels, bits of wood, bark dust or sawdust pellets, shredded brown paper bags, corn stalks, coffee filters, conifer needles, egg shells, straw, peat moss, wood ash) gives compost its light, fluffy body.

Nitrogen - nitrogen or protein-rich matter (manures, food scraps, green lawn clippings and green leaves) provides raw materials for making enzymes.
A healthy compost pile should have much more carbon than nitrogen. A simple rule of thumb is to use one-third green and two-thirds brown materials. The bulkiness of the brown materials allows oxygen to penetrate and nourish the organisms that reside there. Too much nitrogen makes for a dense, smelly, slowly decomposing anaerobic mass. Good composting hygiene means covering fresh nitrogen-rich material, which can release odors if exposed to open air, with carbon-rich material, which often exudes a fresh, wonderful smell. If in doubt, add more carbon! 
Simplest Composting Methods
"No-turn" composting 
The biggest chore with composting is turning the pile from time to time. However, with 'no-turn composting', your compost can be aerated without turning. 

The secret is to thoroughly mix in enough coarse material, like straw, when building the pile. The compost will develop as fast as if it were turned regularly, and studies show that the nitrogen level may be even higher than with turned compost. 
With 'no-turn' composting, add new materials to the top of the pile, and harvest fresh compost from the bottom of the bin. This can be easily done in an Aerobin Composter, or a WIBO compost bin.
composting leaves~ Composting leaves
If you have too many leaves to incorporate into the compost bin, you can simply compost the pile of leaves by itself. Locate the pile where drainage is adequate; a shaded area will help keep the pile from drying out.

The leaf pile should be at least 4' in diameter and 3' in height. Include a layer of dirt between each foot of leaves. The pile should be damp enough that when a sample taken from the interior is squeezed by hand, a few drops of moisture will appear. The pile should not be packed too tightly.

The pile will compost in 4 - 6 months, with the material being dark and crumbly. Leaf compost is best used as an organic soil amendment and conditioner; it is not normally used as a fertilizer because it is low in nutrients.
~ Leaf-mould tea
You can also use leaves to make a nutrituous "tea" for your plants. Simply wrap a small pile of leaves in burlap and immerse in a garbage can or large bucket of water. Leave for three days, then remove the "tea bag" and dump contents into the compost. Scoop out the enriched water with a smaller bucket and use to water your plants and shrubs.
Enclosed Compost Bins
For small-scale outdoor composting, enclosed bins are the most practical. The least expensive method is to build one yourself from a heavy-duty garbage can. Simply drill 1.5-cm aeration holes in rows at roughly 15-cm intervals around the can. Fill the can with a mixture of high-carbon and high-nitrogen materials. Stir the contents occasionally to avoid anaerobic pockets and to speed up the composting process. If the lid is secure, the bin can be laid on its side and rolled; a length of 2" cedar ( use a 2x2 or a 2x4) can be bolted to the inside, running top to bottom, to help flip the material. Without this, the contents tend to stay in place while the bin is rolled. 

Another option is a compost bin, sometimes called a 'compost digester'. Compost bins are enclosed on the sides and top, and open on the bottom so they sit directly on the ground. These are common composting units for homes in residential areas where bins tend to be smaller, yet enclosed enough to discourage pests. These bins are inexpensive, but it is difficult to turn the compost, so it can take several months to produce compost. These bins are thin-walled plastic, and may chip along the edges, especially during a freeze.
The most efficient enclosed bin method is the compost tumbler. It's possible to maintain relatively high temperatures in drum/tumbler systems, both because the container acts as insulation and because the turning keeps the microbes aerated and active. An interior "paddle" aids aeration and prevents clumping of the composting materials. This greatly speeds up the composting process. 

An enclosed 'tumbler' system offer the following benefits:
- speeds up the composting process
- can compost year-round, due to higher internal temperature
- cannot be accessed by rodents, raccoons, dogs or other critters
- keeps compost neatly enclosed and odor-free, well-suited for residential areas

To learn more, see Compost Tumblers: Comparing different compost tumbler models
 compost tumbler
For more info, or to purchase a compost tumbler, click here
Tips for successful composting












Activate your compost.
'Activators' can be added to your compost to help kick-start the process and speed up composting. Common compost activator materials are: comfrey leaves, grass clippings, young weeds, well-rotted chicken manure. 

 Flying insects attracted to your compost?
Small fruit flies, especially, are naturally attracted to the compost pile. They can be discouraged by simply covering any exposed fruit or vegetable matter. Keep a small pile of grass clippings next to your compost bin, and when you add new kitchen waste to the pile, cover it with one or two inches of clippings. Adding lime or calcium will also discourage flies.

Unpleasant odors from your compost pile?
This can be a concern in urban and suburban areas with small lots and neighbors living close by. Odors can be reduced, or eliminated, by following two practices: first, remember to not put bones or meat scraps into the compost; second, cover new additions to the compost pile with dry grass clippings or similar mulch. Adding lime or calcium will also neutralize odors. If the compost smells like ammonia, add carbon-rich elements such as straw, peat moss or dried leaves.

Is your compost pile steaming?
No problem. A hot, steamy pile means that you have a large community of microscopic critters working away at making compost.

Is your compost pile soggy?
This is a common problem especially in winter when carbon-based materials are in short supply. You can restore your compost to a healthy nitrogen-carbon balance.
To learn how restore your compost pile, read our article "
How to fix a soggy compost pile". 

Matted leaves, grass clippings clumping together?
This is a common problem with materials thrown into the composter. The wet materials stick together and slow the aeration process. There are two simple solutions: either set these materials to the side of the composter and add them gradually with other ingredients, or break them apart with a pitchfork. Grass clippings and leaves should be mixed with rest of the composting materials for best results. 

Problems with raccoons?
If there's a population of raccoons in your area, they will be naturally attracted to your compost pile. The best solution to this problem is to bar their entry to the compost. (Traps and poisons are more trouble than they're worth.) A wood or metal lid can be easily hinged to the bin described above on this page, or you can buy a commercially-made compost bin with secure fitted lids which are pest-proof, such as the Aerobin,UCT-9 or Jora JK270

A moveable feast.
The soil beneath a compost bin becomes enriched as nutrients filter down with successive waterings. You can place your bin on a plot of earth which you plan to use for a future vegetable or flower bed, or fruit tree. Each year, you can move the bin to a different area; you'll get a double benefit - the compost from the bin, and a bed of nutrient-rich soil ready for new plantings.

Additive only.
Compost should be used as a soil additive, and not exclusivley as the growing medium. Compost is a source of rich organic matter which provides nutrients for growing plants, but should be thought of as one component of a healthy garden bed. To learn more about developing healthy soil, read our article: 
6 Tips for Building Soil in your Raised Garden Beds and Planters.

Take advantage of autumn's bounty.
The biggest challenge for small-scale backyard composting is finding enough carbon-rich materials to balance the regular input of nitrogen-rich materials which come from kitchen scraps, fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, grass clippings and other fresh materials. To learn how to make the most of autumn's bounty, read Autumn Composting Tips.

Composting and weed seeds
A liability in composting is the unexpected introduction of new weed seeds to your garden. This is caused by slow or incomplete composting which did not generate enough heat to kill any and all weed seeds. Weed seeds in compost are a nuisance because once the compost is transferred to your garden beds, the compost acts to fertilize the weeds and make them even more persistent!

With home compost bins or piles, the way to eliminate weed seeds is twofold:

1. Make sure your compost is hot enough. 
Reach your hand into the center of the pile - it should be almost too hot for comfort. Specifically, the temperature shoud be 130 - 150 degrees F. It takes about 30 days at 140 degrees to kill all weed seeds.

2. Mix your pile.
While your compost may be hot in the center of the mass, the outside of the pile is cooler, giving seeds a chance to survive. Mixing brings cooler material to the warmer area and also increases aeration which helps attain the higher heat levels. Compost tumblers are very useful for this.

If you are buying bedding for animals, mulch or carbon-rich material to bulk up your compost pile, be aware of introducing seeds to your garden, via the compost. For example, make sure to get straw, and not hay, since straw is mostly weed-free. Ask the sales staff if there have been any complaints about seeds in these products.
Below are a few samples. To see all the composters in our store, click here

Jora JK125 Compost Tumbler

Jora Insulated Compost Tumbler

~ Pest resistent dual chamber system: start a new batch while the first batch ages.
~ Insulated: great for colder climates and all-weather composting.
~ Ease of use: tumbles easily for maximum aeration. 

Click to learn more about the Jora JK270 Composter 

 compost tumbler
Urban Compost Tumbler - 9 cu ft
~ Large capacity: heated chamber produces up to 120lbs of compost per month.
~ Efficient material: Black 100% recycled plastic heats up quickly for faster composting.
~ Convenient design: Easy to position a wheelbarrow underneath. Large top opening.

Click to learn more about the Urban Compost Tumbler 9

Stainless Steel Compost Keeper
~ Prevent odors: carbon air filter in lid.
~ Attractive & Convenient: keep on your counter for easy access.

Click to learn more about the Stainless Steel Compost Keeper
Related Articles:

Autumn Composting Tips
How to build your own compost bin

Buy a compost bin
Buy a compost tumbler
Compost Tumblers: Comparing different compost tumbler models


If you’re planning to get serious about gardening it’s crucial you get to know your soil type. No matter how much work you do in your yard and garden, all that careful sowing, weeding and tending could be in vain if the quality of your soil is not up to scratch.

The soil provides your plants with the vital nutrients, water and air that they require for healthy growth and development. But each plot of ground has its own blend of minerals, organic and inorganic matter which largely determines what crops, shrubs or trees can be grown successfully.

Ideal soil conditions for specific crops can be created in contained plots such as raised bedsor planters, but for larger gardens and landscapes it helps to understand thecharacteristics of the soil you have to work with.

The Six Types of Soil

There are six main soil groups: clay, sandy, silty, peaty, chalky and loamy. They each have different properties and it is important to know these to make the best choices and get the most from your garden.

1. Clay Soil

Clay SoilClay soil feels lumpy and is sticky when wet and rock hard when dry. Clay soil is poor at draining and has few air spaces. The soil will warm up slowly in spring and it is heavy to cultivate. If the drainage for the soil is enhanced, then plants will develop and grow well as clay soil can be rich in nutrients.

Great for: Perennials and shrubs such as Helen’s Flower, Aster, Bergamot, Flowering quince. Early vegetable crops and soft berry crops can be difficult to grow in clay soil because of its cool, compact nature. Summer crop vegetables, however, can be high yielding vigorous plants. Fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs thrive on clay soils.

2. Sandy Soil

Sandy SoilSandy soil feels gritty. It drains easily, dries out fast and is easy to cultivate. Sandy soil warms up fast in spring and tends to hold fewer nutrients as these are often washed away during wetter spells. Sandy soil requires organic amendments such as glacial rock dustgreensandkelp meal, or other organic fertilizerblends. It also benefits from mulching to help retain moisture.

Great for: Shrubs and bulbs such as Tulips, Tree mallow, Sun roses, Hibiscus. Vegetable root crops like carrots, parsnips and potatoes favour sandy soils. Lettuce, strawberries, peppers, corn, squash, zucchini, collard greens and tomatoes are grown commercially in sandy soils.

3. Silty Soil

Silty SoilSilty soil feels soft and soapy, it holds moisture, is usually very rich in nutrients. The soil is easily cultivated and can be compacted with little effort. This is a great soil for your garden if drainage is provided and managed. Mixing in composted organic matter is usually needed to improve drainage and structure while adding nutrients.

Great for: Shrubs, climbers, grasses and perennials such as Mahonia, New Zealand flax. Moisture-loving trees such as Willow, Birch, Dogwood and Cypress do well in silty soils. Most vegetable and fruit crops thrive in silty soils which have adequate adequate drainage.

4. Peaty Soil

Peaty SoilPeaty soil is a darker soil and feels damp and spongy due to its higher levels of peat. It is an acidic soil which slows down decomposition and leads to the soil having fewer nutrients. The soil heats up quickly during spring and can retain a lot of water which usually requires drainage. Drainage channels may need to be dug for soils with high peat content. Peat soil is great for growth when blended with rich organic matter, compost and lime to reduce the acidity. You can also use soil amendments such as glacial rock dust to raise pH in acidic soils.

Great for: Shrubs such as Heather, Lantern Trees, Witch Hazel, Camellia, Rhododendron. Vegetable crops such as Brassicas, legumes, root crops and salad crops do well in well-drained peaty soils.

5. Chalky Soil

Chalky SoilChalky soil is larger grained and generally stonier compared to other soils. It is free draining and usually overlays chalk or limestone bedrock. The soil is alkaline in nature which sometimes leads to stunted growth and yellowish leaves – this can be resolved by using appropriate fertilizers and balancing the pH. Adding humus is recommended to improve water retention and workability.

Great for: Trees, bulbs and shrubs such as Lilac, Weigela, Madonna lilies, Pinks, Mock Oranges. Vegetables such as spinach, beets, sweet corn, and cabbage do well in chalky soils.

6. Loamy Soil

Loamy SoilLoamy soil, a relatively even mix of sand, silt and clay, feels fine-textured and slightly damp. It has ideal characteristics for gardening, lawns and shrubs. Loamy soil has great structure, adequate drainage, is moisture retaining, full of nutrients, easily cultivated and it warms up quickly in spring, but doesn’t dry out quickly in summer. Loamy soils require replenishing with organic matter regularly, and tend to be acidic.

Great for: Climbers. bamboos, perennials, shrubs and tubers such as Wisteria, Dog’s-tooth violets, Black Bamboo, Rubus, Delphinium. Most vegetable crops and berry crops will do well since loamy soil can be the most productive of soil types. However, loamy soil requires careful management to prevent depletion and drying out. Rotating crops, planting green manure crops, using mulches and adding compost and organic nutrients is essential to retain soil vitality.

Simple Tests to Help Determine Your Soil Type

The water test

Pour water onto your soil. If it drains quickly it is likely to be a sandy or gravelly soil, on clay soils the water will take longer to sink in.

Squeeze test

Grab a handful of soil and softly compress it in your fist.

  • If the soil is sticky and slick to the touch and remains intact and in the same shape when you let go it will be clay soil.
  • If the soil feels spongy it’s peaty soil; sandy soil will feel gritty and crumble apart.
  • Loamy and silty soils will feel smooth textured and hold their shape for a short period of time.

Settle test

Add a handful of soil to a transparent container, add water, shake well and then leave to settle for 12 hours.

  • Clay & silty soils will leave cloudy water with a layer of particles at the bottom.
  • Sandy soils will leave the water mostly clear and most of the particles will fall, forming a layer on the base of the container.
  • Peaty soils will see many particles floating on the surface; the water will be slightly cloudy with a thin layer at the bottom.
  • Soils that are chalky will leave a layer of whitish, grit-like fragments on the bottom of the container and the water will be a shade of pale grey.
  • If the water is quite clear with layered particles on the bottom of the container with the finest particle at the top – this soil is likely to be a loamy one.

Acid test

The standard pH for soils usually ranges between 4.0 and 8.5. Plants favor soil which has a pH between 6.5 and 7 because this is the level where nutrients and minerals naturally thrive. You canbuy a pH test kit here, or from a local garden center. As a general rule, in areas with soft water you will have acid soil and hard water areas will tend to have alkaline soil.

Soil test kit

Use a soil test kit to assess primary nutrients (N-P-K) as well as pH levels. By testing your soil, you determine its exact condition so you can fertilize more effectively and economically. Soil should be tested periodically throughout the growing season.

How to make the most of your soil, whatever the type

Plants generally prefer neutral soil but it’s worth bearing in mind that some favor slightly acid or alkaline soils. Regardless of the pH of your soil it is possible to adjust the level slightly to make it more hospitable to the type of plants you want to grow. Remember this is only temporary, so it’s advised to make the most from the soil type you have.

Mixing compostAdding ground lime to your soil will make it more alkaline and aluminium sulfate or sulfur will help to make your soil more acidic.

If your soil is low in nutrients (like sandy soil), try supply it with organic matter such as compost and manure to enrich the soil and improve its texture. Use organic mulches such as straw, dried grass clippings and deciduous leaves. These mulches break down and incorporate into the soil, building a new supply of organic nutrients while improving the soil structure.

Clay soil is often not aerated enough and is deficient in good structure which makes it more difficult for successful growing. To get the most out of clay soil it’s best to add large quantities of well-rotted organic matter in the fall and peat a few weeks before planting. Greensand can also be used to loosen heavy clay soils or bind sandy soils.

It is often difficult to cultivate in chalky soil due to its alkaline nature. To help rectify this add bulky organic matter which breaks down over time, adding nutrients and minerals to the soil.

Make sure your soil is healthy.

It’s a good idea to regard your soil as living as your plants – it too needs food and water. Make sure it contains the three main nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) which are vital to growing plants effectively. Organic matter and fertilizers are rich in these.

After a crop is harvested the soil needs to be renewed before planting a successive crop. Many gardeners plant ‘green manure’ crops such as legumes, buckwheat, vetch and clover which fix nitrogen into the soil while building texture, improving aeration and drainage and adding organic matter. These cover crops are tilled in before they go to seed, and break down quickly so a new harvestable crop can be planted without much delay.

Crop rotation, green manures and cover crops, the use of mulch and the periodic addition of organic materials like compost and fertilizer are standard ways of restoring soil health after crop harvests. Rock phosphate, or rock dust, is also a valued amendment to restore phosphorus levels needed for vigorous plant growth.

If you can, introduce and encourage living organisms to your soil. The fungus Mycorrhize will aid your plants in the absorption of water and nutrients and worms will help speed up the composting process and help spread fertilizer through the soil.

When you first start out this can all seem very complicated but by identifying your soil type it will make the growing and maintaining of a healthy garden a lot easier. Remember, it’s well worth the trouble as your soil type is never going to change!


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Use of insecticides in the West Bank is shown. The investigation showed that with higher average temperatures even more insecticides are used and therefore streams are more at risk in warmer regions than in colder.

Leipzig/ Landau. Streams within approx. 40% of the global land surface are at risk from the application of insecticides. These were the results from the first global map to be modelled on insecticide runoff to surface waters, which has just been published in the journal Environmental Pollution by researchers from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the University of Koblenz-Landau together with the University of Milan, Aarhus University and Aachen University. According to the publication, particularly streams in the Mediterranean, the USA, Central America and Southeast Asia are at risk.

Unlike other chemicals, agricultural pesticides are intentionally applied to the environment to help farmers control insects, weeds and other potentially harmful pests threatening agricultural production. They can therefore affect land ecosystems but also surface waters from runoff. According to estimates, ca. 4 million tons of agricultural pesticides are applied annually, equating to an average of 0.27 kilograms per hectare of the global land surface. „We know from earlier investigations for example that pesticides can reduce the biodiversity of invertebrates in freshwater ecosystems by up to 42 percent and that we can expect an increased application of pesticides as a result of climate change", explains Prof. Dr. Matthias Liess from the UFZ, who was recently appointed to a term of five years on the scientific advisory board "National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products" where he advises the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Liess warns of an increase in the application of pesticides in many developing countries as farmers increasingly switch from traditionally extensive agricultural practices to more intensive ones. Until now the global extent of the potential water pollution from the application of insecticides has remained largely unknown.

The international team of scientists therefore came up with a global model with a raster of ca. ten kilometres, into which agricultural data from FAO and land use data from NASA among other data were entered. Annual average temperatures and monthly maximum precipitation measurements from around 77,000 weather stations were also taken into account. Following that, the researchers then estimated the so-called runoff potential (RP), in other words the amount of insecticides that enters streams and rivers through the rainwater from agricultural land. „In this respect, daily rainfall intensity, terrain slope, and insecticide application rate play an equally important role as well as the crops cultivated", explains junior professor Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer from the University of Koblenz-Landau. „In order to test such complex models, we therefore carried out control measurements of insecticide contamination in freshwater ecosystems from four different regions".

Several world maps were produced: the vulnerability map only takes into account the geographic and climatic background. The risk map on the other hand shows the risks from this natural vulnerability through anthropogenic land use. In Central Europe, scientists largely assessed the risk for water bodies as medium to high. In the northern hemisphere, insecticide runoff presented an overall more significant latitudinal gradient. „The risks of insecticide exposure to water bodies increased significantly the further South one travelled on a North-South gradient in Europe, North America and Asia, mainly driven by a higher insecticide application rate as a result of higher average temperatures", Dr. Mira Kattwinkel reports, who is now conducting research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). Because the economy and the population are growing rapidly in many countries of the southern hemisphere, scientists expect a higher insecticide application rate in those countries in the future to cover an increase in agricultural production. The map could therefore still change colour considerably in other parts of the world. At the moment it is water bodies in the Mediterranean, the USA, Central America and Southeast Asia that are particularly vulnerable.

In Southeast Asia, countries such as the Philippines or Vietnam are greatly affected for example. UFZ researchers are looking into solutions for such regions within the framework of the LEGATO-project together with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), in an attempt to reduce pesticide application rates. one approach for example could be to revitalise the functioning of ecosystems so that the natural competitors of rice pests can help to avoid their mass reproduction and subsequent harvest yield losses.

„Our analysis provides a global map of hotspots for insecticide contamination that are a major risk for biodiversity in water bodies. To our knowledge this is the first study that assesses insecticide contamination of water bodies on a global scale", Prof. Dr. Matthias Liess summarizes the significance of the new investigation. The researchers intend to use the global map to sensitize citizens and authorities about this issue in vulnerable regions and to incite local investigations. Buffer zones along the edge of water bodies can significantly reduce negative impacts for example. Efficient environmental management and conservation efforts in the future should focus on informing authorities and farmers about the costs, impacts and alternatives. Ultimately, mitigation and management takes place at the local level, determining the extent to which a water body will be affected under the application of such chemicals.



Alessio Ippolito, Mira Kattwinkel, Jes J. Rasmussen, Ralf B. Schäfer, Riccardo Fornaroli, Matthias Liess (2015): Modeling global distribution of agricultural insecticides in surface waters. Environmental Pollution, Volume 198, March 2015, Pages 54-60, ISSN 0269-7491, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2014.12.016

J.H. Spangenberg, J.-M. Douguet, J. Settele, K.L. Heong (2015): Escaping the lock-in of continuous insecticide spraying in rice. Developing an integrated ecological and socio-political DPSIR analysis. Ecological Modelling, Volume 295, 10 January 2015, Pages 188-195, ISSN 0304-3800, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.05.010

Further information:

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) 
Prof. Dr. Matthias Liess 
Phone: +49 (0)341-235-1263 


Institute for Environmental Sciences / University of Koblenz-Landau 
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer 
Phone: +49 (0)6341 280-31536 

or via

Tilo Arnhold, Susanne Hufe (UFZ press office) 
Phone: +49 (0)341-235-1635, -1630 


Kerstin Theilmann (press office of the University of Koblenz-Landau) 
Phone: +49 (0)6341 280-32219 

Further Links:

Pesticides significantly reduce biodiversity in aquatic environments (Press release, 17 June 2013): http://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=31771

Study: Pesticide authorisation procedures fail to adequately protect biodiversity in rivers (Press release, 31 May 2012): http://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=30499

Insecticides an increasing problem in future for streams in Europe (Press release, 6 December 2011):http://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=22378

LEGATO - a major international project on sustainable development of rice ecosystems in Southeast Asia (Press release, 14 June 2011): http://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=21842

Pesticides - Easier detection of pollution and impact in rivers (Press release, 4 September 2009): http://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=18595

First forecast of the ecological risks associated with plant protection products in Europe (Press release, 2 October 2007): http://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=14970


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