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농업을 배우자 4 -가축 http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/resources/pdfs/learning-agricultures-module-4-full learning-module4-preview.pdf Module 4 seeks to engage people in discussions about small-scale livestock systems - both sedentary and pastoralist. There is currently an inherent bias against small-scale or backyard livestock systems, and especially against smallholder pastoralist systems. Rese.. 2013. 1. 30.
농업을 배우자 3 -작부체계 http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/resources/pdfs/learning-agricultures-module-3-full learning-module3-preview.pdf Module 3 describes different aspects of small-scale cropping systems, with particular attention to mixed cropping practices. It describes recent advances in the development of crop biotechnologies, such as genetic engineering and formal seed systems, which have ha.. 2013. 1. 30.
농업을 배우자 2 -흙과 물 http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/resources/pdfs/learning-agricultures-module-2-full learning-module2-preview.pdf This module discusses different aspects of soil and water systems, and reflects on soil and water sustainability issues for small-scale farming in particular. Certain principles about soil and water systems are common to all farms – such as how nutrient cycl.. 2013. 1. 30.
농업을 배우자 1 -지속가능한 소농 http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/resources/pdfs/learning-agricultures-module-1-full learning-module1-preview.pdf About 1.4 billion people around the world depend on small-scale farming for their livelihoods. In spite of their tremendous diversity, small-scale farmers share some common characteristics, such as being family-based, having a smaller size, and being engaged in a .. 2013. 1. 30.
먹노린재 먹노린재 Rice black bug 기주 및 분포 산기슭의 낙엽 밑을 비롯하여 제방, 논둑의 고사된 잡초속, 토양의 틈새, 돌밑에서 성충태로 월동한다. 형태 어른벌레의 몸 길이는 8~10mm이며, 몸색은 진한 흑색이다. 전흉배판의 가장자리 전면의 극상돌기는 앞으로 뾰쪽하게 돌출되어 있고, 뒷면 가장.. 2013. 1. 27.
일제강점기 쌀 생산량과 인구 1914년부터 1933년도까지의 쌀생산과 관련한 당시 일본인의 논문이 있어 그 논문에서의 그 자료를 가져왔습니다. 년도 쌀생산량 (만석) 단보당 생산량(석) 일본반출량 (만석) 반출율 조선내 쌀소비량(만석) 1인당 연간 쌀소비량(석) 일본 조선 1914 1,413 0.952 114 8% 1,299 0.98 0.69 1915 1,285 0.858 221 17%.. 2013. 1. 25.